Three reasons why your iPhone may break. iPhone motherboard replacement Iphone 5 motherboard replacement

We carry out the full range of repair work on the iPhone flooded with water and liquids. We make complex repairs with the replacement of chips, discrete elements, power circuits, and restore conductive paths.

The order of repair work on the iPhone flooded with liquid:

  • We diagnose a flooded iPhone. Diagnosis is made during the day. Such a long period is due to the identification of all faulty components, as well as an assessment of the nature of the damage.
  • We contact the client and fully describe the necessary repairs. After diagnosing, managers contact the client in a way convenient for the client: phone, e-mail, fully provide the entire malfunction card, and also name the exact amount of repair.
  • Repair flooded iPhone. Repair work on iPhones filled with liquid is carried out, as a rule, from 1 to 4 business days. After the repair, a 12-hour testing of the iPhone is carried out, if the testing did not reveal any malfunctions, the iPhone goes to issue.
  • Payment for repairs. Payment is due after iPhone checks client. You can pay as bank card, cash, and by bank transfer.

The most common types of flooded iPhone breakdowns

  • flooded iPhone water. Most common when using the iPhone in the rain, or in countries with a humid climate. Moisture gets inside the device, which leads to a short circuit, as a result of a short circuit, discrete elements, controllers, power circuits on the motherboard fail.
  • Filled the iPhone with liquid (alcoholic drinks). Faults in this case are the same as in the case of water flooding.
  • iPhone filled with viscous liquid. It is less common, viscous liquids are usually very difficult to clean, contact with a microphone, hearing speakers, polyphonic speakers of a viscous liquid leads to failure of these components. In case of contact with a viscous liquid, failure motherboard The iPhone is seen less frequently.

A little about how we repair a flooded iPhone

After the iPhone is delivered to the technical department by a specialist, the specialist performs a complete cleaning of the iPhone from liquids and moisture in an ultrasonic chamber. After the ultrasonic camera, all components of the iPhone are completely dried. After the iPhone is dry, the motherboard is diagnosed on the hardware stand. After identifying a malfunction, the specialist makes complete map faults and relays information to managers. After confirming the repair of customers, the specialist proceeds with the repair work. Repairs are carried out at a highly qualified level using original components, as well as using professional equipment with the quality of factory soldering. After the repair of the iPhone motherboard is completed, a full test is performed, if any malfunctions are identified during the testing process, the specialist eliminates them. After passing the OTK, the specialist puts the iPhone on the issue.


20.12.2016, 23:26

Answer: Good morning Alexander. After liquid has entered the iphone, first of all, it is necessary to turn off the power to the device and remove the remaining liquid in order to avoid the formation of oxides on the motherboard and connectors. According to visible work, device diagnostics are necessary, since the spectrum of the problem is quite wide, it is like an error in the operation of controllers, short circuit, damage to discrete elements, a malfunction in the iphone power circuit is also possible. Diagnostics is free of charge, it will show whether intervention in the device is required or not, but in any case, no repair work is carried out without approval and agreement with you. According to experience, the cost of repairs is from 1000 rubles. Thank you for your feedback.

18.12.2016, 10:22

Answer: Good day, Elena. After getting moisture on the device, first of all, it is necessary to turn off the power to the device, and remove the remaining liquid in order to avoid the formation of oxides on the motherboard and connectors. According to visible work, diagnostics of the device are necessary, since the range of the problem is quite wide, it is like a short circuit, and one of the controllers can be flooded, since the semiconductor elements that make up the iphone 6s Plus are quite sensitive to moisture. Based on experience, chemical cleaning of the device will be required, in most cases it is enough. At a cost of 1800. Thank you for contacting.

Answer: Good morning, Dmitriy. After penetration of moisture, first of all, turn off the power to the device and eliminate moisture until oxides appear on the motherboard and connectors. The device is heating up due to incorrect current distribution in the iphone system, in technical terms, a short circuit. The system is overheating and the device is urgently turned off. This threatens the loss of performance in general. In this case, chemical cleaning of the device is required, which is performed on specialized equipment, namely in an ultrasonic bath, in most cases it is enough. According to visible work, device diagnostics are necessary, since it is important to determine in which component of the phone given error. Diagnostics is free of charge. It will show whether intervention in the device is required or not. But in any case, no repairs are made without your approval and agreement with you. Thank you for your feedback.

