How to make a club and group on VKontakte. How to organize a music group. How to delete a VKontakte group

When you start promoting your brand in in social networks, your eyes run wide from the number of possibilities: modern Facebook, cozy Odnoklassniki, sleek Instagram, mysterious Twitter or colorful Pinterest?

I want to try everything at once, there is great potential everywhere, activity, communication, sales everywhere. What to grab onto??

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We offer start promotion by creating a VKontakte group. Why? Because in Russia it is the most popular social network with a huge, diverse audience. Because it is a clear, modern interface, an excellent place to start, which has proven its effectiveness more than once. Let's, for example, Let's look at famous Russian brands:

Number of subscribers on different social networks

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a group on VKontakte

So, you are faced with a question: how to create a VKontakte group? We have prepared step-by-step instructions.

Go to your VKontakte page, go to the “Groups” section and in the upper right corner click the “Create Community” button

Choosing a name for the group – one of the key points. Ideally, it should contain two components: the name of your brand and the main keyword by which users can search for your product or service. Important: if you are faced with a choice - a short and concise name versus a long one with a lot of keywords - choose the first one: The longer the name, the lower it appears when searching.

Group type

There are three options: group, public page and event.

Let's figure out what main differences between a group and a public page:

GroupPublic page


The group can be either open or closed. In the latter case, its content is not indexed by search engines

Information is available to all Internet users

Possibility to post publications

Depending on the settings, either all users or only group members can publish posts

Without preliminary moderation, it is available only to community administrators; other participants can use the “Suggest news” button, and The final decision on publication is made by the administrator

Possibility to repost a post

In open ones there is, in closed ones there is no

Information above the wall

It is possible to place three sections: “Pinned news”, “Information” and “Latest news”. The latter can be renamed at your discretion

The Latest News section is unavailable

Ability to upload documents


It is possible to delete users

You can delete subscribers only by adding them to the blacklist

"Invite friends" option

If your main goal is brand promotion and the expected share of user-generated content is low, choose public page .

Once every 30 days you can change the type of community, but keep in mind that if, for example, you want to transfer the group to a public page, then all user posts will be lost.

After you have created a VKontakte group or page, you have to fill it with information. Be sure to spend time on this issue before you start promoting.

Initial community setup

Community Description field often the first thing users see when they join your group. What kind of information can be placed in it:

  • Basic information about the company;
  • Story about the group, brief navigation;
  • Your main advantages;
  • Contacts: phone number, address, email;
  • Rules;
  • Links to reviews about your products or services;
  • Calls to join the community;
  • A unique offer for subscribers, for example, a codeword to receive a discount.

Structure the information, add emoji symbols to add the right emphasis and make it easier to read.

Page address (URL) : when choosing an address, two points should be taken into account: the presence of keywords in it, as well as brevity and readability. Don't forget that you will indicate your group's address on business cards, flyers and booklets, and it should be convenient for users to type it manually.

Visual design: The most correct thing will be right away from professionals who will help you develop a unified style for the cover, avatar, group menu, photo albums and publication templates.

For groups and events, you will need to indicate the type: closed or open. If your goal is to promote goods and services, choosing a closed community does not make sense.

Advice: before registering the group and ask him to pick keywords, which will help your community be better indexed in search engines.

Community Management

Choose which sections you will use and complete them.

Separately, we would like to dwell on “Discussions” - this is one of the most useful sections: here you can place all the information that is important to your subscribers and that you do not want to “lose” on the community wall. It would be appropriate to place a section with community rules, reviews of your products and services, contact and background information. It is also convenient to conduct games and other activities in discussions.

How to create a discussion in a VKontakte group? Very simple! Check the "Discussions" section in community management, then click the button on home page“Add discussion” and fill in all the fields provided.

Undoubtedly, commercial communities should connect and fill out the “Products” section. It is worth noting that products do not necessarily have to be placed in it; many companies use this section to describe the services provided.

Don't forget to turn on the obscene language filter in the "Comments" tab, if, of course, you consider it necessary.

Keeping your community safe

The next thing you should think about before investing time and money into developing a group is its safety.

1. Check how complex the password for your page is. Good password must contain:

  • At least 10 characters;
  • Lowercase and capital letters;
  • Numbers;
  • Symbols (such as exclamation or question marks).

2. Use given password only for VKontakte login.

3. Check your email password in the same way.

4. Make sure that Email and phone number to which your page is linked are current.

5. Make sure you have an antivirus installed on your computer and update it regularly.

6. Don't install third party programs without first ensuring their safety, and do not enter data to access your profile on unfamiliar sites.

7. Do not add strangers to the group administration.

8. In case of any strange activity on the page (the appearance of new publications or the deletion of old ones, changes in information in the page description, etc.), immediately contact the site administration.

Which posts should I post first?

Before starting promotion, you need to make several publications on the community wall so as not to scare off your first subscribers with a complete lack of content. There is no significant difference in the first and subsequent publications in the group.

