How to make contact invisible. A safe way to enter VKontakte invisible. How to enter VK invisible from your phone - online

Hello dear friends! Today we will work with you interesting things. We will learn how to send messages and follow the news on Vkontakte, while having offline status. Today I will teach you how to put invisibility on Vkontakte. This is very handy if you don't want other users to see that you are online.

Let's not pour water then and move on to practice

Invisible VK through a computer

If you most often access the social network Vkontakte through desktop computer or a laptop, then it would be best for you to install a plug-in on the browser from which you access the social network in order to hide your presence with it. There is such a plugin, we already talked about it in an article about. This is a plugin from website. Go to it and install it on your browser.

We have a plugin icon in the upper right corner of the browser in the form of a fox face. To be invisible, we do not open our VK page, but simply click on the plugin icon. Here we already watch everything we need: we watch the news of friends or groups:

If you go to the "People" tab, then we can send a private message to any person who is our friend, while being invisible:

You can light up only if you accidentally go to a friend's page on Vkontakte or reply to a message.

We figured out the computer, now let's move on to Android devices

How to become invisible on your phone

If you are for communication social network Vkontakte often use a smartphone or tablet, it would be logical to assume that in order to turn on the invisible mode you need some kind of application. We will install Kate Mobile.

For this we go to google play and look for it through the search. After we install:

We launch the application, in the upper corner we click on the menu in the form of three vertical dots and select the "Settings" item from the drop-down list:

In the next step, click on the "Online" item:

A window pops up in which you need to put the switch in the “Be offline if possible” position:

That's it, now you can safely surf the news and pages of other Vkontakte users, while being in stealth mode. It is impossible to leave notes on the wall at this moment, otherwise you will light up and the whole conspiracy will be lost.

Forums and social networks provide ample opportunities for communication. But you don’t always want to enter into dialogues and not with everyone. Often there is a desire to be invisible in the chat or to quietly wander through other people's profiles. In Odnoklassniki, you can close your profile and buy stealth mode. On the VKontakte network, you can become invisible absolutely free of charge.

Have you heard about the secret menu that is available in the standard application client? Then read carefully: our information will please you, and the instructions will help you “disappear” at the right time. The best part is that to enable stealth mode, you don’t even need ROOT rights to the device (everything is already in the menu of the official application - in “debug mode”).

Step-by-step instructions for enabling stealth mode:

1) Open official client VK;

3) Click on the image itself " dogs» 5 times (After clicking, no notification will appear on the screen);

4) Close the VK application;

5) We go into the dialer of the phone itself;

6) Enter the code in the dialing line *#*#856682583#*#* (you do not need to press the call button) - the screen should open " VK debug mode»;

7) Find the item " Invisible” and put a tick in front of it.

8) We go to the main menu of the phone, open the VK application (done, you are invisible).

Note: If nothing happened after dialing the code (item 7), then you need to use the Secret Codes program.

Additional feature: Also, in addition to turning on the "Invisible" mode, in the same secret menu you can turn off ads - find the item " Disable ads” and mark it with a checkmark.

Advice: It is advisable not to touch the remaining items so as not to bring down the functioning of the client itself.

I welcome you to the site.

Social networks are designed primarily for communication. But sometimes we need to do work on VKontakte, for example, place ads, add materials to our group, write a post, take courses. Sometimes you just want to turn on the music on your page.

We go to the site, friends see us online and begin to greet, write messages. If we answer, it is impossible to complete the task. We ignore the messages - friends may be offended. Therefore, today we will figure out how to turn on the invisibility of VKontakte in order to create comfortable conditions for ourselves.

Until 2017, VK had a feature that allowed you to hide your presence from other users. But the developers removed it, like many others, for example, the ability to hide friends. In 2018, staying incognito has become more difficult. Today we will analyze the available and safe options and touch on methods that are best avoided.

The easiest way to turn on invisibility

To listen to music, view posts in communities, videos or news, you can use this technique. We go into private messages and just do nothing for 15 minutes. After that, the inscription that you are online should go out, and friends will not know that you are on the site.

