The language of search queries "Yandex. How to search in Yandex and Google correctly - we reveal some secrets! How to search for a strict match on Yandex

Selection of words (wordstat) is a service that helps to get information about requests from Yandex users. For example, it allows you to find out how many people per month search for a particular phrase, and see queries that are similar in meaning to your phrase.

Beginning of work

You can use the word selection form from the Yandex.Direct interface. To do this, click the button Pick up words in the block New keywords and enter a passphrase.

To take advantage of all the features of the service, such as choosing a region and a user's device type, go to the word selection service. Word search is available only to authorized users.

By default, statistics are shown for all regions and all device types. The Desktops slice includes requests for desktop computers and laptops, slice Mobile - on phones and tablets. You can view data about queries on phones or tablets separately using the Phones only and Tablets only slices, respectively.

The number next to each query indicates the predicted number of impressions per month that you can receive by selecting this query as a keyword. When making a forecast, the system uses data for the last 30 days before the statistics update date. Data is considered by the system only for the Yandex search results page , excluding queries made by users on the Yandex Advertising Network search.

How to use the service

For example, in Yandex.Direct you place an ad for an apartment renovation team and want to add a keyword to your ad repair. Enter this phrase in the word search service. The left column shows that repair- popular request (11 million impressions per month). But it does not reflect what the buyer was interested in: repairing apartments, cars or phones.

To prevent ads from showing for popular but inappropriate queries, change the keyword in Yandex.Direct repair on renovation of apartments. Refine Phrase repair You can also use negative keywords. If you add negative keywords machines And phones, the ad won't show for popular searches car repair And phone repair.

When working with the service, you can use additional operators. Operators work on the By words and By regions tabs. On the tab Request History only the + operator works.

Look at the queries in the right column. Users who searched renovation of apartments, may be of interest apartment renovation And stretch ceiling. Add to the list of keywords for your ad in Yandex.Direct those that match the goals of your ad.

Request history

To understand the dynamics of user interest in your topic, go to the tab Request History. Here you will see data for the last 2 years, grouped by month, as well as a graph of user activity.

Query statistics on tablets is available from March 1, 2016. Until March 1, the statistics of requests on phones included requests on tablets.


9 ways to search on Google that 96% of users don't know about

1. How to find the exact phrase or word form

With the " " operator. Enclose a phrase or word in quotation marks, and Google will look for web pages that contain exactly that phrase (word form).

["I'm writing to you"]

2. How to find a quote that has a missing word

Forgot a word in a quote? Put the entire quote in quotation marks, and put an asterisk * in place of the missing word. The quote will be found along with the forgotten word.

["night street * pharmacy"]

3. How to find any of several words

Just list all matching options separated by a vertical slash: |. Google will search for documents with any of these words.

[pineapples | hazel grouse | champagne]
[dacha plots (Rublevskoe | Kyiv | Minskoe) highway]

4. How to find words within the same sentence

Use the operator with nice name"ampersand" - &. If you connect words with an ampersand, Google will find documents where these words are in the same sentence.

[monument to Pushkin & Pskov]

5. How to Find a Document Containing a Specific Word

Put a plus in front of the desired word, without separating it from the word with a space. Multiple required words can be included in the query.

[Monument to Sholokhov + boulevard]

6. How to exclude a word from a search

Put a minus in front of the word you don't want to see in the answers. So you can even exclude a few words:

[mumiy troll cartoon-rock-lagutenko]
[knitting patterns -buy]

7. How to search on a specific site

The site operator is suitable for this. It allows you to specify the site on which you want to search directly in the request. Just be sure to put a colon after site.

[Constitution of the Russian Federation site:consultant(dot)ru]
[mayakovsky window site:lib(dot)ru]

8. How to search for documents of a specific type

You need a mime statement. Supply the mime, a colon, and then the type of document you want in the request. For example, pdf or doc.

[application for international passport mime:pdf]

9. How to Search Sites in a Specific Language

With the lang operator. After lang, you need to put a colon and write in what language you need documents. If it is Russian, then you need to specify ru, if Ukrainian - uk. The Belarusian language is denoted as be, English - en, French - fr.


