How to put a password on an Android flash drive. How to put a password on a flash drive - simple and effective options. Video: protecting a flash drive using the Rohos Mini drive program

How to put a password on USB flash drive? You have probably asked this question more than once if you have a computer and use this device. Please read the information below carefully to apply effective ways, to set a password for the flash drive.

Hello, friends! Since the advent of computers, people have used two types of storage devices: floppy disks, and DVDs. But gradually they became a thing of the past. This happened due to the fact that only a small amount of information could be recorded on them. There was also another drawback - the shell of these drives quickly lost its functionality, and subsequently it was necessary to buy new storage media.

So that there is no more similar problems, developed the new kind storage device - flash drive. A flash drive is an external device for a computer that can be used to store a large number of various files. This tool storage of information, quite convenient and retains its effectiveness in working on for a long time. Next, we will move on to answering the question - how to put a password on a USB flash drive.

So, why do you need to set passwords on a flash drive? This is necessary so that your information posted there is always protected. Moreover, if you make money via the Internet, this process is worth doing.

After all, it is best to store passwords and logins in remote access from the computer. Namely, on a flash drive. Next, nine ways await you in which you can find out how to put a password on a USB flash drive.

Password protect a flash drive using Winrar

Password protection of the flash drive can be done via Winrar. First, insert your flash drive into your computer. Then, go to where everyone is hard disks. Click once on the flash drive with the right mouse button to select the function of this program from the drop-down menu - add to archive.

Archive management opens, where you need to click on the button to set a password, and then enter it in the specified field. (Picture 1).

Before confirming the save, be sure to write down your passwords so you don't forget them. After clicking OK (twice), the password creation process will begin. Wait a little while the process ends and your flash drive with all the information is transferred to the archive.


Typically Bitlocker is built into Windows system. Unless, of course, you have disabled it, it will help you easily corrupt the data on the flash drive. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the flash drive itself. And right-click on it. You will be given the opportunity to choose this program. It is displayed in the list, and then after clicking on the program, set any password. As you can see, everything is quite simple here.


This program can protect your flash drive. It can be downloaded from the developers website and installed on your computer. It allows you to encrypt almost all hard drive partitions.

To set a password on a flash drive using this program, open it. A window will open in front of you where a message will be written - drag the files from the explorer. Click on this notification to select the flash drive in the Explorer section. Set a password and your flash drive is encrypted.

I would like to note that this program is paid and is not suitable for every user.

USB Safeguard

Here, setting a password will be a little more difficult for a beginner. Download the installation files for this utility. Then transfer them using the mouse to a flash drive to perform all the necessary operations there.

Run the installer file. Follow the instructions as indicated during the installation process. Until the point where you need to enter the password twice and write a password hint. Then confirm this action and wait a bit. The last step will be to activate the program. Click on the activation item and copy the product code. Next, insert it where you are asked to enter this key. That's it, this is how you set a password on a flash drive.


Download Lockngo online. Installation file, does not run on the computer by itself, only on removable media. It needs to be moved to a flash drive. And there, you already launch the program itself.

There is no installation, so you write a password and click OK so that all files are blocked. In the same way, you can unlock everything. In the free program, you will not be able to enter passwords. Unless after purchasing the paid version.

Rohos Mini Drive

But this program is absolutely free. You do not need to enter activation keys to activate it. You just need to install and set a password for the flash drive. When it starts, find the control panel to encrypt the USB drive. (Figure 2).

And come up with a password that will protect all data on this storage drive.


This program works in normal mode only in 32-bit versions of the operating system. So, before downloading, do not forget to look system requirements computer. Setting a password goes like this. Run the program, select the partition where the settings are, and install the flash drive there. Then, set a complex password.

USB Flash Security

How to put a password on a flash drive using this software? When it opens in operating mode, you should already have a flash drive connected to your computer. (Figure 3).

Click Install to set a password for the flash drive.


The action in this program occurs in the same way as in subsequent programs. To set a password, select from the list of sections hard drive flash drive, and click on the system function to select change password from the menu. After this, do not forget to save all changes.

If you set any password on a flash drive, be sure to write it down. This is the only condition that will help you restore your full access to the flash drive.

The programs that were selected to create the password can be used to recover it.


In this article, you learned how to put a password on a USB flash drive. This information, will be useful to everyone who does not want to lose their personal data. Of course, you can put a password on a flash drive without programs, but this work is for an experienced user. For beginners, I recommend using the above methods, which in any case will help protect important information.

