How to take the promised payment on A1: step-by-step instructions, capabilities and features of the service. Useful USSD requests on Velcom Connect using the voice menu

USSD is a wonderful service that is completely underrated. But it allows you to quickly organize interaction in interactive mode between the subscriber and the service application. To use it you only need a regular mobile phone, and the amount of money in the account does not matter.


Knowing the composition of characters and numbers, usually from three to ten, you can instantly, within literally a few seconds, obtain the necessary information regarding telecommunications services and options. All you need is:

  • pick up a mobile phone;
  • type a specific command using the keyboard;
  • click on the call function;
  • Read the required information on the screen in the form of a pop-up message.

There is no need to do any other manipulations. The service operates free of charge.


Of course, it’s not easy to remember all velcom commands, but you can write them down in your phone book and use them without problems:

Special conditions

All Velcom clients, without exception, can use the service. Neither the tariff plan, nor the payment terms, nor the subscriber status can affect this opportunity. The commands are effective both when the subscriber is within his home country and when he is roaming. Message texts are not saved in the phone device. If necessary, the request can be sent an infinite number of times.

Operating principle in all telephone devices the same, but the menu display may vary. While responding to a request, a dialog box may appear to contact the user. The subscriber's choice of answer to the system question must be made using numbers.

Even if the phone is set to Cyrillic, responses to requests in the form of USSD commands may come in Latin. This is due to the fact that large texts are automatically translated into Latin mode through transliteration. But it is not difficult to read them, since familiar writing is conveyed using Latin characters.

Cellular companies in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries provide a lot of opportunities designed to simplify the lives of their customers. Sets of options are usually standard. But there are also a number of differences. And this is logical, because any operator must create something that will be of interest to its consumers. And this “trick” should be absent from competitors.

Regarding the communication provider Velcom from Belarus, it does not have much of what alternative operators provide. In terms of variety of possibilities, it loses to its rivals. But at the same time, many consumers “sit” on it. Over time, they have a question about a service called “Promised Payment”. Is it possible to receive such a payment on Velcom? We'll talk about this today.

« Trust payment“(Promised) is an extremely useful service that allows you to top up your subscriber account “on credit” at the expense of the operator. The ability to pay for communications or Internet access “on credit” allows you to use mobile communications even when negative balance.

If for some reason the subscriber does not have financial resources or simply does not have an ATM or payment terminal nearby, then he will be able to activate the “Promised Payment” using a mobile gadget or his “ Personal account" “Borrowed” finance will be issued only for a specific period of time and only in a specified amount sufficient to renew communication services.

Does “Promised Payment” exist on Velcom? Alternative service option: how to use

Today Velcom provides consumers with a lot of different options, including mobile TV. But such a service as “Promised Payment”, which is necessary for many subscribers, is still missing.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the cellular company’s policy - people do not need “Trusted” funds, because then they will stop systematically replenishing the pockets of Velcom management. For a similar reason, the operator does not have such useful option, as “Transfer of funds” between subscribers. Although it is provided by 98% of all cellular companies.

Alternative service option

The cellular company Velcom offers its customers to take advantage of alternative option"Promised payment." Although this offer cannot completely replace the opportunity, it can slightly speed up the procedure for replenishing a subscriber account.

An alternative from Velcom is "Registration of payment." Its essence is as follows: If a consumer has deposited funds into his balance, but for unknown reasons they have not yet arrived, then the subscriber can ask the operator to transfer the amount deposited to his balance instantly.

Of course, the real finances then go into the pocket of the cellular company. Velcom does not have a “trust payment” as such. A service called “Payment Registration” simply speeds up the delivery of money to consumers. Well, thanks for that.

You can't hope for anything better or more from this cellular company. As an official representative of the operator once stated, management does not even have plans to develop such a service in the near future. This leads to only one thought: the operator treats its own consumers solely as a tool for generating income. Their needs are not subject to consideration. There is also no need to talk about convenience for the average client. Welkom will never implement the “Promised Payment”. You just have to come to terms with this.

How to use “Payment Registration”

There are two methods for activating the service called “Payment Registration”, both of them are simple and accessible to every subscriber:

1. Via USSD command— the consumer needs to type a command on his gadget *141*1# , and then make a call. The display will display the notification “Enter the payment date in dd/mm/yy format.” We write down the date stamped on the check. Next, we indicate the amount of payment (also indicated on the check) and the place of its implementation - the structure through which the funds were deposited (1 - bank branch; 2 - credit card; 3 - post office; 4 - Velcom operator department). That's the whole process.

