Which is better net or RF. Which domain is better: com, ru or рф. What domain zones exist?

When planning to open your own resource, you need to choose a suitable domain for it. Of course, today the “career guidance” of domains has been largely leveled out, and the vast majority of them have open registration. However, taking into account their initial specifications will allow you to improve your company’s position on the Internet and better organize its search engine promotion.

If we talk about commercial domain zones, the undisputed leader in registration remains .COM and its national “subsidiary” domains (in Ukraine - COM UA). However, relatively recently, .COM had a competitor - .CO (respectively, in Ukraine - CO UA). But who is better - .CO.UA or .COM.UA.? Let's try to understand this issue.

Domain.CO.UA – youth and promise

Domain CO UA is a Ukrainian second-level domain zone. It is a general purpose area. Suitable for registration by the website of commercial organizations.

The prefix .CO indicates “Colombian” origin, i.e. at the very beginning of the journey it represented the national zone of Colombia. However, it was initially positioned as an alternative to the .COM domain.

On the territory of Ukraine.CO.UA is also an alternative to COM UA. domain zone with free registration.

The registration conditions here are simple:

  1. The minimum number of characters to register a name is 1 character;
  2. the maximum number of characters for registration is 63 characters;
  3. Registration time – 5 minutes from the moment of submitting and paying for the application;
  4. registration period is 1 year. The maximum extension period is 2 years.

Domain services are open to legal and individuals. The domain does not have any restrictions or special requirements when registering a domain name.

In the DRS system, in order to perform operations related to .CO.UA domains, exclusively CUNIC contacts are used. In this case, the contacts here must contain truthful information corresponding to the information provided when registering the name.

The main advantages of.CO.UA are three factors:

  1. relative youth of the domain. That is, there is greater freedom in selecting an unoccupied domain name;
  2. the minimum name length is 1 character (in .COM.UA - 3 characters), which opens up more variations for creating interesting combinations with the domain name;
  3. visual and verbal consonance of the domain.CO.UA with.COM.UA.

So .CO.UA has all the makings to soon join the cohort of leaders among Ukrainian national second-level domains in terms of the number of registered names.

Domain.COM.UA – solidity and status

Domain.COM.UA is also a second-level domain zone. This is a public domain, part .UA.

COM.UA is the largest Ukrainian domain. Over 300 thousand domain names are registered on it today. Initially, the zone was planned only for companies, but now it is open to everyone.

COM.UA has several undeniable strengths:

  1. not only citizens of Ukraine, but also its residents can register a name; .COM.UA is suitable for presenting a business of any format and focus on the Internet;
  2. .COM.UA has existed for a long time and has the image of an easily recognizable and memorable domain;
  3. status of the largest domain zone in Ukraine.

Among the disadvantages of .COM.UA, it is worth noting the higher price of registration and renewal, as well as the sufficient congestion of the domain zone, so the variability of domain names here is small and a suitable name can already be registered.

As you can see, both.CO.UA and COM.UA have their advantages with the same level of ranking by search engines. On the side.CO.UA is youth and a wide choice of original domain name, on the side.COM.UA is fame and ease of recognition.

Therefore, we see before us two relatively equal candidates, each of which will find a large target audience. But a slight advantage should still be given to.COM.UA due to its greatest prevalence and recognition in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet.

Please tell me what is the difference between ru domains and com, net, org, etc. domains?
I want to take it for myself Domain name, but I don’t know in which zone to take it. I'm afraid that com, net, org, etc. "not ru" domains will be unavailable for a certain part of users... Are there any problems when using com, net, org? Are there any specific rules when choosing a zone?
I would be grateful for any advice.
Thank you.

Onnix X:
The only difference is in the name. But .com is commonly used all over the world for international companies, .net for network-related companies, .org for international organizations (most often non-profit), but in reality all this does not mean anything - there are no restrictions on anything...

A domain name is primarily a marketing issue. If your company is called "Trouble" and works for Russian market, then the user will expect to find you at beda.ru, even less tolerably, but strangely, if he finds you at beda.com. But, as is fashionable lately, bedi.net no longer fits into any gates...