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

P.S. Articles that will help protect information.(,).

A flash drive is an incredibly convenient way to store information. Currently, this is the easiest option to transfer gigabytes of information, sometimes very personal or even confidential.

The main advantages of flash drives are:

  1. vibration resistance;
  2. ease of use;
  3. compactness;
  4. energy independence.

Why protect a flash drive?

Compactness is a definite plus! However, with a small flash drive, the chances of losing it increase. Is it possible to put a password on a flash drive? Certainly! In order to protect your confidential information on a flash drive and not allow the person who finds it to read it and use it for personal purposes, of course, you need to set a password on it.

Overview of protection programs

Bitlocker program

Since the Vista operating system, Microsoft has provided users with a means to protect their data. This protection program is called Bitlocker. This program is supplied only for operating systems targeting corporate users, such as WindowsVista/7 editions Enterprise, Ultimate and Windows 8 of all variations except RT.

Photo: encryption with Bitlocker

Bitlocker is a decent, if flawed, data encryption program for logical drives, which will help you make a password for a USB flash drive. Encryption of information is complete, that is, all data on the media is encrypted. Bitlocker is a much more flexible program, unlike standard programs to set passwords.

BitlockerToGo – available only from Windows users 7 and older, designed specifically for removable media, can also be installed on Vista/Windows XP.

To set a password on a flash drive, you need to connect it to your computer and in the context menu (click right click mouse on the flash drive shortcut in the “My Computer” window) and select “Enable Bitlocker”. In the window that appears, select protection using a smart card or password.

After you have set a password, the system will prompt you: save or print a special recovery key that serves as an answer to the security question. That is, when you decide to change your password, the program will ask for that same key.

To reopen the BitLocker setup menu, you can open the "Options to Manage BitLocker" section from the flash drive's context menu at any time.

Rohos Mini Drive program

This small and completely free program does not require administrator rights at all, but it does not set a password for the entire flash card.

The Rohos Mini Drive program creates a password-protected sector with a total capacity of no more than 2 GB. Like most analogues, it uses AES encryption with a 256-bit key for protection.

Photo: Rohos Mini Drive flash drive protection

Rohos Mini Drive also has the ability to provide access to unencrypted data to all local system. That is, this data can be easily accessed from another computer in the system.

TrueCrypt program

TrueCrypt is an excellent free data encryption and storage program. With its help, you can create an encrypted container for an unlimited number of GB. After creating such a container, you can dump all the data you need into it, and encryption will happen automatically.

Photo: data encryption with TrueCrypt

When creating a volume (encrypted container), you can also select a file system; by default, the program uses FAT. In order to work with the container, you will need the TrueCrypt program itself. Having opened it, indicate the location of your classified archive, and then, by entering the password, open the archive itself. Everything is quite simple.

You can copy this container with a password from one computer to another, open it from a flash card, transfer it via e-mail. And even if it ends up in the wrong hands, it is almost impossible to decrypt it without knowing the password.

How to put a password on a flash drive 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB

It doesn't really matter how much capacity your drive has. In any case, you can use one of the following tips:

  1. if your drive is no more than 2 GB, then you can use the trial version of USBSafeguard, RohosMiniDrive, or use the same BitLocker, you can also archive files.
  2. if the drive has large volumes, for example 8, 16 or 32 GB, then we recommend either purchasing a USBSafeguard license, or using the same BitLocker if you have Windows, or using free program for TrueCrypt data encryption.

Working with a memory device

Especially for those who are working with a device such as a flash drive for the first time. When working with flash drives, although transparent at first glance, there are still some nuances.

When you connect your device to the connector, an autorun window pops up (applicable to Windows).

Choose what you need when connecting the flash drive to your computer:

  1. open a folder to view files. This will launch File Explorer. It may not open due to viruses or problems. In this case, information from the flash drive can be obtained using the Explorer program;
  2. use this disk for archiving. This means you can use this media to back up and archive important files;
  3. speed up the system. This feature is designed to solve the problem of low memory on your computer using a flash drive.

And don't forget to shut down safely. On the notification panel there is a special icon called “Safely Remove Hardware and Drives”. By clicking on it, you can remove the disk you need without harm to the system.

Video: how to remove write protection from a flash drive

If you need to remove the password

A small flash drive is easy to steal or borrow for a while; it has no protection at all from prying hands and eyes, of course, if you don’t think through everything in advance and block it removable media from strangers.

You can set a password on a flash drive using specialized programs, for example, USB Safeguard.

