Which cellular operator is better for the Internet. Experts named the operator with the highest mobile Internet speed. Who has the fastest mobile Internet?

In Russia, the popularity of mobile gadgets is growing every day. Their existence is closely tied to a stable and accessible Internet. Today our Internet expert will conduct for you, our beloved readers, an objective and independent analysis of the offers of the country's leading mobile operators.

Freedom from wires or speed?

Let's try to find the fastest mobile Internet

High speed internet on mobile device– something undoubtedly important and useful. Today you can’t go anywhere without a fast mobile connection, or rather, you can go anywhere with it: find out whether it will rain, plot the optimal walking or driving route in seconds, find out which movie to go to, and much more.

Can a modem compete with a wire today? Until recently, speed was the domain of cable. The fixed idea of ​​the last five years - to truly free yourself from wires - is becoming more and more tangible every year. Fast wireless Internet is encroaching on a piece of the consumer pie, which has long been, and, it seemed, forever, in the hands of companies that provide access to the global web via cable. But technology does not stand still, and a real alternative to wires has been presented. No one could have guessed what it would be like twenty years ago.

Perhaps she is already knocking on the doors of users with offers that are difficult to refuse. In a couple of years, a mobile modem should become a convenient alternative for laptop owners. The wireless connection option will firmly enter the lives of users.

What will the mobile Internet be like: a look into the future

Fast mobile Internet is very convenient!

I would like to talk a little about the prospects. Last time we chose a tariff for a tablet. It turned out to be a 4G Internet line from Megafon, consisting of four tariffs S, M, L, XL.

Wireless Internet in its fourth incarnation amazes even the public accustomed to various IT benefits. Today it is clear that 4G networks are the future. With their development, users can expect a big jump in connection quality and traffic speed. Even the fastest 3G Internet cannot compare with the new generation of mobile networks. Who knows, maybe 4G will be the killer of wired connections.

Already, the largest 4G network from Megafon includes more than 160 cities throughout Russia. Judging by statements from the company's management, this moment a course has been taken to expand the 4G coverage area and gradually abandon 2G and 3G altogether. Perhaps other companies will soon make a qualitative breakthrough in the mobile Internet. Look forward to!

Comparing speed qualities

Today we will compare the offered large mobile troika conditions, and identify the provider of the fastest mobile Internet.

So, we compare the terms of provision as much as possible quick access into the network from the three largest domestic operators: MTS, Beeline and Megafon. Let's try to find out which of them best meets the needs of users, compare the speeds and volume of traffic. Only tariffs available throughout the country are taken into account. Go!


The Red and Whites offer their own SuperBIT tariff. This package costs 299 rubles per month, which is slightly less than 3 rubles per day. The description of the tariff includes the phrase “unlimited Internet at high speed.” Is it so? Let's figure it out: the daily traffic quota is set at 100 MB. This is enough to check email and view images (within reasonable limits). If the quota is exceeded, the speed is reduced to 128 Kbps.

I looked again: MTS sheep offer us to connect to the wonderful “turbo” service for 19 rubles, which will allow us to remove the traffic speed limit for 20 minutes. It is up to users to decide how effective and justified this option is. But for me personally, she met with misunderstanding. What is the use of it for you personally, and whether it has any use at all, decide for yourself.


The flagship offer of fast 3G Internet from the striped ones is the “Try the Internet” tariff. The available monthly traffic volume is 1 GB. Using simple arithmetic we calculate that this is three times less than MTS, and amounts to 30 MB per day. Why high Internet speed in this case? To use up your daily limit in half an hour? Unclear.

What about the price? It says in large numbers that access costs 3 rubles/day. Acceptable. We open the detailed information about the tariff and find out that 3 rubles/day are the conditions of the first month (that’s why the tariff is called that!) from the second month and for all subsequent months the price is 7 rubles/day. Which again is more than twice as expensive as MTS. Megafon remained ahead. High-speed Internet from Beeline, to put it mildly, looks unconvincing today.


Megafon's tariff intended for all residents of our vast homeland is “Internet S+4G”. In our minds we put a tick in front of 4G (the speed is completely different). Traffic is provided in the amount of 3 GB - month. Same as with MTS.

The subscription fee is 390 rubles per month, which is 90 kopecks per day more expensive per day than MTS, and, in fact, 3 rubles cheaper than Beeline. However, here, as in the case of tariffs for high-speed connection for a tablet, there is a progressive system of discounts that makes long-term cooperation profitable.