This method works through a computer and phone if you use a browser and not an application. To make sure everything worked, try viewing your page from another device without logging in. Or ask a close friend to check your status. Now you can go to communities, view news, listen to music. But if you go to your page or visit another user, your status will immediately change to “Online”.

In order not to go into messages every time and not to wait, you can bookmark a page in your browser that is different from the main profile section. For example, Then you can remain invisible from the first minute of your stay on the site until you go to your own or someone else's page. Please note that when you close the tab, the system will save the time of the last real entry into VK and show it in the profile. That is, guests will know when you were on the site.

As you can see, this option is inconvenient because you cannot go to your page unnoticed, but only to other sections of the site, for example, to listen to music. But that's the administration's policy.

I must say that it is impossible to completely bypass this decision of the owners of the social network, all methods work only partially. As soon as you write a message or refresh your page, you immediately discover your presence.

How to enable invisibility on mobile

IN old version The official VK application, including on the iPhone, had a secret feature that allowed you to hide the entrance to it from other people.

IN new program there is no such possibility. If you want to become invisible by accessing the social network from your mobile, you need to download in Play market Kate mobile app. It is only available on Android.

So, we go to the store, find the program we need and click "Install".

In the list you need to find the word "Online", and under it the inscription "Invisible settings". We go here and see 3 points:

  • "Online" - allows you to show or hide your login to VK from your phone.
  • "Close unread." If you put a tick in front of this inscription, then you can read messages so that the interlocutor will not know about it.
  • "Typing" - shows or hides the fact that you are typing a message.

We are most interested in the first tab, click on it and note that we want to stay offline as much as possible. The application suggests what not to do in order to go unnoticed by the system and its users:

  • update messages, page, news;
  • post on the wall;
  • send messages to friends.

If you follow these rules and sit quietly on VKontakte without attracting attention, then you can remain invisible.

Other ways to hide your presence in VK

There are programs third party developers for PC and mobile devices. Previously, they allowed to hide their appearance on the network. But the reality is that the administration of the social network does not want its users to hide their presence on the site, and has taken serious measures for this. So the detours were closed.

If you decide to install applications such as VKfox, VKlife or log into your account from, be aware that they no longer allow you to be offline while sitting in VK. Other functions may work, but as soon as you write a message, go to your page or someone else's page, other users will know that you are online.

That is, they act in the same way as the first and second methods described in this article. Therefore, it makes no sense to install a third-party application.

If we go to the VKfox website, we will see this picture.

We conclude that the software product is not supported. Yes, it is in the form of browser extensions, but you can also see there that there have been no updates since 2016.

The creators of VKlife in their group wrote a message to users in 2017.

Since then, there have been no new messages from the developers. The program can be downloaded and used, but judging by the reviews, the stealth mode has really ceased to be supported.

When reading articles advising you to use one of these programs, pay attention to the date, most likely the post was written before 2016. And in 2017, after the global update of VKontakte, all of them ceased to fulfill their functions.

When using unverified applications, remember that there is a risk of getting computer virus. In addition, to authorize through any of them, you need to enter your username and password from your VK account. This can lead to data loss and page hacking. If you use programs that you are not sure about, it is better to change the password after work.


There are 3 safest ways to enable invisibility in VK:

  1. Go to messages and do nothing for 15 minutes.
  2. Enter not through your page, but by entering the address of another section of the site.
  3. Use mobile app Kate Mobile.

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choose what is closer and more convenient for you. Write your thoughts in the comments, ask questions and share information with friends.

I say goodbye to you. All the best and see you again.

Hello dear readers of my blog! The topic of today's article will, in my opinion, be very useful for all people who spend a lot of time on social networks. And our topic, as you can see from the title of the article, "How to sit Vkontakte offline." That is, to be in VK: watch the news, post something on your wall, talk to someone, but do it in such a way that everyone else thinks that you are not online.