Search engine operators are Special symbols, serving as commands for Google and Yandex. With their help, you can refine the request and quickly find exactly necessary information. For example, indicate to the search engine that you are only interested in news for the last month, or that you need a product catalog in PDF format.

The ability to quickly find the information you need is a useful skill for any user. This is professionally used by webmasters, specialists and Internet marketers.

There are many such teams. Among them, there are operators that are universal for both search engines, as well as specific for each of them. In addition, there are special combinations. All types of operators and how to use them will be discussed in this article.

Let's start with universal operators that work both in Yandex and Google. It is worth noting one nuance: Yandex executes these commands exactly, and Google sometimes ignores it if it thinks it can show better results.

Symbol "+"

"Plus" says that the word following it must be present on the page. Usually it is placed before prepositions, since they are not taken into account by search engines. Also, with the help of a plus, you can refine the request, indicating what exactly you are interested in.

iPhone Xs +64GB

In this case, you indicate to search engines that you are only interested in phones with 64 GB. Other features ( specific model or color) are not taken into account here.

Symbol " - "

"Minus" helps to exclude any words from the query. With it, you can tell search engines not to show pages containing the specified negative keywords at all.

Avengers infinity war -online

This query shows that you are not interested in online cinemas that offer to watch a movie. You want news, reviews, and any information about this movie other than watching it.

Operator ""

The quote operator helps you find pages that match the exact query you entered.

"repair washing machine Samsung in Omsk»

To quickly find a repair company specifically Samsung models, you must enclose the query in quotation marks. And then only those sites that have the words "Samsung" and "Omsk" on the page will be shown in the search results.

Symbol " * "

"Asterisk" replaces any number of words. Can be used in conjunction with the previous "quote" operator. Helps out in those cases when you want to find a movie, a quote, but forgot or do not know the full name.

leave * I'm sad

For example, you need a quote from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", but you forgot what the main character said exactly. For a correctly specified request, Yandex immediately displays the entire phrase.

Special character « | »

The vertical separator is a synonym for the word "or". It tells search engines that you are interested in either the first option or the second.

winter jacket Adidas | Columbia

This query shows search engine that the user is only interested in the Adidas and Columbia brands. The system took into account the operator and showed the corresponding results.

Special character "~"

"Tilda" search engines understand differently. For Yandex, this command says that you need to look for pages where the word after the "~" symbol is not contained in the same sentence with the rest of the words specified before it.

~marvel comics

The request means that the user wants to see any comics other than Marvel. So, it is necessary to exclude results with the word "Marvel" in one phrase.

For Google, "tilde" is a command to search for documents containing the specified word or its synonyms.

healthy ~food -food

The second "-food" command, which excludes this word, was written in order to more clearly show how Google searches for synonyms for the word. Indeed, it showed pages with the keyword "healthy food" as opposed to "healthy food".

Operators used in Yandex search

Because search operators Since there are quite a few specific for Yandex, for convenience they are divided into 3 groups: documentary, undocumented, logical. Let's consider each category in more detail.


Document operators are advanced search commands. They help clarify information on request and are often used by SEO specialists. They can be used to indicate that you are interested in a specific type of document, a specific URL, and so on.

Most of the parameters are already integrated into the Yandex advanced search for the convenience of users, but for speed, you can use operators.

"title" operator

Helps to find all pages with the specified query in their Title. If this is a phrase, it is enclosed in parentheses, and one word is written without them.

title:(asus laptops cheap)

In the Title of all documents, the query we entered is highlighted, which is what the user wanted.

mime command

This command helps to find documents of the required format.

price comparison for iphone mime:pdf

Search results display PDF documents that contain the words from the query.

"host" operator memes

In this case, Yandex searches for all pages containing the word "memes" that are hosted on the domain.

domain command

This operator tells you to look for pages located on a specific domain.

yandex domain:ua

In this case, the search engine will find all documents that are hosted on the UA domain and contain the word Yandex.

"site" operator

This command is identical to the previous one. But in this case, information is searched on all pages and subdomains of the specified site.