For example, when connecting the service for a year, the discount will be 30%, and 3.27 kopecks will be charged per day. When connecting to the Internet for 6 months, the discount is also quite pleasant - 20%. As a result, Megafon, all other things being equal with MTS, can also offer 4G for 30-40 kopecks a day (and this is a nominal speed of up to 50 Mbit/sec). Decide for yourself whether you need very fast Internet from Megafon.

I hope this article will help you understand a little about the conditions for providing mobile Internet and make your access faster and better. In the next article we will look at offers on the market for fast Internet modems.

For the first half of 2018, the award “The Most fast network» received Megafon as part of the Speedtest Awards. Let's take a look at the report...

In total, in the first half of the year, there were almost 8 million requests for speed checks in the application. Of these, almost 3 million are from Megafon subscribers, a little more than 2 million from MTS, a little more than 1.5 million from Beeline, almost 1.3 million from Tele2. At the same time, many users checked the Internet speed more than once - with 8 million checks, less than 1.5 million devices were registered.

  • Average download speed in Russia – 17.49 Mbit/s
  • Average download speed – 7.95 Mbps

Megafon is the leader in download speed - 24.68 Mbit/s, as well as in upload speed - 10.57 Mbit/s.

Megafon’s superiority can also be seen in two capitals:

In Moscow, Megafon's average download speed is 41.93 Mbit/s; MTS is in second place with 21.5 Mbit/s, which is almost 2 times slower. In St. Petersburg, the difference is slightly less: 25.74 Mbit/s for Megafon versus 15.45 Mbit/s for Tele2 and 15.43 Mbit/s for MTS.

The indicators are quite serious. But there are several nuances.

Firstly, a certain closest server is always selected, which allows us to obtain an extremely high speed and response time. You are unlikely to get the speed stated as a result of the measurement when downloading a file or watching a video.

Secondly, mobile operators have traffic priorities. And there is a rumor that Megafon has Speedtest as its main priority. Let me emphasize once again that this is just a rumor, but it is quite possible.

Thirdly, no matter how many times I check the mobile Internet speed through Speedtest, Megafon is always advertised there. It’s always there, on all pages of the application. Before, during and after the measurement. Of course, if Speedtest considers Megafon the fastest operator, then why not advertise the company’s services, it’s not shameful.

Checking MTS mobile Internet speed in the SpeedTest application

Personal opinion

Personally, I am skeptical about such tests. There are a number of reasons for this. In addition to the above, I would call “average indicators”. For example, my MTS never showed less than 20 Mbit/s, most of the measurements were more than 50 Mbit/s. Megafon demonstrated from 15 to 40 Mbit/s. This is all from three different points in the city. I personally have not tested Beeline and Tele2. In general, of the two operators, specifically for me, MTS shows top scores. The same may happen with other mobile operators. It is possible that “on average” Megafon is really better, but not in my case.

There are many more different indicators, for example, workload base stations. For example, at night you can get 100 Mbit/s, and in the evening – 20 Mbit/s.

I would advise when choosing mobile operator build on the reviews of your friends and acquaintances who use mobile Internet in your area - not far from your home, work, places of hanging out.

The fastest mobile Internet in Russia is provided to its subscribers by MTS, the leader in Moscow is Tele2, according to experts from the Radio Frequency Center, subordinate to Roskomnadzor. Other operators do not agree with these data

Photo: Vladislav Shatilo / RBC

MTS is the leader among operators in terms of average mobile Internet speed in Russia. Experts from the Radio Frequency Center of the Central Federal District, subordinate to Roskomnadzor, came to this conclusion, the deputy general director center Dmitry Mitrofanov. The study was carried out using the Roskomnadzor methodology with measurements in 52 cities: experts recorded the speed of data transfer to the subscriber.

The average mobile Internet speed of MTS was 6.6 Mbit/s; in the market as a whole it was lower - 5.4 Mbit/s. MegaFon’s Internet speed is also higher than the “Russian average” - 5.6 Mbit/s. Third place was taken by VimpelCom (Beeline brand), whose network speed was 5.2 Mbit/s. Tele2 transfers data at an average speed of 4.8 Mbit/s. The last place was taken by the Crimean operator K-Telecom (Win Mobile brand) with an indicator half the market average - 2 Mbit/s.

