An SMS with the word “Good” will save hundreds of sick children. The “Day of Good Deeds” campaign continues on Channel Five 6162 what is this number

None of us wants to pay twice, and especially no one wants to pay for anything, and especially for a quietly imposed “for nothing.” When using his mobile phone, a person quite reasonably expects that the money spent on communication services will be spent only on what he himself has done:


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  • to his calls
  • his SMS,
  • its Internet traffic.

If it happened that money began to be debited from the account regularly, daily and in equal amounts, and the owner of the phone, it would seem, did nothing specifically for this, most likely a paid mobile subscription was issued to his number - read what this is below

Its essence is that the user cellular communication one way or another agreed to receive regular information on a paid basis, for example, you received an SMS on your phone from the above number with the text: “send SMS...”. At the same time, information such as: what kind of service, what kind of subscription, what kind of website, the cost of the subscription, how to delete a subscription or how to disable it is often not directly shown.

Someone, a partner of your operator, called a content provider in professional slang, supplies you with content for a fee:

  • provides information
  • provides a service by providing access to an online game, website, program, etc.

The operator finds himself on the sidelines, as he publicly warns on his website that yes, there is paid content, that it is provided by third-party organizations to which the operator itself has no connection.

It does not, except that he debits money from the subscriber’s account and short number It also provides the content provider.

Short four-digit number 6162 in most cases mobile operator(Megafon, MTS, Beeline, Tele2) rents out, receiving a fee for it, and, as a rule, a percentage of the amounts paid by the owner of the phone in favor of the provider.

SMS to short number 6162

A little apart from paid subscriptions There is another way to take money from the population - SMS from short numbers. The nature of the relationship in the triangle user-operator-service provider remains the same, only the amount will be debited from the subscriber one-time in response to an action proposed in such an SMS, for example, participation in events such as: a quiz, survey, social study, game, etc. . P.

Who gets your money

So, it is clear that the user is the loser. In this case, where does the river of benefit flow, i.e. User money? – stated above in general terms. And this, of course, is a simplification that there are only two beneficiaries; in fact, the schemes are many times more complex.

They contain so-called aggregators - wholesale purchasers of short numbers and holders of mutual settlement schemes with telecom operators. The already mentioned content providers are grouped around the aggregators, who own sites where the sale of services is organized and partners who collect and provide the entire scheme with traffic. The setup of this entire cycle of withdrawing subscriber money is being adjusted in such a way that telecom operators, as the last link to the user and payer, remain not guilty from the point of view of the law in most cases when claims are made.


Is there any basis for such claims, strictly speaking? After all, at some point the user voluntarily performed some action that ensured his place as a victim in the chain (relative to the short number 6162). This is precisely the position that telecom operators adhere to when a subscriber, outraged by the loss of money, begins to search for the truth.

The answer is yes, there is

And this is called the federal law of July 23, 2013 N 229-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications”.

In it, Article 2 of the Basic Law is supplemented with subclause 34.1, which defines what “content services” are.

The legislator made this definition as general as possible, practically fitting into it everything that is not the actual connection. Those. if the user using the phone and through the telecom operator’s channels receives, quote,

...reference, entertainment and (or) other additionally paid information...", gets the opportunity "... to participate in voting, games, competitions and similar events...,

Then he, the user, receives a content service. And it, in turn, being provided with the participation of third parties, falls under the addition of paragraph 5 of Article 44 of the Federal Law “On Communications”, which prescribes a mechanism for protecting the consumer by:

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  • firstly, the possibility of creating, at his request, a separate account to pay only for content services;
  • secondly, the requirement to obtain explicit consent to receive such services;
  • thirdly, about comprehensive information, including prices and names of suppliers, about these services before obtaining consent.

Another addition, established by 229-FZ, to paragraph 5 of Article 54 of the Basic Law, states that services provided in violation of any of the above are not subject to payment. And finally, Article 68 of the main communications law is supplemented by paragraph 8, which directly indicates the operator’s responsibility for the implementation of Article 44 (see above).