2. By calling customer service— the subscriber needs to call the service number 410 or 411 and ask a company specialist to activate the service. The operator will also need to dictate all the details of the payment made, which are indicated on the receipt.

Note! The service called “Payment Registration” is not available to every subscriber. Only those clients who use tariff plans with a prepaid payment system have the right to use it. It is not available to other subscribers.

New service from Velcom: V-wallet or +100 rubles for expenses

Since mid-summer, the cellular company Velcom has introduced a new financial service called “V-wallet”, which was presented earlier at the TIBO-2017 exhibition. Now the company’s clients have the right to receive an amount with a limit of 100 rubles. to pay for services and purchase goods using a smartphone.

You can receive funds through an application called V-banking. Money can actually be used to pay for services through ERIP- starting with utility bills and ending with payment for changing your passport. Finance can also be spent on purchasing any product in online stores presented in the ERIP.

The received financial limit must be used before the 20th of the following month. After that, you need to repay it, similar to the services cellular communication. Depending on the date when the financial limit was used up, the installment period may be 21−50 days. Interest is not accrued for the use of “credit” funds under the terms of the service.

But you still have to pay a subscription fee for using the “V-wallet” itself. It is equal to 3 rubles. There is no subscription fee for the first month of use.

On this moment“V-wallet” can only be used by those Velcom clients who are individuals. In this case, it does not matter at all which banking institution the subscriber uses, and whether he uses it at all.

Video review from a user mobile operator“Welcome and how to deal with it”:

USSD requests are simple and quick way get from the operator mobile communications necessary information. All you have to do is enter the required request on your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember them all. So save and use the HF directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the balance status at the time of request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee

Information on the amount of the monthly payment, the remaining amount to pay for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions

The balance of included minutes of the velcom international service is 100/250, the balance of Internet traffic of the “ITV velcom” service package

Information about the amount payable according to the last invoice issued, for clients working without prepayment

Information on the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within a Closed Subscriber Group (CLG)

The total number of minutes used when calling a “favorite” number (tariff plans “Pair”, “Time for pairs”)

Opportunity quick shutdown communication services for debt

Registration of an unconfirmed payment

Checking the balance of a subscriber of the Privetik tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers whose number is assigned as a “favorite” by the subscriber of the Privetik tariff plan)

*101*Privetik subscriber number#

“Waiting for a call”: the subscriber whose number was specified will receive an SMS notification asking them to call you back indicating your number.

*131*company subscriber number#

Top up your account with an express payment card

Change postal address delivery of invoices by e-mail

Repeat invoice for a closed period by e-mail

Opting out of receiving invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about the subscriber's connected services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Phone number and tariff plan information

Changing tariff plan

Information about your number in international format

Setting/cancelling a ban on listening to ACCA news

Receiving USSD messages in transliteration

Receiving USSD messages in Russian

Setting/cancelling a ban on the use of conditional forwarding in roaming

Connecting packages of minutes to all networks

“Back in touch”: all velcom subscribers who called you while you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are in touch again

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Connecting/disabling the “Stopitsot” service (available to subscribers of the “Kedy” and “Polukedy” tariff plans)

Connecting/disabling the “Anti-identifier” service

Connecting/disabling the Melofon service

Connecting/changing your “favorite” number (not available on tariff plans“Own network”, “BUSINESS.PRO”, “BUSINESS.PRO.WEB”)

Connecting/disabling the Pause service

Connecting/disconnecting ISSA

Obtaining an ISSA password

Connecting/disconnecting/changing a package within the “Director’s package” service for the Manager+ tariff plan

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Receiving settings for the Mobile Internet service, MMS, streaming video (“Mobile TV”), all available

Receiving a test MMS

Connecting/disabling the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing/deleting an application to change the Mobile Internet service package

Connect/disconnect MMS

Information about the connected Mobile Internet service package and access point

Information about the activated package of the Mobile Internet service, the cost of the package and the date of the next write-off of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Connecting/disabling the Anti-Virus service

Connecting/disabling the Firewall service

Connecting/disabling the service " Children's Internet»

Connecting additional traffic to WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Connection to the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Disabling the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of the services “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business”

To take the promised payment to Velcom, you will have to use alternative options that perform the same function, since the operator does not provide the same service. But there are other options that allow you to defer payment for the company’s communications for certain time. Let's consider available options Velcom, their features and limitations.