Let me intervene in the discussion - if a certain Internet project is intended for both foreigners and Russians, then does the domain name matter for foreigners? Those. Is .com preferable to .ru in this case, or is it all the same from a marketing point of view?

Domestic search engines are reluctant to index “com” domains. This is important if the site is also aimed at Russian (CIS) customers, clients, and partners. It is also quite normal practice for a site in Russian to be in the “ru” zone, while one aimed at the bourgeoisie is in the “com” zone.

Vasily M.[dossier]

But I’m also interested in who opens and manages such zones, like .biz, .info and other exotic ones? Is it worth registering in these zones?

And one more important point: .biz and .info are not exotic. biz is created as an alternative.com. A.info is no less “standard” than.org or.edu, although it was created relatively recently.

If you are not counting on the bourgeoisie, then you need a domain in the zone.com definitely. Marketing research shows that the attitude, at least among Germans, towards companies with domain.ru is, to put it mildly, not very positive.

By the way, from my experience: I’m doing an Open Source project here and registering domains for it for the same project and a service based on it (possibly even completely free), so I registered: 6 names in the.com zone with different spellings of the word (there, unfortunately, it is ambiguous when spelling) + one each in the .net and .org zones and perhaps I will register in.ru if the toad does not strangle me, pay 2 times more to the fat minister Lesin than I pay for bourgeois domains.

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

The main question when choosing is its subject matter and the target audience. It just so happens that, focusing on Russia, there is no need to register, no matter how global and respectable it may seem. And vice versa - a manufacturer of cool 3D printing machines that sells them all over the world is unlikely to want its foreign potential clients to suffer with [Russian Federation]. The rest is nuances. Let's talk about them.

Domains top level are divided into two groups: territorial-linguistic (uk, ru, rf) and thematic (info, biz, mil). This division is very arbitrary, because no one can stop you from writing about animal breeding on your own website mylittlepi.gs (this, by the way, is South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) or about politics on brexit.soccer.

: great and terrible

There is an opinion that the domain [ com] got its name from common. In general, the idea was short for commercial, but everyone loved the zone so much that it began to be used almost everywhere, and commerce went into biz.

Dotcom (or dotcom - transcribed [ com]) is used mainly to indicate that the site is not tied to a specific territory. They are registered by large companies, established startups, popular services, online stores and others who want to show that their goods are sold to everyone.

And in general, all thematic top-level domains are easier to transfer between registrars or sell to another person. They are not tied to the legislation of a particular country and this process is done without submitting a pile of papers to the office of the responsible office.

: how to please everyone

About the domain zone [ ru] there is practically nothing to say:

  1. popular and time-tested - included in the top 10 of all zones by the number of sites and in the top 5 among geographical ones;
  1. suitable for any topic - there are no restrictions on the placement of sites, except those that violate Russian legislation;
  1. ideal for Russian target audience – [ ru] is known to most Internet users as an identifier of Russian content, and even an element of the symbol of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

There are a number of situations when you still have to use dotcom instead of the established dotcom:

  • You don’t want to draw up and submit an application or bother with passport scans whenever you need to change your domain contact information.
  • Do you want an easy transfer between . Let’s say the person who registered the domain does not answer the phone or SMS, and the renewal period has almost come to an end. Without this person to extend [ ru] will not work, and you will most likely lose the site.
  • Are you afraid of the court system? Russian Federation and you think that your site will be divided at the request of the local court. [ com] is not under the jurisdiction of Russian authorities, so decide for yourself

[rf]: rise and fall

Let's dig deeper into the myths

  • Robots love [ com]

Robots love optimization. It will not be possible to ride to the top on a golden chariot with a standard [ com]. Google states that for their search engine there is no difference between different top level domains - all other things being equal, they all rank the same.