Let’s summarize the legislative information, projecting the rights and responsibilities spelled out in it onto the practical side of life.

If the user consciously wants to become a consumer of content services, then you can secure your account for paying for communications by declaring your intention to open a separate content account to cover the costs of mobile subscriptions and SMS from short numbers. If it is exhausted, funds intended for regular conversations and SMS will not be affected.

For telecom operators Beeline and TELE2, this action is automated and is carried out by sending a USSD request, *110*5062# and *160#, respectively. Sets of commands are also provided for replenishment and checking the balance.

Megafon and MTS require a personal appearance at the office and presentation of a passport, and one must understand that regardless of the method of expression of will, the very fact of opening an account confirms voluntary consent to receive content services, and strictly speaking makes it unnecessary to inform about the details (in including price) of the same mobile subscription.

How to return money from number 6162

If it does happen that an inexplicable loss of money from a mobile account is discovered, you need to try to remember if you received any annoying SMS message from number 6162, for example, with an offer to find out the most accurate weather forecast or check your watch with the London Observatory?

Wasn't the answer "yes" sent to him?

Or maybe, in the heat of Internet surfing, a phone number was entered to obtain a registration code on some little-known but attractive resource?

Services for checking the availability of paid services on number 6162

In order not to speculate, you need to use the service (and every operator has one) to inform you about the availability paid services, linked to your number, including subscriptions to number 6162

The most informative is access via the web interface personal account, and in the absence of the Internet or the desire to use it, the good old USSD request will help.

Megafon - *583#, Beeline - *110*09#, MTS will inform you about this by command *111*919#, TELE2 - *189#

If the acquired knowledge shows that there are subscriptions, and money is quickly debited from the account because of this, you should not hesitate. Using the same tools, you need to disable the subscription, and the debiting of money will stop.

This is done using your personal account and personal assistance services by calling the support service. The USSD commands specified here will also allow you to select the right command- “disable.”

Also, a quick cure for a paid subscription, when the user receives an SMS about activating this service, will be a response message consisting of the word stop (or STOP).

Refund of spent funds

Losing money on an unnecessary paid subscription, by accident, through negligence or ignorance, and even more so due to someone’s selfish intent, will certainly prompt the restoration of justice. I want to get back what was lost because of number 6162, but that’s the difficulty. As already mentioned, from the point of view of the operator, namely, we pay him, and it is to him we will go with a claim, the user himself, voluntarily, even if not consciously, but voluntarily committed actions that led to the activation of a paid subscription, and, as a result, to write off funds.
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What has been said, of course, does not mean that there is no need to try, it is absolutely necessary, and the Internet is replete with stories about successful disputes. Sometimes, in order to avoid image losses, in mass cases when the problem of paid subscriptions becomes public knowledge and is discussed on social networks, operators meet halfway and restore the status quo of the wallets of their subscribers who suffered from their ignorance and inattention.

Knowledge is never superfluous, this is an axiom, and this also applies to the security of your own money. Having an idea about the structure of paid subscriptions, including to number 6162, about working short SMS numbers for someone else’s benefit, it is easier to navigate, it is easier to avoid mistakes, and there is a greater chance of not regretting lost money and time. We will be careful when pressing buttons, entering our data and phone numbers, and, for sure, there will be a few fewer disappointments in life associated with mobile communications.

The Gift of Life Foundation presented a new mobile donation service - short number 6162. The number was opened together with Beeline; it is also available for MTS and Megafon subscribers. The uniqueness of the number is that Beeline subscribers can subscribe to monthly donations. This is the first such experience for Russia.

The Gift of Life Foundation presented a new mobile donation service - short number 6162. From left to right: Olga Turishcheva (Beeline), Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

We asked representatives of operators and charitable foundations about how mobile fundraising will develop in Russia.

What is unique about the mobile service of the Gift of Life Foundation?