As a result, Yandex search results display all documents containing the word "pictures" and placed on domains with the name "" written in their names.

date command

Helps to find documents for a specific period.

concerts date:201811*

With the help of such a request, you make it clear to Yandex that you are looking for all the concerts that will take place in November 2018. The eleventh month is specified, and instead of a number, there is an asterisk that replaces any value.

"lang" operator

Using “lang”, you can tell Yandex which language to search for documents in. It should be used if you want only English-language sites in the search results.

iPhone lang:en

url command

This operator tells the search engine to search for a page located at a specific URL. This is useful to check if it has been indexed or not.

"inurl" operator

In this case, Yandex selects pages on the specified URL that contain your request.

iphone xs inurl:hi-tech

The search engine found all sites that have a Hi-Tech section (with the same name in the URL), and which published information about the iPhone Xs.


The other large group includes undocumented operators.

"intext" command

If you write a query " IT intext: humor”, then the search engine will show all kinds of jokes and memes about system administrators, programmers, etc.

image command

This command helps to find pictures whose title matches the specified query.

image: odessa_humor.jpg

Anchormus team

anchormus: winter

brain teaser

Universal logical operators have already been discussed above. Now let's note those that work only for Yandex.

Symbol " ! »

operator in the form exclamation mark tells the search engine to search for pages where the query occurs in the specified form. Moreover, Yandex is case-sensitive, which means that you can write words with capital letters.


Symbol " !! »

This command searches for pages where the specified word occurs in any form and case.

Symbol " & "

The command tells Yandex that the words linked by the ampersand must be in the same sentence. Accordingly, they only look for pages that meet this requirement.


Symbol " && "

Using this command, Yandex searches for all documents that contain words linked by a double ampersand, no longer within a single sentence, but within the entire document.


Special character "<< »

Search results will show pages with the words specified in the query within the entire document. But relevance is calculated only by the first word written before the operator "<< ».

online store promotion<<самоучитель

/n operator

Yandex searches for pages where the words specified in the query occur at a distance of N words from each other.

iPhone XS memory /10

Operator /(m n)

In this case, m is the minimum distance between words, n is the maximum. Accordingly, the search engine searches for documents where the words are from each other in the range from M to N.

Asus laptop enter BIOS /(5 20)

&& /n operator

Yandex looks for documents that contain words linked by a double ampersand - but already within N sentences from each other.

Operator ()

Parentheses are used to group words in complex queries. They can also enclose any other operators.

Operators used in Google search

Google also has many search operators, which are divided into specific subgroups. Let's start with documents.


"site" operator

With this command, Google searches for documents on the specified site or domain. It is popular among webmasters and other professionals, and often helps for quick linking.

"link" command

The search results will show pages that link to the site you specify.

"related" operator

Google searches for pages with similar content. This is true for highly specialized topics and issues on which there is little information. You can also use “related” to find competitor sites with similar content.

related:neurosurgical operations

"file" operator

Helps to find documents of the required format. The command is useful for finding books or documents in a suitable format, such as pdf.

dangerous games file:pdf

"define" command

Helps you quickly find the definition of a term entered in a query. Typically, the results provide reference resources, such as Wikipedia.


"loc" operator

With it, you can specify the location if you are only interested in a certain city.

poster theaters loc:Moscow

"date" operator

Helps to display in the search results only the pages that appeared in the index for a certain period.

online store promotion date:2

In this case, Google will only find documents that have been published in the last 2 months.

source command

Used for Google News. The operator narrows the search circle taking into account the selected source - be it a news portal or any other site.

business source: correspondent

"allinurl" operator

Helps you find sites that contain the words you specify in their URLs. For a more efficient search, it is recommended to write a request in English or in transliteration.


inurl command

Here the results are limited to just one word. For example, using the " inurl:it recommendations” you can find recommendations on all sites that contain “IT” in the URL.

"allintext" operator

Helps to find pages where the full match of the specified query occurs.

allintext: smart linking

"intext" command

If you write in the request " IT intext: jokes”, then Google will find pages with jokes that are related to IT topics.