Answer: Good afternoon, Vadim. In this case, first of all, turn off the device and turn off the power until the liquid is removed, in order to avoid the occurrence of oxides on the system board and connectors. There are several speakers in the device, these are polyphonic and voice, the error in this case is possible in polyphonic, and errors can also be associated with problems in the audio codec chip. According to visible work, device diagnostics are necessary. Diagnostics is free of charge.

Answer: Good afternoon, Denis. The problem is in the modem node. If the modem chip itself fails, the device will not be subject to repair, there are a lot of elements responsible for the operation of the modem: the modem power controller, discrete elements, conductive tracks, accompanying microcircuits, or if the modem chip has physically moved away from the base of the board. In these cases, repairs can be made. In 98% of cases, our specialists can fix any malfunction. Come to the free hardware diagnostics after which we will be able to clearly determine the reason for this behavior of your device and guide you on options its recovery.

Answer: Hello. Approximately the liquid could penetrate into the layers of the textolite of your device. It is necessary to diagnose your device, as the range of variation of the problem may be different. Our service center has specialized hardware stands to solve this problem, please contact us, we will be happy to help you.

Answer: Good afternoon, Vladimir. In case of moisture ingress, a comprehensive chemical cleaning of the device is necessary, since corrosion spreads extremely quickly. Cleaning usually helps fix the problem. In such cases, you must turn off your device to avoid a short circuit. Bring your device to our service center for cleaning.

Answer: Good afternoon Olesya. Remotely, it's hard to figure out exactly what the problem is. Come to our service center for a free diagnostic, let's see what's wrong with your device.

27.03.2016, 21:43

Answer: Good afternoon Maria. When it enters the device, oxidation of the board begins, in your case, the touchscreen controllers, or the display itself, were most likely damaged. Come to us in ss, we will conduct a free diagnosis, we will see what your problem is.

19.02.2016, 23:09

Answer: Good afternoon Irina. Replacing the motherboard is not advisable, the cost is 70% of the device. In most cases, the board is repairable, come to the diagnostics, let's see what can be done. We will be glad to help you.

11.02.2016, 06:32

Answer: Good morning. After filling, it is necessary to carry out chemical cleaning. Bring it for free diagnostics, we will remove your drive and give it to you. We also remind you that Mac OS has disk encryption, in which data in any case will not be available when diagnosing and repairing your Macbook Air. We cannot let you into the technical department, in the technical department there is quite expensive equipment, customer devices, components. Only financially responsible employees are allowed in the technical department, therefore, specialists do not perform diagnostics in front of the client.

Answer: Good day, Sergey. If moisture gets into the device, the board begins to oxidize, it is necessary to do dry cleaning. Come visit us for a free diagnostic and see what we can do.

04.01.2016, 23:51

Answer: Hello, either a replacement or cleaning of the speaker is required. Chemical cleaning of the device itself, since moisture remains inside when it gets inside, which causes corrosion and possible rotting of the board in the future. Bring it in for a free diagnostic so we can give you a better idea.

Answer: Hello. Unfortunately, it is not possible to assume the further state of the device after moisture has entered. We advise you to contact the service center. At a minimum, chemical cleaning of the device is necessary to remove residual liquid, in order to avoid a short circuit on the system board.

24.08.2015, 20:58

Answer: Hello. Most likely a problem on the system board. Replacing the motherboard only if the device is beyond technical repair. Bring your device, we will make a free hardware diagnostics. We can tell exactly what is wrong, determine the time and cost of repairs. We carry out repairs of any complexity.

Answer: Hello Anastasia! Misted glass indicates a residual liquid in the device, a burning chamber indicates a short circuit in the power circuits. In such situations, immediately turn off the device and disconnect the battery. Next, remove the remaining liquid and corrosion from the motherboard by dry cleaning. After that, it is possible to determine probable problems in the device itself. Come, it will probably be done as part of the diagnostics.

21.08.2015, 15:35

Answer: Good afternoon, Marina! In this case, you can come to our service center for free hardware diagnostics, after which we will say for sure whether there is moisture inside or not. Come, we will be happy to help you!