Beeline subscribers have access to the service of monthly mobile donations - this is the first such experience for Russia. Beeline is negotiating to connect other operators to the monthly donation program.

Sending SMS is free for Beeline and Megafon subscribers. For MTS subscribers - 4 rubles. (until the end of July 2013); MTS also sends a paid SMS message worth 10 rubles for confirmation.

The commission of agents, the provider and the bank in total is only 5% of the payment.

“Helping should be convenient”

The main message with which the Gift of Life foundation created the short number 6162 is “help should be convenient.” As the co-founder of the fund said at the presentation of the service Chulpan Khamatova: “From the very beginning, we were looking for ways to shorten the donation process. So that people don’t stand in line for hours and fill out a bunch of forms. As a result, we realized that the most quick way help is a transfer via mobile phone. The fund had several attempts to reach an agreement with the operators. For the first time, we were offered the following conditions: 50% for the operator, 50% for the children. “There will be a lot of money, so don’t worry.” We didn’t agree to this, of course. Now, thanks to Beeline, the maximum amount of money transferred goes directly to children.”

Currently, 70% of all donations to Gift of Life come from private donors. Of these, 81% are Sberbank, 12% are online donations, 7% are Qiwi payment terminals. The short issue, according to Chulpan, will make a real revolution and in the future, perhaps, will become the main driving force behind fundraising: “After we launched the program with Beeline, from May 27 to June 25, more than 1 million rubles were collected. Despite the fact that there has been no promotion of the service yet.”

According to Chulpan, the issue is valuable because it allows foundations not to miss the “impulse of sympathy”: “A person is designed like this: he saw a story on TV, read an article - and the impulse is triggered - I want to help! It is very important to catch this moment before a person forgets, before he is distracted. In this regard, SMS donation is an ideal service.”

Dina Korzun, the second co-founder of Give Life, who has been living in London for five years, shared her Western experience of mobile fundraising: “Every charitable foundation in Europe has its own mobile number for donations. Advertisements with these numbers hang on the streets and in the subway. It is part of the everyday life of ordinary Europeans. For example, I transferred 3 pounds, the next day they called me back, said that they had received the money, thanked me and offered to send me an information booklet from the fund. Such services have enormous possibilities. When there was a flood in Haiti, the Red Cross raised $3 million via SMS in 24 hours.”

Monthly donations: regular, but not automatic

Olga Turishcheva, vice president for marketing and business development of VimpelCom (Beeline), spoke about key features short number 6162:

This is not an automatic debit; the subscriber confirms the payment every month. If suddenly in some month you cannot make a transfer, don’t worry - after a month you will receive a reminder and a question whether you are ready to make a donation again.

It doesn’t matter what operator you have, the short number 6162 for all operators is assigned to the Gift of Life foundation.

Fraudsters cannot connect to the short number; it is completely protected. The subscriber always receives confirmation that he has made a donation. Moreover, if you are an MTS or Megafon subscriber, confirmation will come from your operator.

There is the possibility of targeted assistance to the beneficiaries of the Gift of Life Foundation. For example, there was a story on television about a child, and after that we will allocate donations from the general stream specifically for him - according to the time of translation.

How MTS and Megafon are developing mobile charity

We asked the other two mobile operators « big three» — MTS and Megafon, what charitable programs they have and how they see the development of mobile fundraising in Russia.

Anna Smirnova, leading specialist of the MTS public relations department:

About charity USSD request *700#
We are developing a service - USSD request *700#. Every MTS subscriber can use it free of charge (only individuals). Donations from the subscriber's account go directly to the fund, and, importantly, on the same day they were sent. Unlike regular SMS charity, where donations are received by the fund only after a month.

We are developing this project as part of our “Give Good!” program. together with partner funds: Rusfond, Creation, Center for Humanitarian Programs and the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation. NPOs enter into a direct agreement with one of the providers connected to the Easy Payment service and begin accepting donations. The service provides feedback: funds receive additional information about the donation: the number of the subscriber who transferred the money, the time of transfer.