Famous manufacturers of flash media release their devices with already “built-in” cryptographic applications. In any case, to remove the password from the flash drive, it is better to remember it, and then, by typing it into the appropriate field of the program used to protect the data, remove it.

With USB Safeguard, password removal occurs through the DecryptAll button with the Anddelete checkbox selected. Applications for the famous Transcend brand have a “Deletepassword” option.

Photo: password for a flash drive using USB Safeguard

Absolutely all such programs have a similar interface, which is not difficult for even a child to understand.

But let's answer a popular question:“I forgot my password, how can I remove it and set a new one?” If the password is lost, there is no way to read or format the flash drive for further use. (Which is great, because otherwise there would be no point in the password).

Of course, you can turn to the services of people who really know how to handle such awkward password situations. Or you can hack it for free using special programs, but this is done at your own peril and risk; your computer may pick up unwanted viruses.

Unfortunately or fortunately, for flash drives with built-in software protection, in 95% of cases it is impossible to access the data.

Of course, the only working way to avoid getting into a similar situation in the future is to try to come up with a more secure password that you will never be able to forget.

Requires a password when connecting

This means that the flash drive has a password. If you did not install it, then the chances of finding out what is stored on the flash drive are negligible. If you installed it, then remember or find the entry with the password to unlock it.

Photo: Setting and removing a password from a flash drive


Why format a flash drive:

How to format a flash drive. Types of formatting.

There are two types of formatting:

  1. quick formatting. The data you deleted can be restored. With a quick format, the system will not check the disk for errors and will not correct them, so the process will happen faster than a complete one;
  2. full formatting. The data cannot be recovered.

There will be a check for errors and, if you wish, you can correct them. If you have extra time of about 1-2 minutes, it’s better to choose full formatting; if not, choose quick formatting.

The easiest option to format a flash drive is to right-click on the removable disk shortcut and select “Format...”.

After completing this action, you will see the “Format Removable Disk (G:)” window.

Password without programs

The simplest trick is, of course, setting passwords on necessary files. To do this, you only need archivers such as AdobeAcrobat, WinRAR or 7Zip.

They are the most popular archivers with which files can be easily protected and saved. If you have the desire and the appropriate knowledge, they can, of course, be hacked, but for average users this is almost impossible.

If you want to remove the password from the flash card, then open the usbsafeguard.exe file you downloaded earlier and enter the password in the window that opens. The locking procedure must be repeated every time you want to lock the drive, so try to remember what status the drive is in, unlocked or blocked.

Video: USB Safeguard 4.0 - setting a password

Of course, this feature of the USB Safeguard program has its advantage. Now you will have the opportunity to change your password every time you log in.

Also in the settings you can specify after what period of time the media will be blocked. That is, after the specified number of minutes of inactivity, the password will be set again on the flash drive.

Putting a password on a flash drive can sometimes be very useful. This will save you from unpleasant disappointments in the form of losing important documents. You can use like standard archivers for files and protection programs, for example, USB Safeguard.

Thanks to this article, you also learned formatting, nuances in working with flash media, and you know what to do if you lose your password. Good luck with this simple task!

How to put a password on a USB flash drive - the most reliable methods in this article! Although a large number of people prefer to store confidential data on a flash drive and carry it with them. What if she gets lost or worse, kidnapped? Information falling into the wrong hands can cause a lot of trouble. Take care of how to put a password on a flash drive when storing something really important on it.


What is the most effective way to protect data on a flash drive?

Most reliable way storing truly important information means keeping it under the supervision of armed guards deep underground. And in the case of an electronic drive, it must also be disconnected from the network (Internet). The method is exaggerated, but this is not a joke. However, the real world and the constant need to have access to the necessary data does not allow the use of such methods. For this reason, they were developed various ways restrictions on access to information.

Encryption has become most widespread, since with the right approach, encryption does not allow an attacker or a random person to gain access to the data. Encryption tools using modern long-key algorithms, provided the user uses a complex password, provide effective protection. The use of such protection will be discussed.

How to put a password on a flash drive without additional programs

The question of how to password protect a flash drive without using special programs is quite relevant. It happens when at the right time there is simply no opportunity to use special services. software. There are two possible options.

First way. You initially took care of purchasing a flash drive with hardware encryption. For such devices, third-party software is not required; when connecting to a USB port, you need to enter the PIN code on the keyboard located on the body of the flash drive itself. Disconnecting from the port will result in automatic blocking. It is important to remember that multiple incorrect input password will end in permanent blocking of all stored information. Toshiba Encrypted USB Flash Drive is one of the representatives of this class of devices.