15.08.2015, 01:08

Answer: Hello. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the extent of damage remotely. It is necessary to perform hardware diagnostics. Bring the device to our service center, diagnostics is absolutely free, in terms from 2 hours to a day. After the diagnosis, it will be clear for sure whether restoration of working capacity is possible. We carry out repair of the motherboard of any category.

14.08.2015, 09:18

Answer: Hello. We advise you to contact the service center for free hardware diagnostics. Disconnect the battery as soon as possible to prevent further rotting of the motherboard and the spread of corrosion. At a minimum, chemical cleaning is necessary to remove residual liquid and remove the resulting oxide. The problem may be in the display module, or on the system board.


18.07.2015, 22:50

Answer: Good afternoon! Recovery is possible, if possible, the device will work without any "glitches", if repair is impossible, then replacing the board seems irrational in terms of the cost of repair work and components.

13.07.2015, 10:49

Answer: Good day, Andrey! After pouring the iPhone with water and liquids, as a rule, the oxide of the elements begins, which leads to the complete failure of the iPhone. In this case, we recommend preventive cleaning and diagnostics of the iPhone for malfunctions.

06.07.2015, 10:36

Answer: Hello. This problem can be associated with both a malfunction of the display itself, and with the failure of elements on the system board. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be diagnosed remotely. We advise you to contact the service center for free hardware diagnostics.

Answer: Hello. The problem may be related to the failure of the battery, a malfunction of the power controller, discrete elements. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be diagnosed remotely. After pouring, at a minimum, dry cleaning is necessary. We advise you to contact the service center for free hardware diagnostics.

Answer: Good afternoon Julia! Do not connect power and, if possible, do not turn it on. When you come to Moscow, hardware diagnostics are free of charge.


27.04.2015, 09:10

Answer: Good morning Elizabeth. Unfortunately, you do not have a warranty case and there will be no repair under warranty. In this case, I recommend a free diagnosis and cleaning after flooding. Come, we will tell you what works are needed after free testing.

24.04.2015, 18:16

Answer: Hello! Most likely the problem is in the display module. However, if replacing the camera did not help and the device was flooded, then most likely there is a malfunction on the system board. We will be able to say more precisely after a free hardware diagnostics.

21.04.2015, 15:49

Answer: Good afternoon Adam! In this case, it is necessary to perform hardware diagnostics of the device. The problem in this case may be battery or power elements on the system board. Come, let's say exactly what happened after a free test of the device.

Answer: Good morning Olga! The reason may be in discrete elements or loops. We will definitely be able to answer your question after a free hardware diagnostic.

Answer: Hello! In the event of moisture ingress, at a minimum, dry cleaning is necessary to prevent corrosion. The earpiece may also need to be replaced. Dry cleaning 1500 rubles. Bring your device, we will make free hardware diagnostics, identify faults and how to fix them.

30.01.2015, 18:53

Answer: Most likely the display module is faulty. Unfortunately, we can't fix the problem remotely. Bring your device, we will make a free hardware diagnostics.

24.01.2015, 08:29

Answer: Hello! As a result of flooding, corrosion and rotting of the board could begin. Short circuits are also possible on the system board, in the power circuits. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be diagnosed remotely. Bring your device, we will make a free hardware diagnostics. We will accurately identify the malfunction, determine the time and cost of repairs. At a minimum, a chemical cleaning of your device is required to remove any residual liquid. Please do not turn on your device.

14.01.2015, 18:33

Answer: Most likely the problem is in the power circuits, the power controller (out of order), discrete elements. The chance of recovery is 70%, given that the device will arrive at the service center in the next 2 days, then oxidation begins. Naturally, if the iPhone motherboard is beyond repair, you will have to change it.

14.01.2015, 08:47

Answer: Yes, you can sync your iPhone by connecting it to iTunes in DFU mode. Also, we can offer you repair of your iPhone, if it turns on, there is a high probability that the repair is feasible.

Answer: The problem is a short circuit, after moisture enters, the power circuits and key components of the iPhone are oxidized. If you do not clean it from moisture, the iPhone is more likely to fail.

Answer: Most likely the problem is in the power circuits, namely a short circuit. It is also possible that the power supply controller has failed. You can accurately identify the malfunction in our service center after a free diagnosis of your iPhone.