Indeed, I think everyone will agree with me that there are situations when you urgently need to go to VK, say something to someone or look at something, but so that no one else sees you and does not disturb you.

So, today I will consider two ways: this is how to sit offline from a phone / tablet (android), and the second way is from a PC.

Method 1

As I said, in this variant I will consider a method sit Vkontakte offline from an android phone. For this we need to download free program, which is called Kate Mobile. In my opinion, this program is much better than the official VKontakte application. It is constantly updated and has a beautiful and user-friendly interface. But I will not talk about all its pros and cons, you yourself download and see ...

Why exactly Kate Mobile? Yes, because it has a function offline. But first, let's figure out how to do it.

I hope you have already downloaded it? If not, then download faster! So, downloaded, installed, launched ... After launch, you will need to log into your account by entering your Email / phone and password in the required fields and click "Login".

Here we can set up notifications, change the theme, set up news and much, much more ... But the most important thing in our case is the invisibility settings. Go to the "Online" item, and then select "If possible, be offline."

All! We have set up the application, and now, after a while, we will not be displayed online. To stay offline, you can write messages, listen to music and watch videos, share posts, put likes. However, you can’t write your messages on the wall, because as soon as you write something on your wall, you will immediately become online.

By the way, in Kate Mobile you can log into several accounts at once and switch them in a few seconds. To do this, go to the functions and there "Accounts" and add a new account. Here you can switch them.

So, the first method was sorted out, I think there should not have been any difficulties. And if they still arise, write in the comments, we will figure it out!

  1. Open dialog
  2. Visually read the messages, but do not click on the field to enter your message.
  3. Press the function key.
  4. Click on "Close Unread".

P.S. The first time you log into your account, you will be online.

Method 2

In order to sit VKontakte offline from a PC, there is special service APIdog.

It works exactly like the KateMobile application - through the VKontakte API. Therefore, in order to stay offline, you can not publish posts on your wall.

All you have to do is enter your login details and click the Login button. The last field, where "Android" is set by default, can be left as is.

By logging into your account, you will see your page with a design similar to the original VK. On the left there will be a menu with all the functions we need.

I also immediately advise you to go to the "Settings" item in the left menu and slightly configure the use of APIdog. Be sure to check the box next to "enable auto-update dialogs (long-poll)", click the Save and Restart LongPoll buttons. If you do not enable this feature, then in the dialogs you will need to click the refresh button to see the sent/received messages. You can set the rest of the settings as you wish. And don't forget to save them.

Well, that's all there is to it! If you want to add something or ask something, write in the comments. Also subscribe to updates so as not to miss all the new, interesting and useful articles.

For numerous questions on the topic “how to sit offline from an iPhone or windows phone I post links to applications. I have not personally tested the applications, so I can not say anything about them.

At the moment, the invisibility in VK is working in a limited mode. To stay offline, you can not update messages and news, as well as write private messages and post on the wall.

Probably, every user of the social network Vkontakte at least once in his life wanted to become as if “invisible”: listen to music, watch the news, without receiving claims for unread messages. That is why in this article we will touch on one of the most popular topics on the Internet - "How to make contact invisible?".

How to enter VK invisible to everyone from a computer

There are several ways to achieve the desired goal. This is a plugin for the VKfox computer and the Kate Mobile mobile application. Within the framework of this article, we have used only proven methods that cannot harm your computer or mobile device.

Method 1: Vkontakte "invisible" status on a computer through the Google Chrome browser

  1. Go to the official website of the VKfox plugin and click " Install».
  2. For browser Google Chrome will be retransmitted to the extension store. Click " Install».
  3. Confirm the installation of the extension.
  4. When finished, click on the fox-shaped icon located in the window next to the tabs.
  5. Pass authorization on the Vkontakte service.
  6. Allow access to your personal VK account to the VKfox extension.
  7. Click on the sign for the extension again. Click on the gear. Set the field to " Always be online» is a negative parameter.

The VKfox plugin allows you to view Vkontakte updates offline. However, do not forget that when you open tabs, there is a broadcast to the main page of the VK service, where the “online” status will be displayed accordingly.