  • Need to be trendy: [ com] – not fashionable and no one needs

Yes, you need to be fashionable, but dotcom, like a three-piece suit, never goes out of fashion. A huge number of new zones are appearing and old ones are opening. For example, the recent boom in projects on [ co], which was chosen by 93% of startups from 2013 to 2014. And in 2015, the number of websites of high-tech companies on [ co] amounted to a little more than 450. At the same time, the share of dot-coms is still huge - from 2010 to 2015, more than 20 thousand new companies chose it - 81% of all zones. If this doesn't mean anything to you, here's data from research company DomainTools:

You don’t have to look at the colors of the diagram - it is needed to visually represent the dominance of dot-coms on the Internet.

  • [RF] is progressing worse/better than [ ru]

If you follow a few simple rules, then the process of promoting a Cyrillic domain becomes the same as any other. You can read about these rules.


The national domain, indicating the linguistic and geographical origin of the content, attracts the user with its relevance. By going to [ ru] or [ RF], the Russian will know that the information received can be applied to him.

On the other side, [ com] more solid, and adding subdomains to it creates a certain “yours/ours” framework, showing that the information is suitable for a person in a specific geographic area.

There is also a third party – legal. We can talk a lot about it: how to choose the right registrar, how the rules of registration in the Russian-language domain zone are interpreted, anonymous registration or providing personal data... But we are talking about SEO.

If you are starting a business and want to make it profitable, you simply cannot do without a high-quality selling web resource. Once you have come up with a great domain name for your website, and it comes to registering in the domain zone, you need to choose the appropriate one from the dozens offered. In case you don't know what the difference is between info.kz, com.kz And org.kz, which is better for your web resource - .ru, .biz or .com Whether there is any difference at all between all domain zones, this article will be extremely useful for you.

1. What does “domain zone” and “first, second and third level domain” mean?

Surely you have come across the concept of “first (second, third) level domain” more than once. To make it easier to explain what this means, let's look at an example: yoursite.com - this is a second-level domain, where the first-level domain (and this is the domain zone) is the ending after the dot - com. When adding another word (for example, yoursite.com.ua) the result is a third-level domain (subdomain). The fourth level domains are formed using the same principle (for example, images.yoursite.com.ua), however they are extremely rare.

2. What domain zones exist?

The domain zone determines whether a second (third, fourth) level domain belongs to the country or type of activity of the site. In this regard, the following are highlighted:

International domain zones (.info, .com, .biz, etc.)

  • .com— general purpose domain (common). It was originally intended for commercial organizations, but did not have appropriate restrictions and over time lost its purpose;
  • .net— as a rule, it is chosen by organizations providing network services;
  • .biz— previously its analogue was zone.com (before it lost its purpose). Today, sites on .biz are chosen by any commercial organization;
  • .info— suitable for reference and information portals, blogs and home pages;
  • .org— designed for websites of non-profit organizations.

Thematic domain zones (.tv, .fm, etc.)

Their choice is determined by the thematic focus of the web resource:

  • .tv— intended for websites of TV channels, television broadcasts, etc.;
  • .fm— in this zone it is customary to register web resources of radio stations;
  • .travel— intended for companies operating in the tourism sector.

Follow a simple rule: register a domain in the thematic zone corresponding to its purpose. For example, if you create informational portal, select a zone .info, and for a website of a commercial organization an excellent option would be .biz.

Regional and subregional domain zones(.ru, .by, .de, etc. - indicate belonging to the country, .spb.ru, kiev.ua - to the region) :

  • .ru, .rf- Russia;
  • .ua- Ukraine;
  • .by— Belarus;
  • .kz- Kazakhstan;
  • .de- Germany;
  • .fr- France;
  • .su- (Soviet Union) - countries of the former USSR (today it is used mainly by the CIS and the Baltics).
  • .eu— European Union;
  • .msk.ru- Moscow;
  • .spb.ru- Saint Petersburg.

If the site will be visited mainly by people from Belarus or the organization operates in this country, then the best option for the web resource address will be zone.by. If you want to emphasize your belonging to a specific city, for example, St. Petersburg, register in zone.spb.ru. For a company whose activities are focused on people from Russia, zona.rf would be an excellent choice. Do you doubt whether it is worth registering in the domain zone.рф? Be sure to read our article on this topic.