21.12.2014, 17:46

Answer: Bring the device to our service center, we will carry out free diagnostics, we will identify the cause of the malfunction. After the diagnosis, we will tell you exactly whether the device is subject to restoration, if it is, the exact cost and timing of the repair.

Answer: Most common problem after pouring iPhone with liquid - oxidation of conductive tracks and iPhone elements. During oxidation, the device begins to quickly discharge, various components fail, as a result - a complete failure of the motherboard and the impossibility of repair. What exactly went wrong in your case, it is not possible to say remotely. Bring the device to the SC, we will conduct hardware diagnostics for free, we will identify the malfunction.

14.12.2014, 14:01

Answer: The problem you describe can be caused by the power controller, power circuits, discrete elements. Unfortunately, it is not possible to remotely determine the malfunction. It is possible to accurately identify the cause of the malfunction in our service center after a free diagnosis of your iPhone.

02.12.2014, 20:29

Answer: After salt water, without dry cleaning, all iPhone elements begin to rot. In your case, the problem may be in completely different components of the motherboard. It is possible to accurately identify the malfunction in our SC after a free diagnosis of your iPhone. After the diagnosis, you will know the exact cost and timing of the repair.

30.11.2014, 19:51

Answer: Most likely, after flooding the iPhone, a short circuit occurred after the motherboard dried out. It is not possible to accurately identify the malfunction remotely. Bring the device to the SC, we will carry out free diagnostics, identify the malfunction and accurately adjust the cost of the repair.

Answer: Most likely the problem is in the power circuits, or the touchscreen cable has gone. You can accurately determine the cause of the malfunction in our service center after a free diagnosis of your iPhone.

Answer: To estimate the cost of repairs, you need to bring your iPhone to a service center, we will carry out free diagnostics, identify faults and accurately tell you the timing and cost of repairs.

09.10.2014, 18:00

Answer: Hello Olga. We restore flooded iPhones in 80% of cases. Rice is an epic fail that is common on the Internet and does not do any good to dry the iPhone. Bring your device to the service center, we will carry out dry cleaning, we will identify faults, if any, after free diagnostics and, if necessary, we will make repairs.

24.09.2014, 13:32

Answer: It is possible to assess the nature of the damage only in sc after a free hardware diagnostic of your iPhone. 40% chance of recovery. The exact cost can be said after we understand what is wrong.

Answer: Good afternoon Christina! In this case, it is necessary to carry out dry cleaning, as oxidation occurs on the motherboard. Hardware diagnostics is carried out absolutely free of charge, come!

26.08.2014, 09:23

Answer: Good afternoon, Azha! Most likely a problem with the touchscreen controller. Contact a specialized service center in your city to diagnose the device.

Answer: Hello. I believe the problem is in the power circuits, or controllers, it is not possible to remotely determine the cause of the malfunction. It is possible to say for sure after a free diagnosis in our service center.

03.08.2014, 18:15

Answer: Good afternoon, Xenia! In this case, there may be a problem in the upper loop, as well as in chips, discrete elements, and power circuits. We will definitely be able to answer your question after a free hardware diagnostics in the service center.


27.07.2014, 02:03

Answer: Anatoly, hello! Micro cracks on the board arise from impacts, the problem may not immediately manifest itself, it is enough to remove the board from the mount on the case, a hidden defect may make itself felt. Micro cracks and damage to the processor cannot be cured. As a rule, in such situations, we recommend purchasing a new device.

Answer: There may be a problem in the power controller, battery, power circuits. Remotely determine the malfunction, in this case, it is not possible. If you have a desire to find out the exact cause of the malfunction, you must hand over your device for hardware diagnostics. Come - this procedure is free.

Answer: Anastasia, hello. Repair is possible, but it is necessary to determine the nodes of the malfunction. Come, after carrying out hardware diagnostics we will be able to orient you on the cost and terms of repair work

17.07.2014, 09:37

Answer: Good afternoon, Boris! In this case, the error CPU or flash memory of the device. We will be able to tell you the possibility of restoration and the cost of repair after a free diagnosis.

29.06.2014, 11:06

Answer: Stanislav, increased consumption can be calculated and eliminated, it is necessary to measure the power consumption of the main power controllers, as well as to ring the power circuits, come, this procedure produced free of charge.

Answer: Good day, Sergey! The problem is most likely in the battery or power circuits. Come, we will tell you exactly what happened after a free diagnosis.