Method 2: Status "invisible" Vkontakte on a computer through the Opera browser

Installing the VKfox extension in Opera browser no different from previous method. The interface is the same in all browsers.

Method 3: Vkontakte "invisible" status on a computer through the Mozilla Faerfoks browser

Install the plugin in Mozilla browser a little more complicated and requires additional settings. So let's get started.

  1. Go to the VKfox plugin page and click " Install».
  2. Next, give permission to install the software on your computer from this site.
  3. If you get an error that the download was denied due to an unverified add-on, proceed to the next step, otherwise skip the steps up to STEP 9.
  4. Type in search string request about:config and press " Enter».
  5. Accept the risk due to configuration settings changes.
  6. Next, enter in the field " Search» setting name xpinstall.signatures.required. Click on value " true».
  7. Change it to " false" and reload the VKfox plugin page.
  8. Click " Install” and allow the software to be installed.
  9. Skip the warning by clicking " Install».
  10. Next, you need to log in to VKfox. Click " Login».
  11. Accept the license agreement.
  12. Optionally, skip the step responsible for installing Yandex search.
  13. Complete the installation of the application by clicking " close».
  14. Further, the process of using is no different from the first method.

Method 4: Status "invisible" Vkontakte through the mobile application Kate Mobile

  1. Go with mobile device link . Install the app.
  2. After installation is complete, run Kate Mibile. Enter authentication data from your Vkontakte account.
  3. After logging in, click on the vertical ellipsis, which is responsible for the hidden menu.
  4. Select from the list " Settings».
  5. To be offline, select the " Online - invisibility settings».
  6. Click on " Online" to change the settings.
  7. Select the option " Be offline as much as possible».
  8. Agree with the notification.

Method 5: Be offline via Kate Mibile on a computer

In addition to the above, there is a non-standard way to get in touch invisible through a PC. Its essence lies in installing an operating system on a virtual machine. Android systems, where Kate Mobile will be launched later, emulating the operation of a mobile device.

This method is not the easiest to operate and requires good performance computer.

So let's get started.