At the moment, the operator does not provide the “Promised Payment” service. Instead, subscribers can connect two alternative options with similar functionality:

  • "Available balance";
  • "Payment upon delivery."

The role of the promised payment is performed by the first service. Below are the conditions for its provision.

“Available balance” allows you to use all operator services, including Internet access, calls and SMS, when there are no funds in the account. To do this, the operator sets an appropriate limit, within which the subscriber may not immediately pay for the options provided.

Features of connection and its cost are shown using the example of the “Privet” tariff plan. Calls + Internet."

Basic conditions of limits:

  • 1 rub. - one-time payment is 0.05 rubles;
  • 3 rub. - for 0.15 rubles;
  • 2 rub. - with a contribution of 0.10 rubles;
  • the service is valid for 7 days from the moment of connection, after the end of the period it is necessary to top up the account taking into account the specified amount;
  • individuals can connect their balance using the PRIVET, “Communication without Obligations” or “Active” tariffs;
  • there is no charge for using limits subscription fee, one-time fee only;
  • The cash equivalent of the limit is also not paid.

Conditions may also be different for different tariff plans. You can find out the exact numbers only through the special combination *111#. This should be done in advance, since not all subscribers will be able to take the limit.

All prices in the article are indicated in Belarusian rubles.

How to take the “Promised payment” on Velcom

Connection and management of the service is carried out through an interactive menu, which can be called using the special command *111#. There, the subscriber can find out the limits available to him and the existing restrictions on using the option at the current tariff.


When activating the option, you should remember that there are certain restrictions. Basic:

  • a subscriber who has been a Velcom client for more than one month can activate the service;
  • the option is valid for only seven days, after which you need to top up your balance in order to use all the operator’s services again;
  • the user is limited by the available limits - from 1 to 3 rubles, they are set depending on his spending on communications for one payment period (month);
  • legal entities cannot use this service;
  • the option is not available on tariff plans other than those indicated;
  • there should be no outstanding debts on the subscriber account;
  • If the SIM card is financially blocked, you cannot connect the “Available Balance”.

Subject to the mentioned conditions and restrictions, the subscriber can use the option without any problems and not pay for communication all 7 days before its expiration. This is especially convenient if it is not possible to top up your account immediately, but the operator’s services are required continuously.

Alternative methods

Another deferred payment option is the “Payment upon delivery” option. She allows Velcom subscriber use the operator’s services with a negative balance for a month. This option provides a postpaid payment system.


  • making calls with a negative balance;
  • connecting services without making an advance payment;
  • setting up automatic payment through banking organizations;
  • payment for communications is made once a month;
  • payments can be made during the month, but the amount must be transferred to the balance no later than the 12th day of each month;
  • the subscriber pays for communications according to the invoice, which is no different from a regular balance replenishment;
  • You can find out the exact amount using the command *100*5#, all active options will be included in the invoice;
  • in every next month the necessary funds are debited automatically before the 10th;
  • Clients who have entered into fixed-term contracts and persons who have activated PRIVET tariffs cannot activate the service.

You can activate the option through the command - just enter *145#. Or when calling number 41113. If the connection is successful, the subscriber will receive a corresponding notification via SMS message.

The service is provided to all subscribers who are individuals. This option is not available on some tariff plans.

In Belarus, one of the leading operators has provided two convenient options that allow you not to lose connection when your balance is zero or negative. Subscribers can choose one of available options depending on your needs, be it a postpaid payment system or a certain limit of funds for a week.

Using USSD commands, You can receive background information about the services of the mobile operator "Velcom", connect and disconnect them. To do this, you need to perform a simple action - dial a certain combination of characters on your smartphone.

General rules for using commands

The USSD commands you send do not remain in the gadget’s memory. You can also use requests while roaming. Of course, the roaming partner must support USSD.
Using the USSD menu is free. If you connect to paid service, the system will warn you about the cost.

Please note: the USSD request must begin with an asterisk (*) and end with a hash (#).

Between these characters you need to type short number the operation being performed. After typing a combination of characters, press call.