So far, only the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation has connected to the USSD request; we are waiting for others to join.

About democracy
Cash used to be the most popular form of giving, but mobile and online payments are the future. For example, in the UK, a quarter of the population under the age of 35 send mobile donations at least once a year. This is part of the process of democratizing philanthropy and opens up incredible prospects for foundations: every phone owner can become a philanthropist.

About fraud
We have our own security team that carefully checks every donation request. Our partners from Rosno, if necessary, provide an expert assessment of the treatment prescribed by the doctor and the selection of medications. In addition, partner funds always provide us with reports on the work done, where it is indicated down to the penny where the funds went.

About regular donations
We are not trying to create a regular donation service. Because people tend to forget what they signed up for. As a result, after 2-3 months the subscriber may perceive debits from his personal account as fraud and begin to accuse the operator of illegal debits. In fact, charity is a spontaneous desire; a person is ready to help here and now, and not after some time.

Petr Lidov, director of public relations at MegaFon:

About charitable services
We do not have special charity services. But our subscribers can transfer money to charitable organizations through the MegaFon Money application or on the website In this case, the commission is 0%.

About fraud
There are two types of mobile charity: in the first case, the subscriber is asked to send an SMS to a short number, after which the amount is debited from his personal account in favor of a charitable organization; in the second, the subscriber transfers any amount of funds to the personal account of the person in need.

In the case of using a short number, we, as an operator, can help the subscriber find out whether the short number is related to a charitable organization, but in the second case this is problematic. If someone announces a charity fundraiser and publishes a Megafon number so that money can be transferred to it, we cannot confirm or deny that it is a scam - as long as there are no complaints from defrauded clients.

How to recognize mobile scammers
If funds are accumulated on a phone number, then standard limits determined by the Law “On the National Payment System” apply to their withdrawal through mobile commerce.

If the owner of the number wants to withdraw a lot from the account Money immediately and terminates the contract with the issuance of the remaining amount in the personal account, then we can consider such a statement for up to 60 days to make sure that this is really not fraud and there are no complaints from other subscribers.

There were precedents when room owners demanded to give out the entire amount at once, explaining this as a charitable fundraiser, but I repeat once again: we check and have the right to issue money with a delay of up to 60 days, so it is better to use other opportunities for charitable fundraisers.

If we come across fraudulent schemes that are disguised as charity, MegaFon notifies subscribers about the appearance of such fraud on our portal and on social networks.

I would like to advise you: to ensure that your money reaches the right recipient, check with the operator whether the SMS to a certain short number really refers to a charity event, and also how much such a message costs.

NPO: experience of mobile charity

Representatives of several charitable foundations told Philanthropist about their experiences in mobile and online charity.

Alexandra Kremenets, curator of the “Healthy Child” program of the “Children’s Houses” charitable foundation for children:

The Healthy Child program exists mainly through private donations. Internet services bring us about 20% of our funds, mobile services - 3%.

The benefactor sends an SMS to a short number, entering the transfer amount. The company that provides this service takes a commission of 5%. The SMS itself is free for donors.

One day, the foundation’s website was hacked and the e-wallet numbers and SMS charity numbers were replaced. Now we are extremely careful about the security of the site and check all information daily.

Vladlena Kalashnikova, head of the fundraising department of the Mercy help service.

The share of donations through the mobile service is only 3-4% of the total amount of monthly donations. But now we are moving to a new, more convenient system with a single short number, independent of the services of which operator the subscriber uses. This is a project with the National Charitable Foundation, which provides us with SMS donation services for free.

The SMS itself will be paid; it is also important to consider that not all tariffs allow you to transfer donations.

We receive more than 50% of assistance through online services. For example, as part of the “Give Joy for Easter” campaign, we collected 1 million 150 thousand rubles for the beneficiaries of our help service in just 6 weeks.