Second way. Use of improvised means.

Timely concern for protecting data on your phone’s flash drive can come back a hundredfold, since users increasingly trust confidential data to devices they always carry with them (such as phones). Full phone memory encryption is standard for Android versions above 4.0, and for external card memory - starting from version 4.1.1, but in inexpensive models such information protection may not be available.

If you have a non-budget class phone, you can enable encryption in the settings, section “Security”, for which the screen lock with a password must be active, otherwise encryption will not be available. Starting from the sixth version of Android, this option will be enabled initially, which, by the way, has already been implemented in iOS (iPhone).

If unavailable regular funds search Google Play will offer a good selection of programs for data protection. Good feedback has "SSE encryption", which, among other things, has the following additional functions, as a text encryptor and password manager. After installation, you will see an intuitive interface prompting you to select the data to protect.

The situation is somewhat simpler with older Symbian-based phones. In Nokia (it’s the same with phones from other manufacturers), go sequentially to “Menu” - “Settings” - “Protection” - “Protection level”, where select the desired option.

How to password protect a flash drive using programs

Can't say it's a choice software for data protection is meager. In addition to independent developments, every reputable flash drive manufacturer offers its own solution. The general configuration principle is present, if not in all, then in most of these utilities. Let's look at how to set a password on a flash drive using the program as an example.

  1. Download the program from the manufacturer's website and install it.
  2. Connect the flash drive to your computer.
  3. Launch the program, select "Encrypt" USB disk».
  4. Come up with good password and enter it in the appropriate fields.
  5. In the "Disk Settings" section, specify the required size of the protected partition. The peculiarity of the program is that it does not encrypt all data, but creates a special section for these purposes.
  6. After the input has been specified, you can click “Create Disk”.

Now all data will be reliably protected and hidden from view. You can access them through the main menu of the program or using an executable file created on an unprotected partition (Rohosmini.exe).

The best programs for password-protecting flash memory cards

Not all specialized programs good for data protection. Some have obvious flaws with stability or reliability. Below we will list and briefly discuss four programs that have already proven themselves to be positive.

A flash drive is a very strange object: here it is, but suddenly it’s gone... Like any small things, USB flash drives are easily lost. Along with them, information leaks out that may not be intended for prying eyes and ears. To prevent your files from being opened by strangers, protect them with a password, or even better, encrypt them.

You can put a password on the flash drive different ways- both with the help of specialized software and using Windows without third party programs. Let's consider both.

On many computers running Windows control There is a WinRAR archiver, and it has a function for setting a password for the archive. If packing and unpacking files on a portable drive will not take too much time, more convenient way you won't find it.

To set a password for a WinRAR archive, do the following:

  • Connect the flash drive to the USB port of your PC and open the “Computer” folder.
  • Right-click the context menu of the flash drive and select the “add to archive” option, marked with the WinRAR icon.

  • On the General tab, click the Set password button.

  • Enter in the marked field a codeword and click OK. Optionally, check the “show password” and “encrypt file names” checkboxes.

After this, all your data will be moved to the archive, and each time you open it you will have to enter a password. You can access the contents of the drive on any machine where the archiver program is installed. By the way, not only WinRAR, but also any other with similar functions. For example, 7-zip.

The advantages of using WinRAR to protect removable media are not only its simplicity and widespread use, but also the fact that it can be used to set a password on a separate folder or file. The disadvantage is that the archiving method is convenient only if there is a small amount of information on a removable disk, otherwise the process of unpacking and packing will be too long.

BitLocker Windows

BitLocker encryption is designed to protect information stored on desktop and portable drives of Windows computers, and is part of the operating system itself. The technology is very reliable and easy for the user, but is not implemented in all, but only in server, professional, corporate and maximum editions of the system. And this is perhaps its most significant drawback. On a PC where, for example, Windows Home, there is no way to open an encrypted disk. But Microsoft does not offer tools for separate installation of Bitlocker in home OSes.

Using BitLocker to protect flash drives is only worth it if you are going to work with them on machines with the above-mentioned Windows versions, as well as under Linux and Mac OS X. For the latter two systems, there is a utility developed by enthusiasts that allows you to open and view encrypted drives, but does not allow you to encrypt them.

How to protect a USB device with BitLocker:

  • Connect the USB flash drive to your PC and open the list of drives in Windows Explorer(go to the “Computer” folder).
  • Open the context menu of the flash drive and select the “Enable BitLocker” option.