Regional-thematic domain zones

  • .edu.ru— can be used to create websites for educational institutions in Russia;
  • .pp.ua- (“pp” - “private person” or “private page”) - great for personal pages and blogs;
  • .co.ua- is an analogue of the Ukrainian domain.com.ua, belongs to the general purpose category and is not limited to special requirements.

3. Can I choose any domain zone?

In general, yes. However, when choosing, it is worth considering that some first-level domains require compliance with the declared topic for registration, while others are available to everyone. Therefore, it is better to register a site in a zone that will help users understand what the resource is about.

4. International or regional first-level domain?

To resolve this issue, follow a simple rule: if your company's audience or activities are not limited to one country, you can register a domain in an international zone, for example, .biz. If you want to present a project to the population of your state, it is better to use the zone of your country, for example.kz or.org.kz.

5. How to choose a domain for a site with a narrow focus?

When creating a website on a narrowly focused topic, for example, on gardening, you can search for a suitable domain zone on the Internet. It's very easy to do. Type in the search engine keywords(“gardening”) and see what top-level domains the sites have on the first two pages.

We hope that in this article you have found all the answers to your questions on this topic. If you are the owner of a free website on the site and it looks like yoursite.site , we recommend that you buy a second-level domain, which will make your resource more representative in the eyes of potential clients.

Create a website in 5 minutes, choose a suitable domain and promote your business online!

Choosing the right domain name for a resource is the first step on the path to success, especially when it comes to commercial projects. The main thing is that the name meets the goals and objectives of the creator, does not violate the law, is easy to remember and easily reproduced. Ideally, when reading an address, the domain name should be associated with a specific Internet resource and provide minimal information about its content. When registering a domain name, you must specify the domain zone in which it will be registered, or the top-level domain. Visually, it is determined in the address of an Internet resource by a combination of letters after the last dot. Russian website owners often prefer domains in the ru or com zones, as they are universal and relevant to the content and objectives of the resource.

Domain com- one of the first generic top-level domains, which appeared in 1985. Initially, registration in this domain was intended for commercial websites and Internet pages belonging to commercial organizations in various fields.

Domain ru— the first national top-level domain intended for registration of domain names of resources of the Russian Federation. Appeared in 1994.

There are no territorial or national restrictions when registering a domain name in the com zone. Anyone can pay for the registrar's services and register a second-level domain (domain name). Today there are also no restrictions on the scope of activity in the com zone, so for most resources the naming of this domain does not contain characteristics. However, many companies prefer the com zone, playing with the combination of letters (or transcription). Resources of any subject are registered in the ru zone; there are also no restrictions on national or territorial grounds. However, traditionally the ru domain indicates that the resource belongs to the Russian Federation.

The procedure for registering a domain in the com zone seems simpler than a domain in the ru zone. A scan of the owner's passport is not required, and no personal data is required. To register in the ru zone, you must provide a scan of your identity document. In addition, the ru domain assumes that the domain name complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation, that is, names recognized as containing extremist calls or obscene expressions, for example, will not be allowed for registration.

An essential criterion when choosing a top-level domain can be considered the intended tasks of the resource. If you plan to work internationally, then the com domain is preferable - the international community (primarily business) considers national domains to be insufficiently respectable. If you plan to reach a predominantly Russian audience, then the choice should fall on the ru domain. Search engines Runet, when issuing search results for queries, gives preference first of all to sites of this domain zone, indexing them several times faster. Thus, there is an increase in traffic flow.

The cost of registration in the com and ru domains depends on the registrar company, so here it is better to look at the tariffs of the registrar company you are going to work with.

Conclusions website

  1. The top level domain com is international.
  2. The top level domain ru is national.
  3. The procedure for registering a domain name in the com zone does not require personal data or identification.
  4. The ru domain is preferred by Russian search engines.