Vladimir Berkhin, President of the Tradition Foundation:

Most donations come through direct bank transfers, but mobile services only amount to about 100 thousand rubles per month. Fraudsters are not dangerous to us: even by hacking, for example, a fund’s wallet on Yandex or RBC, they will achieve nothing. The wallet is linked to our bank account, and paper documents are needed to change the link.

We are really looking forward to the appearance of charitable tariffs for mobile communications (when, for example, 0.1% goes to the fund).

Marina Zubova, President of the Gulfstream Foundation:

We receive approximately 20% of donations through online services. Through mobile services - 10-15%.

As part of SMS charity, we cooperate with the National Charitable Foundation. He acts as an intermediary between the NPO and the Soyuztelecom operator. Activating the service is free, funds choose a prefix - the word that donors write in SMS. Operators mobile communications they take a certain percentage: Beeline - 4.95%; MegaFon – 6%; "MTS" - 5%. In principle, we are happy, because previously operators took about 50-60% for themselves.

Beeline, together with the Gift of Life Charitable Foundation, announces the results of Russia's first mobile donation service (m-charity). This service is provided on the short number 6162 and involves the possibility of one-time and regular monthly donations from a mobile account for the treatment of children with oncological and hematological diseases.

In just one year of the existence of the M-charity service, more than 1 million cellular subscribers took advantage of a convenient mechanism for providing assistance - by sending a one-time SMS, more than 3,500 thousand people made monthly donations with mobile phone. The minimum donation amount through monthly subscriptions was 10 rubles, and the maximum was 5,000. The total amount of funds collected through private mobile donations is more than 120 million rubles. All of them are aimed at providing the necessary assistance to seriously ill children.

“We are in active dialogue with leading charitable organizations in Russia and therefore well understand their goals and existing problems. Today, only a quarter of mobile users in Russia have smartphones, and therefore people need a simple and reliable solution for charity - available on any mobile phone. Together with the Gift of Life foundation, we managed to create such a mechanism, and as a result, hundreds of thousands of subscribers believed in our common initiative and chose the M-charity service as the simplest and most convenient way providing assistance to those who vitally need it,” commented Evgenia Chistova, head of corporate social responsibility projects at VimpelCom OJSC.

“It so happened that on the eve of Children’s Day, we are celebrating the first birthday of the short number 6162, and we thank everyone who has already decided to take advantage of the opportunity to help the wards of our foundation directly from their mobile phone. For us, the m-charity service, created with the support of Beeline, is a long-awaited mechanism for attracting regular donations, which are now available to everyone. Sending an SMS with the amount of the monthly money transfer to a short number is perhaps the fastest and most effective method to help. Regular assistance is very important for us - it adds up to millions of rubles, and this means thousands of lives saved. And if you haven’t used the mobile donation service yet, join us! Believe me, it’s very simple!” — said Ekaterina Chistyakova, director of the Gift of Life Foundation

You can find out what motivates those who help, and who were helped by the Gift of Life Foundation, in the Foundation’s new charity video, “That’s All.”

In order to make monthly regular payments from a mobile account to the beneficiaries of the Gift of Life fund, you need to send a free SMS message to 6162 indicating the desired donation amount (from 10 to 15,000 rubles) and the word “month”. In response, the subscriber will receive an SMS asking to confirm the payment. Every month, the subscriber receives an SMS request to confirm the debiting of the initially specified amount from the mobile account to the Fund. If desired, the subscriber can change the donation amount or unsubscribe by sending the word “month and new amount” or “0”, respectively. Sending an SMS to 6162 by a Beeline subscriber is free of charge.

The opportunity to make monthly mobile donations is available to Beeline subscribers on any tariff plans prepaid and postpaid payment systems using the Mobile payment service. For the postpaid system, payments are made from an additional advance account, which can be created using the USSD command *110*271#. The technical partner of the service for monthly donations to the Podari Zhizn Foundation is Payment service RURU, a subsidiary of OJSC VimpelCom.