"allintitle" operator

Helps you find pages whose Title contains the full match of your query.

allintitle: how to collect semantics

"intitle" command

Works on the same principle as the previous operator. Only in this case, the search is limited to one word from the query, which comes first.

intitle: track behavioral factors

Now only the word “track” is always found in the Title. The remaining words are available only for the first site.

"cache" operator

With this command, Google opens the latest copy of the cache page of the desired site. Suitable for any web resources.

After entering such a request, you will see the following on the screen:

info command

With this command, you can check if the site is indexed.

"allinanchor" operator

Helps you find sites that contain the words from your query in their link descriptions.

allinanchor: blog promotion

Team "inanchor"

A similar command, but in this case only one word is taken into account.

inanchor: promotion

brain teaser

Let's consider only those logical operators that were not mentioned earlier. Google has few of them.

"OR" command

An analogue of the vertical separator « | ", which in its meaning replaces the word "or". Helps to find documents that contain either one or another of the options specified by the user.

iron Saturn OR Philips

Operator ".."

This operator helps when searching for information with a certain digital range. This is especially true when choosing a product within a limited budget.

keyboard 3000..5000 rubles

Special characters @ and #

With the help of these special characters, you can quickly find the information you need by hashtags on VK, OK, Twitter and other popular networks.


The Best Search Engine Operator Combinations

For more efficient and faster work, combine different options with each other. Consider the most popular combinations.

Quotation marks " " and "date"

Combining quotation marks with a date will help you find accurate information for a given period of time.

Metro Exodus date:12

With this request, Google will return all the news about the game Metro Exodus for the last 12 months.

Request + "inurl" command

With this combination, you can find reviews about the online store where you are going to buy a product. Or get users' opinions about an online course before signing up for it.

Many users of the Google search engine, resorting to its help, notice that it is often not always possible to find the information you need the first time. Perhaps users believe that these are shortcomings of the search engine itself, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, in order to find very specific information, you need to resort to the help of special tools (operators) of this search engine.

How to search on Google correctly?

For starters, do not forget that the Google search algorithm is case insensitive, in other words, if you enter “Russia” or “Russia” in the query, then the search result will not change. However, this search engine is very sensitive to the algorithm of search operators, which is why the search results for the queries "Windows OR Linux" and "Windows or Linux" can be radically different.

The next thing to consider is that the Google search engine does not take into account many words - bundles, for example, such as "and", "a", "but" and the like. For this reason, the result of search results does not depend on their use in any way.

Thirdly, in order to correctly search in this search engine, you should remember the presence of certain operators (characters or words that refine the search) and learn how to use them.

Such operators are used not only by Google, but also by other search engines, for example, Yandex.

So, Google operators that will help you find the information you need:

«+» - better to use when you need to find documents containing more than two words, for example, "SEO + tools".

«-» - must be used to exclude from the issuance of documents containing any word, for example, “drinks - non-alcoholic”. In this case, the search engine will only find alcoholic beverages.

"OR"- needed to search for documents containing one of several words, for example, "woman OR girl".

«“”» - needed in order to find documents in which there is a certain phrase in the same form in which it is used as a search query, for example "buy TV Tver"

«~» - is needed to search for synonyms of the words that are specified in the query, for example, “image ~ smartphones”.

«..» - is used if it is necessary to find documents that contain numerical values ​​in the specified intervals, for example, "300 ... 500 rubles per day."

There are more popular Google operators for the right search, among which the average user of this search engine may need the following.

daterange:- needed to search for documents created in a certain period of time, for example, "fire in Kyiv daterange: 20092011-21102010".

filetype:- used when searching for links to a document of a certain type, for example, "Solzhenitsyn's autobiography filetype:rtf".

site:- is needed in order to find all pages of the site you need or pages of the site containing a certain word, for example, " antivirus".

phonebook:- a very necessary operator that searches for phone numbers according to the specified parameters, for example, "phonebook: Omsk hotels."

It turns out it's not that hard to search Google correctly if you know how.

How to search in Yandex?