Checking the balance and remaining Internet traffic

Using these commands, you can check your account status, find out how many minutes you have left, SMS, MMS, megabytes of mobile Internet, top up your mobile phone, refuse to receive bills on email etc.

Operation name USSD command
Checking account balance *100#
Find out how many minutes, SMS, MMS, megabytes of mobile Internet are left *100*1#
Find out how much you have to pay monthly *100*3#
How many minutes are left within the “Velcom international 100/250” service, megabytes within the “ITV Velcom” service *100*4#
Debt information for contract subscribers *100*5#
Information about the number of call minutes in closed group subscribers *100*11#
Find out the remaining megabytes in “Roaming.Online” *100*12#
Checking the possibility of quickly disconnecting services in the presence of debt *100*51#
Registration of a payment that was not confirmed *141*1#
How to check how much money is left in the account of a Privetik plan subscriber *101*subscriber number#
"Please call me back". The person will receive an SMS from you asking you to call back *131*subscriber number#
Top up your mobile phone with a quick payment card *141*4#
Change the e-mail to which invoices are issued *141*5*1#
Repeat invoice for closed period *141*5*2#
Opt out of receiving invoices by email *141*5*3#

Service information and management

The USSD commands presented in this block are intended to view information about connected services, number and tariff, switch to contract and prepayment, etc.

Operation name Request code
What services have I activated? *141*2*2#
What services can I connect *141*3#
My phone number and current tariff plan *141*2*1#
How to change the tariff *141*3*4#
View the number in international format *147#
Disable the What's New service *404*0#
How to activate the “What’s New” service *404*1#
How to enable or disable SMS messaging *114*1#
Enable listening to ACCA news or disable this service *114*2#
Setting up the reception of USSD messages in Latin letters *115*0#
Receiving USSD messages in Russian *115*1#
Conditional forwarding in roaming *117#
How to connect minutes to all operators *118#
"Back in touch" service. Your subscribers will receive an SMS message indicating that they can call you *133#
Switch to contract *145#
Switch to prepayment *145*9#
Caller ID service. Connecting (disabling) the service *200*2#
Melofon service. How to connect or disconnect it *424#
"Voice mail" *441#
How to connect or change your “favorite number” *141*3*3#
"Pause" service *141*3*5#
ISSA, connection and disconnection *141*3*6#
How to get the ISSA password *141*0#
How to connect, disconnect, change the package for Manager Plus users and the “Director’s package” services *141*6#
USSD help *141*9*1#

MMS and mobile internet management

Operation to be performed USSD code
Set up mobile Internet, MMS, and Mobile Television service on your phone *135*0#
Checking MMS, receiving a test message *135*0*5#
How to connect or disconnect Mobile Internet, change the megabyte package *135*1#
How to enable or disable MMS *135*2#
Information about the connected megabyte package *135*3*1#
Information about the connected megabyte package, its price and the date when money for the service will be debited from your account *135*3*2#
How to find out your static IP *135*4#
How to enable (disable) Antivirus *135*5*1#
How to enable (disable) the Firewall service *135*5*2#
"Children's Internet". How to connect or disconnect *135*5*3#
How to get extra megabytes. For users of WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16 tariffs *135*7#

Roaming service management

Operation name Request code
How can I activate the International Calls service? *141*3*1*1#
Cancel the “International Calls” service *141*3*1*2#
Connect to the “Velcom international” service *141*3*1*3*1#
Refuse from the “Velcom international” service *141*3*1*3*2#
Start using the International Roaming service *141*3*2*1#
Cancel the “International Roaming” service *141*3*2*2#
Subscribe to the “Roaming.Vacation” service package *141*3*2*3*1#
Connect (or disconnect) to “Roaming.Business” *141*3*2*3*2#
"Roaming.Online". Connection. *141*3*2*3*3#
Viewing information about Velcom partners in roaming *141*3*2*4#
Validity period of “Roaming.Vacation”, “Roaming.Business” *141*3*2*3*4#

What is Balance Plus?

The mobile operator Velcom has the Balance+ service. With it you can find out which Additional services available for connection. Relevant information may be displayed as a response to *100#.

To activate (deactivate) the Balance Plus service, dial *149# and press call.

"Balance Plus" can be used to connect services:

  • "King of the Hill";
  • "English Lessons";
  • SMS subscription;
  • USSD-sport;
  • "Laughter Challenge";
  • "Fanbox";
  • "Surprise."