The radio frequency center has been measuring communication quality since 2015. It has improved over the year, says Mitrofanov. For example, in Moscow, the average data transfer speed has doubled - from 3.2 to 6.1 Mbit/s. This is due to the increase in the number of base stations for signal transmission using LTE (4G) technology, explains the deputy general director of the center. According to Roskomnadzor, over the year the number of LTE base stations in Russia grew by 109%, to 72 thousand. MTS has the most of them - 27 thousand. MegaFon has 26 thousand such stations, VimpelCom - 11 thousand, Tele2 - almost 4 thousand.

The fastest mobile Internet is received by residents of the Central Federal District, and the slowest - by the Far Eastern, said Mitrofanov. In Moscow, experts put Tele2 in first place in terms of data transfer speed. It is followed by MTS and VimpelCom. Only MegaFon, which took last place, had a data transfer speed lower than the average for the capital. Mitrofanov did not disclose specific data for each of the operators in the capital.

Representatives of operating companies differed in their assessments of the study. Only MTS agreed with the conclusions: “The company is a leader both in the number of 4G base stations and in coverage area - our networks fourth generation“said the operator’s representative Dmitry Solodovnikov. At the same time, according to Solodovnikov, in Moscow “it is incorrect to compare the parameters of the MTS network with the network of a newcomer to the rating”: it has several times fewer subscribers, so the load is five to seven times lower than that of the Big Three operators.

It's amazing how much the world has changed in just a quarter of a century. Just a few years ago, people received information from newspapers, books, and radio and television networks. Nowadays, all you have to do is walk to your computer and click on the browser icon to open a window as wide as the entire world. Moreover, even computers are no longer required to access the Internet. They are successfully complemented (and for some, replaced) by a smartphone.

What providers in Russia provide their users with Internet access using the latest science and technology? The answer to this vital question is provided by the Speedtest web service from Ookla. The service has a rich database - to date it has conducted 21601897000 tests.

For determining the most fast operators mobile internet in Russia The company used the following method.

  • First, the most influential mobile Internet providers on the market were determined (from 3% and above market share).
  • Then statistics on download speed and upload speed were compiled for them. Weighted averages of 10%, 50% and 90% traffic speeds were taken and then combined in a 1:2:1 ratio.

Here's how speeds are distributed among the four largest Russian mobile operators.

Download speed— 11.63 Mbit/sec.

Data upload speed— 6.27 Mbit/sec.

With the “yellow-striped” operator, data moves over mobile networks as if they are in no hurry. We don’t know the reasons for this, but the result is obvious – according to the rating, mobile Internet from Beeline lags behind the leader by more than two times. Interestingly, the latency of all four providers is approximately the same. Beeline is practically no different from either MTS or MegaFon and even shows better results than Tele2 (49, 49, 50 and 57 ms, respectively).

Recently, Beeline entered into partnership agreements to modernize networks with one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world, Huawei, so perhaps the situation will change for the better.

3. Tele2

Download speed
— 13.83 Mbit/sec.

Data upload speed— 6.50 Mbit/sec.

Tele2 is constantly improving both its tariffs and data transmission capabilities. About a year ago, the operator began using several of the latest technical solutions like a self-optimizing network and network public access latest generation. And recently, together with Nokia Tele2, they tested 5G technology.

Download speed
— 15.49 Mbit/sec.

Data upload speed— 6.96 Mbit/sec.

While Tele2 is teaming up with Nokia to test 5G, MTS prefer Ericsson. Most recently, both companies conducted field tests that showed that it is quite possible to accelerate mobile Internet speeds to 25 GB per second. Not bad, right?

Moreover, thanks to the optimization of its software, the use of new technologies can not only increase the speed and coverage of the network, but also reduce energy consumption. And this is both cheap and environmentally friendly.

Download speed
— 24.68 Mbit/sec.

Data upload speed— 10.57 Mbit/sec.

And MegaFon receives gold from Speedtest in the 2018 speed rating of Russian mobile operators. His technicians managed to achieve an impressive result, almost double the next place on the list. MegaFon's average download speed reaches an impressive 24.68 Mbit/sec. It is surprising that MegaFon demonstrates this speed in old generation networks (2G, 3G and 4G). It’s scary to think what will happen in new networks (5G), but the company, like others participating in the rating, is testing new equipment. It is interesting that MegaFon is conducting this testing jointly with the same Chinese telecommunications company Huawei as Beeline.