In the text of the message, write the donation amount in numbers. Today, together with the Gift of Life foundation, we are raising money to save Sasha Bodiroga. The girl has cancer of the lymphatic system. After long-term treatment, it turned out that only one very expensive drug can help the child. Its price per course is 1 million 700 thousand rubles. Our correspondent Ksenia Nekrasova read more.

Happy moments of the recent past. For Sasha, these photos on the phone are much more than just memories. Every frame gives hope to return to your old life. The same as it was just six months ago.

Sasha Bodiroga: “I used to go to the theater and go to aerobics. I performed, but now nothing is possible. At first I couldn’t come to my senses, I didn’t realize that this was all with me.”

It all started with a high temperature. For almost three months, the girl was continuously tormented by cough, fever and blood pressure. While doctors were treating Sasha for pneumonia, cancer of the lymphatic system was rapidly spreading throughout the body. The tumor managed to affect the lung and bones. The girl was fading away before our eyes, but found the strength to withstand 5 blocks of chemotherapy, dozens of IVs and several blood transfusions. Without tears and fear, which over these few months I learned to overcome.

Sasha Bodiroga:“In my entire life, only in the summer did I feel what an injection was like. At first it hurt, but now I'm used to it. All the examinations, the biopsy, this is all for the first time.”

Natalia Bodiroga, Sasha’s mother:“I’ve grown up. I know that she is strong in spirit. I never cried. There were reasons for tears, but she never did.”

Sasha did not cry when she learned the results of her six-month struggle for life. The doctors admitted that chemotherapy was powerless. The last chance for salvation is the drug "Adcetris". The first block confirmed its effectiveness. And now the most important thing is not to interrupt treatment.

Veronika Fominykh, hematologist of the Federal Scientific Research Center:“In a similar situation with another pathology, we use intensive chemistry. But in this variant, lymphomas are not effective and do not improve the prognosis. The situation would have been completely sad if Adsetris had appeared a few years ago - it acts specifically on tumor cells, the ones that cause Sasha’s disease.”

The cost of the drug for a course of treatment is 1 million 700 thousand rubles. On the Internet, the girl’s friends organized a charity fair - they sold homemade bracelets and jewelry, giving the collected funds to her parents. You can also help save Sasha’s life by sending an SMS with the donation amount to the short number 6162.

Natalia Bodiroga, Sasha’s mother:“Sasha is very kind, she definitely won’t leave you in trouble, all my friends know that. I sometimes wake up in the morning and don't understand. It seems like a dream, a dream. In reality this is not the case, but it is reality. I look at Sasha and this is reality.”

Because of the catheter, Sasha has to be extremely careful - the slightest blow can cause bleeding. Taking off a protective mask is also life-threatening; there is practically no personal immunity left. She herself did not have time to understand at what moment she was able to get used to the new rules of life, which, after recovery, she really wants to forget about.

Sasha Bodiroga:“Only patience and hope that I will be cured and everything will be fine and as before.”

You, the viewers of Channel Five, can give the gift of life to Alexandra. To do this, you need to send an SMS to the short number 6162. In the text of the message, write in numbers the amount you are willing to donate, it will be automatically debited from your mobile account. This is available for subscribers of MTS, Megafon, Beeline and TELE2. Once again the short number is 6162.

"continue their joint campaign, the goal of which is to help seriously ill children. To take part, just send from your mobile phone 75 rubles.

Two weeks ago, Channel One told the story of 11-year-old Nikita, who was hit by a train. In just a few minutes, while the report was on, we managed to raise the necessary amount for the boy’s expensive rehabilitation in a German clinic. Many TV viewers responded to the request for help - and there is enough money to treat another thirty children.

It is still not always possible to hit a tennis ball - the hand does not obey. But Nikita is not upset, because he is sure that very soon he will not only be able to beat his father’s serves, but will also start winning. The boy is going to Germany for treatment; any day now the family is waiting for a call from a German clinic.