People by nature are frivolous creatures. And sometimes they underestimate certain things. If we consider the frivolity of people in the context of our topic, then we can distinguish three types of damage to which it can lead and make you part with a sum of various sizes for repairs or purchases new iPhone. So, my experience gained through working in the Computers Art iPhone repair service center allows us to distinguish three categories of damage:

  • mechanical damage;
  • electrical damage;
  • moisture damage.

Before dwelling on each category in detail, I would like to note the following. The vast majority of people have broken causality in the context of getting damaged by a variety of devices. This is most likely a consequence of ignorance of their internal construction. In this article I will tell you what can happen if your the phone will fall, for example, on asphalt or on a tiled floor in the kitchen.

In my work, I sometimes encounter the surprise and bewilderment of clients that we find some damage other than those that were declared upon acceptance. For example, a client comes and brings an iPad 2 with a broken touchscreen. At the same time, he casually mentions that after the fall, Wi-Fi began to work worse for him. And it can be seen during the check, before accepting the device for repair, that, for example, only two of the three divisions of the signal indicator are available near the router. And then it turns out that breaking, the glass tore apart the Wi-Fi antenna, which is located under the glass on the right side of the Home button.

Or, for example, an iPhone client brings in and complains that the sound adjustment scale has disappeared. And when you start asking questions, in order to find out some details that would help to quickly identify the malfunction, it turns out that the device has been in the water. And when you tell the client the result of the diagnostics, that the cause of this malfunction was moisture and you hear in response: “What are you, what are you! After all, only a couple of drops fell on him. As you know, it is better to prevent problems than to eliminate their consequences.

Mechanical damage

This type of damage is the most common of the three. In most cases, mechanical damage occurs as a result of falls. Probably, many of you have heard your friends proudly talk about the fact that their iPhone did not fall as soon as it fell and, despite this, continue to work normally.

Indeed, you can be a lucky person and the fall of your phone will pass without a trace for him. But most of the time it's much worse. For example, due to such a fall, the glass of the display may break. And if in the iPhone 3G / 3GS this glass can be changed separately, then in all other iPhone models it is glued together with the display and also changes along with it. As you can imagine, this affects the price.

Above, I described the most optimistic outcome for mechanical damage: when the failure is obvious. But there is also an option in which something breaks inside the device. What you cannot see because this detail is hidden from you iPhone case. For example, as a result of damage to the screen, it can be broken by shards of broken glass front-camera. Or the iPad may be damaged wifi antennas, which I spoke about earlier.

The iPhone 4 uses a Cirrus Logic 338S0589 chip for sound processing.Illustration taken from

In addition, as a result of drops and bumps, components often fail. printed circuit board. For example, your phone fell, everything looks intact, but there is no sound. Or something does not work: the sound is only in the headset, and if you call in the usual way, then the interlocutor is not audible. All these symptoms indicate that you have a corrupted audio codec or audio mixer (it all depends on your iPhone model). Or you lost Wi-Fi because the chip responsible for its operation was damaged. Repair of such breakdowns is quite within the power of most service centers, but its price will sadden you.

Chip Murata SW SS1830010 responsible for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in the iPhone 4S. It has a ceramic substrate (instead of silicon, as usual) because of which it has an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. Illustration taken from

The third subspecies of mechanical damage is the most deplorable, in terms of consequences - cracks in the main board. The fact is that the iPhone motherboard has seven layers. Each has conductive tracks that connect all the parts mounted on its surface. Your iPhone may fall badly, and as a result of the fall, the internal connections will be damaged and it will be impossible to restore them. Such a phone can simply be sold for spare parts, since it is impossible to get to the inner layers of the board without destroying it.

Electrical damage

iPhone and iPad are very demanding on quality electric current that they are consuming. The power supply that comes with them is a very complex device. Here you can see what is inside such a power supply. The charging scheme that Apple uses in its devices is quite complicated. There are two comparators at the input in the charging path of the iPhone or iPad, which compare the voltages on D + and D- with the given reference levels. This ensures excellent compatibility with different chargers. So, for example, the iPad can be charged from iPhone power supplies or from USB port computer. In this case, the power supply will work normally, because the iOS device correctly classifies it and switches to the appropriate charging mode.

