News and reviews of programs from the App Store. App Store – which one to choose and how to use it? What is Apple Store

Articles and Lifehacks

For modern device owners iOS control over a million available various applications. Knowing what it is App Store, and having figured out how it works, you can finally embark on an exciting journey through the world of content that has its origins in Cupertino.

What is the App Store?

Owners of various Apple devices have access to an online store called the iTunes Store, which contains applications organized into groups for convenience.

So, the App Store is a section of this store that also contains games and programs.

  • Using it, you can purchase tens of thousands of different applications, each of which has its own price - usually no more than $10, although there are very expensive exceptions for wealthy people (as a rule, we are talking about specialized content).
  • According to the official company policy, the maximum cost of programs from the store cannot exceed $1000. For payments in the Russian Federation, credit and virtual cards are used.
  • In addition, there are also applications offered on free of charge. These include social networking applications.
  • As of the first half of June 2015, over 700 thousand programs have been created for iOS-based tablet owners, while more than 1.5 million applications are offered to smartphone owners.
  • Their developers get 70% of the income, and Apple gets the rest.
  • Now you can start setting up the App Store. True, if they don’t yet have an Apple ID, they need to start by getting one, that is, by registering.
  • This will require access to email, a credit card (although you can do without it), and a little patience.

How to use this store

It has already been said above that for convenience, all store applications are organized into categories.
  1. So, in the “Selection” tab you can find programs recommended by the most by Apple, as well as the latest news.
  2. The second category includes applications that are selected based on the interests of the user himself. Programs in the third tab are grouped by popularity.
  3. Please note that the content above is paid for, and the content below is free. For example, if the identifier was created without reference to credit card(to do this, select “None” in the “Payment Methods” menu), you should search the right application on the right side.
  4. If desired, you can configure the display of more programs.
  5. Just below is a convenient category in which all presented applications are distributed by genre.
  6. There is a separate tab called “Updates”; she is the last one.

As it turns out, there are many people who don’t know what the App Store is. There is nothing wrong with this, because today we will figure out what kind of program this is.

To be honest, people only come across this name when at least one gadget from Apple appears. This is where it all begins.

I will try to explain everything as simply as possible and in addition to the explanation itself, we will also consider other issues that are related to this store.

What is the App Store?

Appstore is an application store for devices such as iPad, iPod, iPad and, in principle, all computers and laptops from this company.

You should immediately understand that for each device there is the same version of the program, but the applications in it are completely different, although there are many things in common.

Oddly enough, this store appeared later than the very first iPhone came out. In the very first iOS versions Applications could not be installed.

Literally in 2008, Ep Store appeared and then the device took on a completely new meaning. The era of applications and games for smartphones has begun.

If we consider what the App Store means, then everything is quite simple. Logically, the full name is Application Store.

And it should not be confused with the Apple Store, because this is the name of the places where you can purchase any equipment from this company. I was confused at the beginning and that’s quite normal.

These days there is a lot available to download and there are both paid and free games/apps. Everything is divided into categories for easier searching.

What does "In-App Purchases" mean in the App Store?

Quite often, new users of Apple technology do not understand what “In-App Purchases” may mean. This is also quite simple to explain.

Let's say you downloaded a photo editor for yourself. You started using it and it seemed like everything was free. But when you started looking at the filters, you came across a dilemma.

We started trying different options and at a certain point, we found options where it was written that you need to pay money to use it.

These are in-app purchases. The same goes for games; everything that can be bought in a game can be attributed to this expression.

App Store in English - what to do?

So, some users may have a problem when everything that is in the App Store has English language. And it’s very difficult when you don’t know him.

There could be several reasons for this:

  • An English-speaking country has been selected for the store;
  • The interface language on the phone is English.

In the first option, when you registered an Apple ID, you indicated not your country, but, for example, America. This is often done to gain access to applications from that country.

To change your country, you will have to create a new account. Just go to Settings - iTunes Store and App Store - click Apple ID: your login - View Apple ID - Enter your password - Country/region.

The second option is simpler and usually occurs when people want to study foreign language. I previously described this process in great detail in an article.

What does cloud mean in the App Store?

Well, the last thing we’ll talk about today is the cloud in the Ep Store. Many people are probably already familiar with what cloud storage is.

The essence of this expression does not change in the store. When you download an application or game, after uninstalling it, you can download it from the cloud.

The idea behind all this is quite simple: very often developers remove their applications from the store, but after downloading it at least once, you can then download it from the cloud.


Now you know what the App Store application is and why it exists at all. I tried to give you as much information about this as possible, but in a short form.

Quite a lot of questions related to this topic were also considered, and I think that if you have any other questions, please contact me and I will be happy to explain.