  • The first thing the system will offer you is to choose a method for unlocking the media. For home users, the only suitable option is a password. Enter it in the field provided, repeat and click Next.

  • Next, determine how it is more convenient for you to store the recovery key, which you will need to access data in case you lose your password.

  • Next, specify which part of the drive should be encrypted.

  • In the next window, select the encryption mode. Portable drives that will be used in different versions operating systems, compatibility mode will do.

  • The last step is to confirm your intention - click “Start encryption”.

The encryption operation will last several minutes, after which the contents of the flash drive will be accessible only with a password. Every new item you save on it will also be automatically encrypted.

The strengths of BitLocker are that it is a very hack-resistant algorithm, there is no need to install third party software and ease of use. Disadvantages - inability to encrypt separate file or a folder of the user’s choosing (only a section or the entire drive) and a limited area of ​​use.

CyberSafe Top Secret

The CyberSafe Top Secret application, according to experts, is one of the best means of encrypting data on desktop and portable storage devices. Available in several versions - from free to expensive corporate ones. For personal use, in particular, encryption of flash drives, it is enough free version(free) or one of the inexpensive paid ones with an expanded set of functions.

CyberSafe Top Secret Free allows you to encrypt files, containers, disk partitions and removable media using the DES algorithm with a 64-bit key length (password length limit is 4 characters). Paid versions use more robust algorithms - AES-256 and BlowFish-448, and also provide support electronic digital signatures, allow you to hide files and folders, compress data to save space, etc. Full list of features different versions utilities can be found on the official website.

To protect information on a flash drive with CyberSafe Top Secret, just move your fingers a little:

  • Open the flash drive in the application as a disk partition: in the left panel, select “Encrypt disk”, select the desired media and click “Create”.

  • Next we set the encryption algorithm and password; determine whether to save the file system or not (if not, the drive will be formatted); we indicate which area should be encrypted - only the occupied space or all available space. After clicking “Accept”, the program will begin the encryption process.

You can only open an encrypted flash drive on a computer where CyberSafe Top Secret is installed. Other PCs will see it as media with an unknown file system.

To get rid of encryption, just format the flash drive in any program.

The advantages of CyberSafe Top Secret are power, functionality, free, the ability to encrypt individual folders and files, and no disk space limitations. The disadvantage is the inability to use a flash drive on a PC that does not have this program.

USB Safeguard

The free version of the USB Safeguard utility allows you to protect flash drives with a capacity of up to 4 GB. Unlike CyberSafe Top Secret, it does not need to be installed on your computer. You need to run it directly from the device that it will “protect.”

USB Safeguard does not have a Russian-language interface, but it is very easy to use:

  • Copy the utility to removable media and launch it by double-clicking. Administrator rights are not needed - the program will work even on machines where you do not have administrative powers.
  • After the first USB launcher Safeguard may prompt you to format the flash drive. If you refuse, protection will not be possible, since the utility only supports the NTFS file system.
  • After formatting and restarting USB Safeguard, a window will open asking you to set a password to access the drive files. In the “New password” field, enter the code word, in the “Confirm” field - repeat it, in the “Hint” - specify a reminder hint.

Now the utility will ask for a password every time you connect a flash drive to your PC.

The advantages of USB Safeguard are that there is no need for installation and the ability to open a protected flash drive on any computer. Disadvantages - the device capacity is limited to four gigabytes and supports only file NTFS systems.


The principle of operation of the Lockngo utility is reminiscent of USB Safeguard, however, it has no restrictions on disk space and has a Russian language. You can use it to protect any portable drives, and not only those with a USB interface.

The program is aimed at Windows and Mac users - it supports file systems both OS. Available in versions compatible with Windows only, Mac only, or both. It has the functions of hiding files on protected media, blocking access to it with one click, automatic blocking when the user is inactive, encrypting data in a private directory (uses the AES-256 algorithm), launching the selected program after unlocking.

Lockngo is a paid but very affordable utility. The price of one license, depending on the version, is 200-500 rubles.

How to use Lockngo:

  • Transfer the downloaded Lockngo.exe file to the USB flash drive and run it. Enter the unlock password and its confirmation in the specified fields. After clicking OK, the program will lock the drive.

  • To resume access to data, enter the same password in the form.

Lockngo's strengths are simplicity, functionality, fast and effective work. There is, perhaps, only one drawback - the lack of opportunity to test it before purchasing (the developer does not release trial versions). But overall, the program is very good, and you really don’t mind paying some 200 rubles for it.