Based on the results of Speedtest research, it is clear that mobile Internet works best in Moscow. There, MegaFon's average speed is 37.36 Mbit/sec. But in other cities the situation is not so brilliant. Even in St. Petersburg, which is considered one of the cities, the speed drops by almost a third and is only 23.18 Mbit/s.

Just 11 years ago, the number of mobile Internet users was a measly 3% of total number inhabitants of the world wide web. Now the volume of traffic transmitted through mobile networks, reached an impressive 52.4%. Russia was no exception. Although the overall Internet mobilization of the country still leaves much to be desired (our country ranks modestly 78th, somewhere between Malaysia and Chile), it continues to grow and develop. The Internet is becoming not only more accessible, but also faster.

-=Prepared together with Tele2 and in its interests=-

You know I'm a paranoid old man. In our difficult time for the country, no one can be trusted. First of all open networks Wi-Fi. Do you want to lose your passwords and data? bank cards and get a virus? Welcome to public Wi-Fi! When I'm in Moscow, I spend most of my time running around the city. I filmed something somewhere, sat down somewhere, processed it and posted it. Previously, you had to look for a cafe with the Internet. But for several years now I have never connected to public Wi-Fi networks. What for? Mobile Internet works great in Moscow. Few countries in the world will see such speed. At one time I didn’t even have Internet at home, since it was easier to distribute it from my phone than to look for a provider and set up a router.

It is also important that the Internet is not only mobile, but also fast. After all, it’s not enough to write in the messenger; you also need to make an online broadcast and watch a heavy video on YouTube.

A year ago, a fourth operator appeared in Moscow - Tele2. AND good internet it got even bigger. Today Tele2 claims that it has the fastest mobile Internet in the city - it was recognized as the best in Moscow three times.

Don't believe me?

Here are the latest tests in different places.

The Bolshoi Theater has a reception speed of just over 17 Mbit/s, and an upload speed of 19.7 Mbit/s.

The Historical Museum has even better speeds - 19.9 Mbit/s for reception and 20.4 Mbit/s for transmission.

The State Duma has 18.9 Mbit/s for reception and 20 Mbit/s for transmission.

In my office on Tverskaya the speed is worse - 17.3 Mbit/s for reception and 3 Mbit/s for transmission. In a building, the speed is always slightly worse than in the open air.

But they say this is not the limit and there are places where the Internet is even faster. So I ask you to help me find a place with the fastest internet speed. Anyone who does this will receive 5,000 rubles from us and Tele2 into their account.

What do we have to do?

1. Connect to Tele2 (if you have not already done so) and check the speed of your mobile Internet. This can be done in the SpeedTest application (here is the version for iPhone, Android and Windows).
2. Find the location with the fastest speed and take a screenshot from the SpeedTest app.
3. Send a screenshot in a comment to this post and write where exactly you took it. Don’t try to cheat - Tele2 will definitely check whether such a speed is really possible at the specified point.

Screenshots can be submitted in the comments until Friday. Then, together with Tele2, we will select two people who recorded the highest speed in Moscow and the Moscow region, and we will transfer 5,000 rubles to their account. What can you spend 5,000 rubles on with a Tele2 SIM card?

For 8 months, call an unlimited number of times to numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region.
- Over the course of a year, spend 10 GB of Internet traffic from your phone every month.
- Break the world record and talk on the phone continuously for 55 and a half hours (the current record is 54 hours and 5 minutes).

Well, everyone else can go to the Tele2 gift website, where you can receive bonuses from the company’s partners every day. Or take part in a creative competition: create a Tele2 logo in different creative ways, take photos and share them on social networks with the hashtags #Tele2yeartogether and #MoscowSpeaks. For the most original options, you can get a year of free communication on the “Blackest” tariff, an annual subscription to the fitness center, an annual cinema subscription and other pleasant surprises.

The competition and gifts are timed to coincide with the anniversary of Tele2 in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company has much to celebrate: it has achieved many successes this year. She offered tariffs that were 25-40% cheaper than other operators, including the first and only tariff in the region with unlimited calls to phones of all operators. So " big three“We also had to reduce prices. It turns out that regardless of whether you use a Tele2 SIM card or not, you still have something to thank the new operator for.

In terms of network coverage and quality, Tele2 has caught up with the Big Three. I have already told you about the speed of mobile Internet - now you can check it yourself.

I wish Tele2 further success, and good luck to you in the competition;)