The answer to this seemingly stupid question is by no means known to all Yandex users. The reason lies in the fact that the largest number of users of Internet resources do not fully use the capabilities of search programs, which is why in certain cases many users of search engines may encounter any obstacles and difficulties in finding the necessary information.

Well, how to use the Yandex search engine correctly - the most popular search engine in the Russian-speaking segment of the World Wide Web?

1. If you need to find a specific, specifically formulated phrase. The search for such phrases is most conveniently used using the " " operator, in other words, in order to find a web document in which the phrase you need is located, it should be printed in quotes. For example, "Which files can be excluded from virus scanning?"

2. If you need to find a quote, but you have forgotten some words or simply do not know. There is no difficulty in this. In this case, the entire phrase should be enclosed in quotation marks, and the “*” sign should be put in place of the forgotten words. For example, "I'm coming to you * what more."

3. If you need to generate output for several words or phrases at the same time. For such an operation, the operator | must be used, it must be used after each searched word or phrase. For example, raspberries | wild strawberries | strawberry.

4. If you have to find several words that are in the same sentence. When performing this task, you need to use the & operator, it must be placed between the search words. For example, a monument to Mayakovsky & Samara.

5. If you need to find a document that contains a particular word. To do this, use the + operator. It should be used before the search words and should not be separated by a space. Also, the query may contain clarifying words or phrases. For example, a monument to Chapaev + square.

6. If you need to exclude documents that contain a specific word from the search. You need to use the - operator. It is placed before the words to be excluded and is not separated by a space. For example, a modern laptop - buy.

7. If you need to find information only from a specific site. In this case, the site operator will help. It is used along with a colon and is placed immediately before the site name. For example, PDF

8. If you need to find documents of one type or another. When searching for such files, use the mine operator. It is also used with a colon. For example, the instruction for HTS mine:doc.

9. If you need to find information in a specific language. For such a task, you need to use the lang operator, after which you should put a colon and specify the selected language for the documents you are looking for. For example, Angels and Demons lang:ru.

There are special characters for search queries - relatively speaking, "hints". It is not necessary to use them. But with them, something will happen faster.

If you add a few special characters (simple!) to the usual words and phrases for which you are looking for suitable resumes, then the search will be more efficient. We show by examples when it is useful to use it.

1. Exclude synonyms

If you search, for example, by the word "director" in the title of the resume, then in the search results you will also see those whose title says "manager", "head", CEO. If you type “project manager”, you will see both a Project Manager resume and a “Project Manager” resume. Because our understands synonyms.

This is convenient - you do not need to independently list similar names of the same position in the search. But it happens that you need to find a specific word without synonyms. How to do it? Just put an exclamation point before the word (no space):


2. Eliminate specific words

It happens that simultaneously with the search for certain words and expressions, you need to exclude a specific word or several words from the search results.

Let's say you're only interested in resumes of directors and executives. But for the query from the previous example, you will also receive resumes of deputy directors in the search results - because the title of their resumes has the word "director" in the title. But you can exclude the word "deputy" from the search. Here's how to do it with the NOT hint:

!director not !deputy

In the search results, you will only see those resumes where the title contains the word “director” but does not contain the word “deputy”.

By the way, do not forget to specify in which section of the resume you want to find or, conversely, exclude certain words. In the example above, the search is by resume title. But you can choose other options - for example, by the name of the positions at the previous places of work.

3. Search by part of a word

You can search not by the whole word, but by its part. Just put an asterisk at the end of the part of the word you are interested in (for example, geo).


In the above example, all words with this root will be searched - for example, geologist, geographer, geography, geology, surveyor.

This method is not needed to search for words with a different ending, not like in the query, Smart Search takes them into account anyway. For example, for the query "marketing" he will find the words "marketing", "marketing" and so on. An asterisk is needed for less obvious cases.

4. Find a phrase

Often you have to search not for one word, but for a phrase. For example, you need a specialist with experience in international reporting. If you write in the search bar like this:

international reporting

then you will get in the search results everyone who has both words in their resume in their experience, but not necessarily next to each other. For example, like this:

Enclose the desired phrase in quotation marks.