“Thank you to everyone who believed in Nikita, he is strong for me! We will definitely get better,” said Igor Bodak.

Viewers of Channel One gave confidence and hope to this family by sending an SMS to number 5541 with the word “WELCOME.” For Nikita’s treatment, they raised an unaffordable sum of almost 3.5 million for the family. Just recently, not only did he learn to play, he learned to walk again. Through pain and tears, I worked my paralyzed muscles every day.

Nikita was hit by an electric train, the impact was tangential, and the boy was thrown almost 10 meters. Clinical death occurred three times, then there was a coma, several operations, almost complete paralysis of the right side of the body, and only a 5 percent chance of recovery. He was saved, and now every day he fights to become the same as before.

Millions of people responded to Nikita's story. By helping him with just one SMS, our viewers gave other children the opportunity to receive treatment.

Looking at this smiling baby, you would never think that she has a complex disease - a congenital intestinal defect. There is always an IV near Varya - the girl cannot drink or eat on her own. The necessary substances enter directly into the blood, intravenously. The parents of an 11-month-old girl dream that she will take her first steps without wires and catheters - they are going to Germany for treatment; viewers of Channel One raised 3 million rubles for Varya.

“At first you don’t believe in it, but then you begin to realize it and rejoice. As soon as we found out that the money had been raised, we immediately started looking for a plane ticket. Such hope and inspiration immediately awakens,” says Andrei Nikolaev.

Ilya is ready to ride a bike for hours, but he can’t do it yet - the load on the spine is too much. They will perform another operation, the money for which has already been transferred, and it will become a little easier. The boy has scoliosis. From birth, the child’s spine was curved by 86 degrees, now it is half as much. Every year, until the age of 14, Ilya needs to adjust the inserted implant. One operation costs 220 thousand.

“Many thanks to the people who help us financially, and our children in general, for their contribution to these expensive operations, without which children cannot live. Many thanks to them,” said Irina Gvozdeva.

The fact that Artem, at 8 years old, is coming to meet us halfway on his own, albeit not without support, is already a big victory. And let him get tired quickly, and his grandmother will help him overcome the rest of the journey. Just a year and a half ago, the boy couldn’t even walk like that, he could only crawl. He has congenital osteogenesis imperfecta, in other words, very fragile bones that break even from touch. Such a fragile and at the same time strong child.

“When I woke up after the operation after anesthesia: “Mom, I’m hungry,” but I can’t. They allowed me to give him a cookie, I was cheers,” recalls Artem Samuylov.

Artem has already had the necessary surgery - fractures have begun to occur less frequently. But in order for bones to become stronger, constant rehabilitation is needed. In the breaks between IVs, he plays table football and dreams of getting on the field with his own feet. And the grandmother never tires of thanking her - if it weren’t for the help of caring people, they would not have collected the required 300 thousand rubles.

“Of course, they perceived it as a gift from fate,” says Marina Samuilova.

He is very sociable and active.

“He’s lively, yes! I generally like to communicate with him, he talks like an adult. You can talk to him on any topic,” says Marina Samuilova.

In a few minutes, while the report about Nikita Bodak was on, instead of the required 3.5 million, viewers of Channel 1 donated almost 59, with this money 31 children will receive treatment. Their parents find it difficult to find words of gratitude for strangers who did not leave them in need

“People who live in the Far East, have never seen my boy, give their last money from their phone. This is a feeling that is hard to convey,” says Igor Bodak.

Since the beginning of the campaign, 924 children have already received assistance. Many more need your support. It’s easy to participate - just send from your mobile phone SMS to number 5541 with the word "good" in Cyrillic or Latin letters. Cost of one message - 75 rubles.

You can send any number of SMS from one phone. All money raised will go to the treatment of seriously ill children. Detailed reports on how funds are spent are published on the Rusfond website. And Channel One will continue to talk about children who need your support, and about those whom you have already helped.