  1. First of all, you need to install a program that will allow you to install operating system to an existing one. To do this, follow the link to download VirtualBox 5.2.0. This tool will act as an intermediary between us and the future installed OS.
  2. After downloading, start the installation.
  3. Next, a window will appear that is responsible for choosing where the application will be installed. Leave everything as it is.
  4. Next, the system will offer to create shortcuts leading to the application. Click " Next».
  5. Start the installation.
  6. Select " Install". In the next steps, leave everything as it is. If the installer offers to install additional drivers for input and output devices, agree.
  7. Launch VirtualBox after installation is complete. In the window that opens, select the " Create».
  8. Give a name to virtual machine. Select the type of VM - linux from the dropdown list. The version can be left as default − ubuntu.
  9. Next, you need to set the volume random access memory, which will be available to this virtual machine. By default, you can leave 1024, but if your green indicator is stopped at a higher mark, then select a value higher than the fixed one. Click " Further».
  10. The next step is to create a new virtual HDD.
  11. To create a new hard drive specify VDI type. Click " Further».
  12. Since my computer does not have high performance, " Fixed virtual hard disk". You can specify dynamic.
  13. Specify the capacity of the virtual hard disk. This size will limit the storage capacity of the machine.
  14. After pressing " Create» Implementation of the virtual hard disk will begin.
  15. When the machine is ready, select the machine named Android from the list and display the settings.
  16. From the list of settings, select " System". Activate the parameter I/O APIC.
  17. Next, display the tab " Display”, where set the video memory to the maximum value.
  18. The next thing to do is select the file from which the Android operating system will be loaded. And since at the moment we do not have it, you need to download it. Follow the link accordingly. Select version android-x86-4.4-r1.iso. This is the most stable version, which can be implemented on a virtual machine.
  19. If the download does not start automatically, click on " direct link».
  20. Now that the download is complete, you can proceed to the rest of the steps. Open the " carriers” from the list of virtual machine settings. Press " empty» and click on the disk icon.
  21. Stop at " Select optical disc image».
  22. Locate the downloaded image of the Android operating system. Click " Open».
  23. Confirm changes by clicking " OK».
  24. Start the virtual machine.
  25. You will be presented with four installation options. The first is considered a run without installation. The second is launching in VESA mode. The third is debug mode. And the fourth is the installation of the Android operating system on the hard drive itself. It is very convenient to use the first method to see if you like Kate Mobile on your computer without installation. The fourth method is illustrated in a separate section. Select " Run Android-x86 without installation».
  26. The Android operating system will launch.
  27. As well as on just bought mobile phone you need to set the initial settings. Select the interface language. When setting the settings, the screen will be rotated horizontally.
  28. Skip network connection. It assumes that you have internet access on your computer.
  29. Next, you need to log in using google account. Click " Yes».
  30. Enter your email address gmail and password.
  31. Agree to the user agreement.
  32. The system startup process will begin.
  33. Click " Further” when illustrating existing Google services.
  34. Set the date and time.
  35. To personalize apps, enter your first and last name.
  36. At this stage, the settings will be completed.
  37. Open the emulated OS menu.
  38. Select from the list Play Market to go to download Kate Mobile.
  39. Enter the name of the application in the search bar and select the correct one.
  40. Click " Install».
  41. Give permission to your data.
  42. After installation is complete, launch Kate Mobile. Enter your login and password from your Vkontakte profile.
  43. Next, display the hidden menu by clicking on the ellipsis.
  44. Go to the settings to set the invisibility parameters for the social network Vkontakte.
  45. Select " Online».
  46. Click on " Online».
  47. Choose from the suggested options " Be offline as much as possible».
  48. Next, the system will notify you that when updating news, sending messages and posting posts on the wall, the status “ Offline' is reversed.
  49. Since we did not install the operating system on the virtual machine, it must be properly closed in order for the changes to be saved. Therefore, click on the cross of the car window to highlight the options for closing. Select from the list " Save state cars". This means that when you restart, you will pick up exactly where you left off.

For convenient switching between your OS and virtual machine, use the key - CTRL.

Detailed installation of the Android operating system on a virtual machine to run Kate Mobile

  1. At the stage of choosing the type of installation, select the latest option (point 26 of the fourth method).
  2. The system will start loading.
  3. Select the item responsible for creating and editing sections - Create/Modify partitions.
  4. Next, you need to write the partition to disk. Click " Write».
  5. Confirm creation - enter " yes" and press " Enter».
  6. Select " New' to create a new partition from free space.
  7. Stop at " Primary».
  8. Choose a size. Leave the default and click " Enter».
  9. Click " Write' to write the partition to disk.
  10. Enter " yes" and press " Enter».
  11. Next select " Quit».
  12. Set the partition for OS installation - sda1.
  13. Select file system ext3.
  14. Confirm partition formatting in format ext3 – « yes».
  15. Partition formatting will begin sda1.
  16. Give permission for installation GRUB.
  17. Then also agree.
  18. Wait for the installation to complete.
  19. Then open the menu item " Devices» — « Optical discs". Select eject disc from drive. This is necessary so that when the system is restarted, a re-installation does not start.
  20. If you have a question, answer yes to the forced ejection of the disc.
  21. Next select " Reboot».
  22. The virtual machine will reboot. Select start operating system android-x06 4.4-r1.
  23. After that, as in the fourth method, operation will begin. All other steps can be repeated from method 4.

We have considered several ways that allow you to visit VK invisible. The VKfox plugin is designed only for a computer and it has its own characteristics. To have offline status, all Vkontakte actions must be performed only within the framework of the pop-up plugin at the top of the browser window. It is also forbidden to click on news links, because they will broadcast you to visit the official version of VK, thereby your status will be exposed. What VKfox and Kate Mobile have in common is that in order to maintain the “offline” status, it is not allowed to write messages, create new entries and automatically update the feed.