Schematic diagram of chargers Apple devices. Source DMAX14568EMAX/14568AE Datasheet.

The function of the power controller in the iPhone 3GS is performed by the 338S0533-AE chip.Illustration taken from

The iPhone 4 uses the 338S867-A4 chip for this purpose.Illustration taken from

As you can imagine, unoriginal charging device overwhelmingly do not meet the requirements in accordance with which Apple designs its power supplies. Therefore, when using them, some unpleasant incidents can often occur. For example, during a power surge in the network, the power controller may fail. For example, in this regard, elements such as the 338S867-A4 chip (which acts as a power controller in the iPhone 4) and 338S0533-AE (the power controller in the iPhone 3GS) are very sensitive to voltage drops in the network. Therefore, when choosing a power supply, buy only original products, or devices from other manufacturers certified by Apple.

Damage caused by moisture

This type of injury is perhaps the worst of the three. The fact is that water first of all disables the power elements on the board. This applies to parts of the power supply circuit of the iPhone, iPad, elements of the display backlight circuit, and various parts of the radio path. They don't like moisture very much. LCD matrices. After water gets on them, spots appear on the substrate, which scatters the backlight light, under the display, which then do not disappear in most cases.

Rotten camera connector in iPhone 4. Moisture got inside the phone twelve hours before the visit to the service center.

In order for the phone to begin irreversible destruction of the insides, three hours are enough from the moment moisture gets in. If you do not take special measures, then after this time your chances of recovering your phone are reduced by exactly half. And then everything will depend on your luck and the professionalism of the employees. service center where you can contact for help.

Rust on the elements of the board under the protective screen, which was formed due to condensation.

The motherboard on the iPhone is a complex system microcircuit that contains soldering of control electronic modules: processor (A6-A9), RAM(16 - 128 Gb), microcontrollers touch screen, USB, Wi-Fi, power supply, frequency filters, duplexers, transceivers, power amplifiers and a number of switching device microcircuits.

The motherboard is the "heart" and "brain" mobile phone Apple. It is hidden under the display module and is well protected from the "rear" aluminum back cover corps. However, with strong mechanical shocks or water getting inside the apparatus, it can easily fail, which will require complex and expensive repairs.

When Should You Replace Your iPhone Motherboard?

Mechanical damage or water ingress into the device are the most common causes of iPhone motherboard failure. Individual soldering components can sometimes be repaired separately, but a complete replacement of the iPhone motherboard is usually required if:

  • mechanical damage or cracks appeared on the microcircuit itself;
  • more than 50% of the components of the microassembly burned out due to oxidation of the contacts or a short circuit.

Apple device service experts rank iPhone motherboard repairs as one of the most complex species restoration repairs, and in such situations it is recommended to contact professional service centers.

iPhone motherboard repair

In case of minor damage to individual modules associated with motherboard, their offline recovery is possible, but most often the system board completely fails and it is necessary to change the iPhone board completely. This technology reduces the recovery time of the gadget to 30-40 minutes and eliminates accidental damage to cables and still serviceable components.

However, most likely you will not be able to repair the iPhone board on your own, because:

  • to determine the real causes of the breakdown, it is necessary to diagnose the phone;
  • without a special tool and practical experience, it is impossible to disassemble a smartphone;
  • Replacement requires only original parts.

If replacing the motherboard on an iPhone is inevitable, contact the specialists of the Honest Service service center with this problem, who are engaged in professional and inexpensive restoration of Apple mobile devices in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

iPhone System Board Replacement Procedure

To fix the iPhone board, certified engineers of the Honest Service service center perform a complex cycle of work, which includes:

  • mandatory preliminary diagnosis of phone malfunctions;
  • complete disassembly of the device (extraction display module, disconnecting the cables of the screen, camera, touchscreen and connectors, battery, antenna cable, top cable, Power button cable);
  • dismantling the motherboard and replacing it with a new original spare part;
  • assembly and testing mobile device;
  • repair warranty.