Good time! Frankly speaking, I thought for a long time where to start this article and came to the conclusion that the most logical thing to do is with a definition (after all, you need to know what we will download, right?) So, the App Store is a store containing various programs, games for iPhone phones, iPad tablets, iPods and allowing them to be purchased for money or received for free.

Today we will see if you can download the App Store on your computer and, if so, how to do it for free and preferably in Russian. We’ll also talk a little about alternative stores (yes, yes, yes, there are such!), which can also be used to get the desired toy for your gadget (which is important - without paying money).

Let's get started!

How to download and use the official App Store

Let's start with the official store of games and programs from the Apple company. This is where a small “trick” immediately awaits us. Since you literally cannot download this App Store to your computer. How so? The fact is that it contains more than 1.2 million applications. Just think about this number, there are just a lot of them :).

Of course, none hard drive there is not enough to store all this information. But we don't need this. After all, you can always access these applications and games using your phone (tablet, player) or computer! Now we will figure out how to do this.

But first, let's evaluate the positive and negative aspects of using the official client.

  • All programs have been tested, are operational, and are ready for installation.
  • No problem with new products.
  • Came out a new version games? Updating is not difficult.
  • For paid applications you will have to pay.

Access the App Store on iPhone or iPad

So, we have a phone or tablet from Apple. This is, of course, wonderful, but something else is needed, namely, an Internet connection (Wi-Fi is of course preferable, but 3G will do). We take the device and find the shortcut on the desktop - App Store. It is in absolutely any operating system iOS, does not depend on the firmware, it cannot be deleted.

By clicking on it, we see exactly what we were looking for. Everything is sorted by category, there is a search, selections and much more. When you try to download and install any program, you will be asked for your Apple ID (how?).

Important! Files larger than 100 megabytes are not downloaded (even as downloaded -) using 3G. Wi-Fi only.

How to use the app store on your computer

To download programs from the App Store to your computer, you need iTunes. First you need to get it on your PC (more on this in detail), if the program is installed, it is better to do it in order to avoid errors.

After launching, click on the iTunes Store icon and proceed to studying, downloading and installing applications. As you can see, absolutely everything is in Russian - so there will be no problems with the choice.

Updated! Few people expected it, but Apple removed the App Store from new versions of iTunes. Fortunately, there is still

Unofficial App Store

There are also so-called “Chinese App Stores”, why are they called that? As you might guess, they were created in China (by the way, on iPhone and iPad). As a rule, they contain all the same applications and games as the original one, only absolutely free.

Here are the most popular unofficial App Store ones:

  1. PP25.
  2. Tongbu.
  3. vShare().
  4. HiPStore().
  5. vShare for computer ().

These “alternative App Stores,” unlike the official store, will need to be downloaded to your computer or phone before use. The nice thing is that they themselves are free, do not require jailbreak and sometimes even work :). The Russian language is a complete problem (though not for everyone!) - the entire menu is in hieroglyphs (iOS systems will not help). In connection with this, the ease of use is far from “great” and is much inferior to Apple’s application store.

  • Frequent unavailability of servers and stores.
  • It is unknown how the application will behave after installation. It may work, or it may refuse to load.
  • Slow download and installation speed.
  • It's not easy to figure out how to use them.
  • “New items” appear late.

As you can see, there are clearly more disadvantages. But they are more than outweighed by the biggest plus – completely free downloadable content!

Finally, a question for you, dear readers. Are you ready, despite all the disadvantages, to use the “Chinese App Store” on your PC or phone, just to get a game or application absolutely free?

P.S. Click “like” if you want to learn more about unofficial App Stores - there are so many unusual and interesting things there!

P.S.S. Have something to ask, advise or tell? Be sure to write in the comments - I will be happy to listen to your opinion and, if necessary, answer all your questions!

This is the top App Store from the top officials of the company. We decide for ourselves whether to agree or not.

The App Store has millions of different applications for every taste and color. For each category there are hundreds of software solutions, and choosing the one that is truly worthwhile is not an easy task. Apple decided to help and presented a list of the 10 coolest current applications.

Download in App Store
Price: Free
In-App Purchases
Developer: Visual Supply Company

Application VSCO Perfect for people who constantly take photographs, edit them and immediately post them on social networks. Dozens of retro style filters, free cloud storage and its own social network with a focus on quality rather than quantity.

BuzzFeed Video
Download in App Store
Price: Free
Developer: BuzzFeed

This app is part of the mega-popular “internet within” project, BuzzFeed, but with an emphasis on video. BuzzFeed Video hit the App Store only in February and has already won a huge army of regular users. Watching trending videos is always a pleasure when the developer cares about quality. Be prepared to work hard on your English - there are no videos in Russian on BuzzFeed.