"international reporting"

So you will form a selection only from those resumes in which these words are next to each other as a phrase.

5. Find the exact phrase with the same endings

If you use only quotation marks to search for a phrase (the previous example), then those resumes where this phrase is written with other endings of keywords will be selected, among other things. For example, the query "international reporting" will also find those summaries where it says "international reporting", "international reporting".

If you need to find a phrase without changing the endings - just like in the query, then add an exclamation mark.

"international reporting"

6. Search by multiple keywords or phrases

It happens that you need a resume in which several keywords or expressions would occur at once. To do this, use the AND hint in the query. Do not forget to use quotation marks for phrases, and for exact phrases with endings, as in the query, also an exclamation mark.

"consolidated reporting" AND IFRS AND IPO

7. Find any of the keywords

Sometimes you can find the right resumes by several keywords or expressions at once. Moreover, it is enough that the resume contains at least one of them. For example, when you search by the names of specific companies in the previous places of work, to work with specific sales targets.

How to make it so that you do not search first for one word or phrase, then for another (another) and so on? Just use the OR hint.

!B2B OR "corporate clients"

8. Find words that are adjacent but separated by other words

Search keywords do not always appear next to each other in the form of an exact phrase. They can be separated from each other by a certain number of words.

For example, you need a manager with cold sales experience. Different wordings are possible in the resume of suitable candidates. For example:

  • cold sales manager
  • sales manager of banking products (cold sales);
  • customer service manager (cold and warm bases);
  • sales manager - cold calls;
  • won the competition for the best quality of cold sales among 30 managers;
  • taught managers the technique of cold sales.

To easily find all options where the words "manager" and "cold" are, put them in brackets, use the special sign ~ and immediately after it (without a space) indicate the number of words that the keywords you are interested in can separate (for example, 5) .

"manager cold"~5

9. Enter multiple conditions at once

Some of the search suggestions are similar to the functions in the search menu. For example, instead of the AND hint, you can choose the search option "all words", instead of the OR operator - the search option "any of the words", instead of the NOT operator - the option "do not occur".

Why then do we need operators? They help to make complex queries in which you need to combine several search conditions at once.

For example, you are looking for a non-entry level analyst, and the position may go by various titles - just analyst (but not junior), Data Scientist, or Data Analyst. Separate complex queries from each other with parentheses:

(analyst NOT junior) OR (!data AND !scientist OR !analyst)

10. Search by multiple conditions in different resume fields

By default, the keywords and expressions you enter in the search box are searched across all resume fields. But you can specify in which section of the resume the search words should be.

You can search for different words and phrases in different sections of your resume at once. For example, you need:

  • Financial director, but not deputy financial director (this should be looked for in the title of the resume);
  • Graduated from the Financial University - perhaps when it was called the Financial Academy (search in the field about education);
  • With experience in maintaining consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS standards (search in the description of duties).

There are two ways to make such a request. First: add a search string for each condition and mark in which field of the summary to look for this word (phrase).

The second method does not require adding lines - all conditions can be written in one line, but with the help of special hints, you can explain in which field of the summary to look for a particular word (phrase).

In our example, this request would look like this:

POSITION:("financial director" and not !deputy) EDUCATION:("Financial University" OR "Financial Academy") WORKPLACE_DESCRIPTION:("consolidated statements" and IFRS)

Here is a list of hints to indicate in which field of the summary to look for a particular word (expression):

  • POSITION - search in the desired position (resume title);
  • EDUCATION - search in education;
  • WORKPLACES - search in the names of companies-employers;
  • WORKPLACE_POSITION - search in positions;
  • KEYWORDS - search in key skills;
  • WORKPLACE_DESCRIPTION - search in job description;
  • CONTACT_INFO - search in personal data (name and surname).

Don't forget to put a colon after the hint before writing down the search word! There should be no space between the colon and the search word.


POSITION director POSITION: director


POSITION: director

And remember: you can always click on the "Search" button with a completely empty search bar. The machine learning algorithm will take into account several hundred features and, based on them, will make a selection of the most suitable resumes for you.

Successful search!