Why "Honest Service"

If you do not want to complicate the repair of the motherboard and pay a high price for it, contacting the certified engineers of the Honest Service center is a reasonable solution, as you will be offered:

  • mandatory free phone diagnostics;
  • modern technologies for repairing a mobile device and special tool;
  • a wide range of original accessories;
  • the ability to replace the system board at home in your presence;
  • best prices and a one-year warranty on the work performed.

our team

Ruslan Volontir

Field engineer

Sergei Fadeev

Master Receiver

Gennady Naumov

Andrey Popov

Dmitry Shcherbina


Service cost:

iPhone 42490 ₽
iPhone 4s2490 ₽
iPhone 52990 ₽
iPhone 5s2990 ₽
iPhone 5c2990 ₽
iPhone 63700 ₽
iPhone 6 Plus4700 ₽
iPhone 6s4700 ₽
iPhone 6s Plus6490 ₽
iPhone SE2990 ₽
iPhone 76490 ₽
iPhone 7 Plus8490 ₽
iPhone X21900 ₽
iPhone 89990 ₽
iPhone 8 Plus11990 ₽
iPhone XR22900 ₽
iPhone XS MAX27990 ₽
iPhone XS23990 ₽

To date, there are no particular difficulties with the repair of Californian smartphones. Even in a small provincial town there is a workshop in which you can fix the “hopeless bitten by fate”. However, the process iPhone recovery 5, whose motherboard is considered "difficult to lift", will require considerable financial costs on the part of the owner. Why pay extra? To languish in anticipation? Strain your brain with doubts about: “How good will the installed part be”? Wouldn't it be easier to get some guidance and solve the problem yourself? So let's save money!

iPhone 5 Motherboard

The description of this part can be reduced to listing the main hardware components of the smartphone. It may be useful for some readers to know what exactly is under the shielding covers of the fifth model.

  • The A6 processor is located above the SIM receiver.
  • The accelerometer and two touchscreen controllers sit just above the CPU.
  • The reverse side of the board (directly below the processor) is equipped with a flash memory chip, above which are located: auxiliary memory (LTE), a gyroscope and a Wi-Fi module.
  • The two power controllers are somewhat lower.

It is worth noting that the CPU is filled with a special substance - a compound, which significantly complicates the process of its repair.

Works - do not touch!

In order for the iPhone 5 to be a justified process, you need to be sure that the part really needs to be replaced. Far-fetched reasons: “something is not working” or “probably the motherboard has been covered” is not yet a reason for a radical modification of your “obedient electronic servant”. You must have good reasons for making this kind of decision. After all, the motherboard of a smartphone, in fact, is the mobile phone itself. As you can imagine, a mistake can cost you dearly. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly is the cause of the failure of the iPhone 5.

The motherboard needs to be replaced if...

  • The smartphone has been short-circuited.
  • Some parts of the frame frame get very hot.
  • The phone fell hard.
  • Visually, there are signs of deformation of the hull: a break, kinks and other kinds of “asymmetry”.

Any mechanical damage to the smartphone, which caused a partial or complete loss of device performance, first of all, needs software diagnostics. However, when you are absolutely sure that the main board has failed, follow the instructions below.

Dismantling the main part of the smartphone

As mentioned earlier, repairing the iPhone 5 motherboard is, in principle, possible, but, due to the complex layout of components and the use by the manufacturer of some technological “chips” during factory installation, this incredibly time-consuming task is, in general, doomed to failure (even in the hands of experienced craftsmen). As practice shows, it is much more expedient to purchase a new or working used board.

So, to carry out a direct installation of a working "motherboard" you will need:

  • A set of Apple screwdrivers.
  • Tweezers.
  • Plastic spatula (old credit card).
  • Suction cup for removing the iPhone 5 screen module.

The motherboard is dismantled elementarily. However, you simply cannot do without this tool. Believe me, using traditional screwdrivers will not lead to anything good - it's proven!

Step one: remove the battery

  • Unscrew the two end screws on the front of the smartphone.
  • Use the suction cup to gently lift the bottom edge of the screen module.

Attention: in the upper right corner (underneath) there are connecting cables that can be damaged by careless actions.

  • Unscrew the protective cover of the connectors (the very top, on the right) - three screws.
  • Disconnect the touch and display cable.
  • To the right of the battery (under the SIM receiver), unscrew two more protective elements.
  • Disconnect the battery connector and remove the battery from the case.

Second action: disconnection and strapping loops

After you have managed to dismantle the battery, switch your attention to the right side iPhone smartphone 5.