Download in App Store
Price: Free
In-App Purchases
Developer: AgileBits

AgileBits has become popular primarily due to its advanced password manager application 1Password. It really has more than enough possibilities, and most importantly – reliability and an organized interface. The best decision to store numbers, combinations and passwords in one place.

Download in App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Masquerade Technologies

Well, smartphone owners love to take selfies. And you can make good money on this, which is what the guys from Belarus did by releasing an application MSQRD. Now you can turn into a world celebrity, an animal, an anime character, a harsh ruler from the times of the USSR and record a funny video. And all this is free. The main thing is not to get too used to the role.

Download from App Store (US)
Price: Free
Developer: Venmo

Idea to add to social network The opportunity to give and borrow money turned out to be in demand. Application Venmo allows you to pay for your friend by first linking the card to your application account. In America, this option works with a bang. Venmo hasn’t even made it to the Russian App Store.

Dark Sky
Download from App Store (US)
Price: $3.99
Developer: Jackadam

Another application that has bypassed the Russian App Store, but is wildly popular abroad. Dark Sky is an intelligent weather forecast that literally predicts whether it will rain and whether it is worth waiting for the sun. It does this by reference to geolocation and sending notifications to the owner about the current weather at the point where he is located.

Replay Video Editor
Download in App Store
Price: Free
Developer: Stupeflix
In-App Purchases

An excellent implementation of an application for quick video editing, designed for the amateur. 27 video styles, Slo-Mo support, music overlay, a number of additional effects - and all this is wrapped up in an excellent interface, thought out to the smallest detail.

Download in App Store
Price: Free
Developer: FitnessKeeper
In-App Purchases

These are applications for those who cannot imagine life without fitness and daily jogging. A real software combine for processing routes, activity statistics, calculating statistical data, heart rate tracking and GPS tracking. Set goals and RunKeeper will help you achieve them.

Download in App Store
Price: 75 rub.
Developer: Global Delight Technologies
In-App Purchases

Apple admits that this application is a worthy alternative to the standard Camera (thanks, KEP) with an impressive arsenal of tools and filters for creating professional-level photos. Yes, possibilities Camera+ really impressive. Application exclusive: use of paired iOS devices, one of which can act as a camera, and the other as a control panel.

Download from App Store (US)
Price: Free
Developer: Jet

The App Store is an application store for gadgets of the world famous Apple corporation. Here you will find all the necessary applications for your iPhone, iPad or iPod. Huge selection of games, useful programs for work and study, graphic and text editors, as well as music, books and films. Like other similar stores, the App Store has free and paid content, for the latter there is a convenient payment system with bank card.

There is no need to install the App Store as such; the store app is installed on every Apple device, according to the factory settings, but to use you need to create an Apple account, the so-called Apple ID. Everything is quite simple and clear, even inexperienced users can handle it, so feel free to open the App Store application. Have you opened it? Great!

How to create an App Store account

Then there are two options for the development of events: registering an account with and without indicating payment information. If you are going to buy applications in the App Store, it is better to immediately enter your card details so as not to bother with this in the future, but if purchasing paid applications is not part of your plans, you can avoid entering secret numbers.
You can do this in the following way:

  1. We find the “Free” section in the App Store.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click “Install App”.
  4. Next, the program prompts us to log in with our account or create a new one.
  5. Click “Create Apple ID”.
  6. Select your country and click “Next”.
  7. We accept the user agreement.
  8. Next, enter the address Email, password and answer to the security question (in case we forget the password).
  9. On the next page, indicate your date of birth and subscribe or unsubscribe from the mailing list.
  10. The last stage is entering the phone number and bank card; if we are not going to pay for the applications, check the box next to “No” in the list and click “Next”.

You can install programs in the App Store only if you have your own account.

Within a few minutes, a registration confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address, after which installation will become available to you Apps Store.

As for setting up the App Store, there’s not much to go around here, but there are a couple useful functions, which are worth paying attention to. For example, if you have several Apple devices, tied to one account, you will be interested in such an App Store setting as “Automatic downloads”. This feature allows you to automatically load applications, books and music downloaded on one of your devices onto your other Apple gadgets.

How to set up automatic downloads in the AppStore

This is done very simply:

  1. Go to the “Settings” of the device
  2. Next, select “iTunes and App Store”
  3. In the “Automatic downloads” section, enable file downloads required format(music, programs, books and audiobooks)

iTunes Settings App Store

You can also configure the App Store to automatic updates everyone already installed applications by turning on “Updates”.
Important! Pay attention to the "Cellular Data" column, as turning this feature on means that updates and automatic download applications will occur not only when connected to Wi-Fi, but also in use-only mode mobile internet, which can not only be slow, but also dangerous for your budget.

Read more about the App Store.