  • The motherboard is secured with five Phillips screws.
  • At the top of the phone (the inner end of the case) there are two more bolts that fix the part we are dismantling.

Attention: before unscrewing the mentioned bolts, carefully disconnect all visible connecting components of the phone. Then carefully turn the board over to the left.

  • Disconnect two coaxial cable(top and bottom area of ​​the board).
  • Pull the "motherboard" of the smartphone from the bowels of the case.

Now install the new part in reverse order.

Summing up

As you have noticed, replacing the iPhone 5 motherboard is simply doable. Even a person ignorant of electronics can easily implement this kind of repair process without much difficulty. However, remember: extreme attention and caution in actions will greatly increase your chances of success in the enterprise. All the best!

Bring your iPhone 5 back to life by replacing a failed motherboard.

Step 1 - Front Panel
* First, when disassembling the smartphone, make sure that it is turned off.
* Remove the screws highlighted in the photo.

Step 2
* Attach the suction cup to the screen right above the Home button.
* The suction cup should adhere well to the front panel.

Step 3
* While holding the iPhone with your right hand, pull the suction cup with your left hand to separate the front panel module from the phone body.
* You will need time as the front panel module is quite tight to the case. But gradually remove the panel.
* Use a special spatula, insert it into the resulting gap between the panels: front and back, separating them from each other. Do not stop removing the front panel with the suction cup.

* The display module is attached to the rear panel with several clips. Therefore, you need to use both a suction cup and a spatula.

Step 4
* Use the plastic spatula to the left and right, moving around the perimeter of the iPhone and pushing back the clips located there.

Step 5
* After releasing all clips, detach the lower part of the front panel from the case.

* You will not be able to completely remove the front panel yet, it is still attached to the rear with three loops.
* Position the front panel at a 90 degree angle to the rear panel.

Step 6
* Remove the three screws marked in the figure that secure the front panel cable holder to the board.

Step 7
* The next step is to remove the cable holder.

Step 8
* Disconnect the three front panel module cables marked in the illustrations.

Step 9
* Separate the body and front panel.

Step 10 - Battery
* Remove the screws marked in the photo that secure the battery connector holder.

Step 12
* Use a special plastic spatula and remove the battery connector.
* Be sure to use the spatula to lift the battery connector, not the socket, otherwise the connector may be damaged.

Step 13
* Take a special plastic spatula and insert between the battery and the case.

*Start from the right side of the battery. Peel it off with a plastic spatula.
* Be careful when lifting the battery. Don't damage it.

Step 14
* You can also use a special plastic tab and use it to peel the battery from the case.
* Take out the battery.

Step 15 Motherboard
* Using a pointed tool, unplug the antenna module cable connector (above the polyphonic module) from the motherboard.

Step 16
* Remove the screws shown in the figure that secure the motherboard holder located on the top of the motherboard.

Step 17
* Now take out the holder.

Step 18
* Use a flathead screwdriver to pry the cables shown in the photo from the slots on the motherboard.

Step 19
* There are two screws on the top of the case - unscrew them.

Step 20
* Remove the screw that still holds the holder to the motherboard.

Step 21
* Now you can remove the unattached holder.

Step 22
* If you have a special SIM eject tool, use it to release the tray, or use a paper clip.

* Remove the SIM card tray from your smartphone.

Step 23
* Remove the screws shown in the photos. They hold the motherboard.

Step 24
* Turn the motherboard in the direction where the battery was.
* Do not remove the board completely yet, it is connected to the smartphone by a Wi-Fi antenna cable located on the back of the motherboard.

Step 25
*Now disconnect this cable by prying up the connector with a pointed tool.

Step 26
* Remove the motherboard.
* While the board is separated from the smartphone, place it on an antistatic grounding mat.

Step 27 Rear Camera
* Remove the two screws securing the holder rear camera on the motherboard.

Step 28
* Remove the rear camera holder from the motherboard.

Step 29
* Use a flathead screwdriver to disconnect the rear camera cable from the connector on the motherboard.

Step 30
* Remove the rear camera.

Step 31 Motherboard
* Use a flathead screwdriver to pry out the connector cables from the slots on the motherboard.

Step 32
* Remove both connecting cables from the board.

Step 33
* You will have the motherboard.

To reassemble your smartphone, follow the instructions in reverse order.