What is a content plan? This is a list of individual content types divided by day of the week. Most reliable way Determining what kind of content is worth publishing involves researching competitor groups. Review the posts and determine what types of content they are. It can be:

  • A story about services and goods;
  • Reviews;
  • Useful information for subscribers, for example, infographics;
  • Humor;
  • Announcements of materials on the site;
  • Stories about the history of your brand;
  • Presentation of new products.

In general, all content in any group can be divided into three categories: entertaining, informational and selling. Find a balance between them - and the golden key is in your pocket.

Initial promotion of the VKontakte community

After you have created a VKontakte community and spent time on its initial design, it’s time to start promoting it. First of all, post information about the new community in all sources available to you: on the website, personal page, e-mail newsletter, and other social networks. This will bring the first few dozen subscribers. The “Invite Friends” function is available for groups, don’t forget to use it.

Then you can use official tools for advertising on VKontakte, organize promotions and repost competitions, look for communities for mutual PR, or delegate all the routine work to our team and enjoy the result.

How to delete a VKontakte group that I created?

A frequently asked question is: “How to delete the VKontakte group that I created?” This is an interesting point - You cannot completely delete a created group, you won’t find the button you need anywhere in the settings. However, you can completely clear it of all information, delete the avatar, description and all subscribers (including yourself), and then change the group type to closed. After this, the group will disappear from the “Community Management” list, and over time it will be deleted by the VKontakte administration.

In order to remove all information and participants from a public page, you must first convert it to group status.

Is it worth buying an existing group?

On the one hand, this provides some advantages at the start, but at the same time it is worth carefully assessing whether it would be more profitable to invest these funds, for example, in targeted advertising or in promoting competitions and promotions.

By purchasing a ready-made group or page, you get an initial audience, but often these are “dead souls,” so pay attention not only to the number of subscribers, but also to the activity in the group, the number of likes, comments and reposts.

How many groups to create for business

One group is enough for successful promotion, however, in some cases it will be wise to create two groups and thus cover a larger target audience and “hook” that part of it that is biased towards direct advertising and consists only of thematic publics.

In this case, one group represents a brand page, and the second is a community of interests.

This could be a group of animal lovers at a pet store, a health portal at a medical center, or a craft community at an online store for creative supplies.

Developing two groups at the same time requires twice as much cost and effort, so at the initial stage we advise you to pay maximum attention to one public, and only after that, if desired, create and develop the next one.

We hope that we have answered the question “how to create a VKontakte group” as fully as possible, but if you still encounter any difficulties during the process, we will be happy to help!

Greetings! Come on, tell me, how many of you have thought about how to create a VKontakte community and monetize this enterprise? I am sure that among you there will be those who tried to become the owner of a profitable group on a social network, perhaps even filled it with content, worked on the design, but never achieved the popularity of their brainchild, failed to promote it. That is why I decided to devote today’s article to how to promote a VKontakte group from scratch. From my review you will get a lot of interesting information, learn about what you need to do to the group flourished. All advice will be practical, and you can immediately apply them without putting them into a long box called “Tomorrow”.

Why are we doing this?

So, I would like to start with the fact that on the Internet we can find a huge variety of all kinds of public pages with different thematic focus. However, profitable in this diversity there are only individual units. I think you all understand that the scale of the project primarily depends on the efforts of its owner, the leader who leads his caravan through the endless desert of possibilities. The amount of capital intended for the creation and promotion of a VKontakte group is a secondary factor in this case.

Well, imagine, you decided to a quick fix create a resource, recruit subscribers to it, and now sit and wait for the money to start flowing. I advise you to roll up your lip and wipe away the drool. Nothing in this world falls from the sky(and what falls usually does not bode well).

To earn a couple of pesos, you will have to use your head. First of all, think and decide for yourself, what exactly do you want to do? That is, decide on the topic your community. I offer you several options from which you can choose the one that seems most attractive to you:

  • earnings from advertising and affiliate programs (in this case the topic is absolutely not important);
  • maintaining a personal blog;
  • creating a resource dedicated to your hobby(this could be finance, music, dancing or anything else).

Socelin for getting high-quality public subscribers

Detailed instructions for creating a community from A to S

Creating a VKontakte group from scratch

Setting up a group

Since we have more or less figured out how to create a community in contact absolutely free, I think we can move on to its actual at a construction site. To do this you need to do the following:

Promote VK pages and publics using Brobot


Since you and I are interested, we need to make sure that in our community there is sufficient number of participants. From design quality group will depend on its attractiveness in the eyes of users, and therefore I suggest moving on to this activity:

  1. Upload a photo (avatar) to your community. Please note that the photo parameters must be 200*500 . Edit the photo and thumbnail, and then save the result.
  2. Download links, leading to your website or other thematic community. Don’t forget to leave your subscribers your Skype, telegram chat link, Instagram page and YouTube channel. Edit all names and save.
  3. If you are really interested in how to create popular group in contact, then do not ignore such an important point as “ Latest news" Edit this block regularly, do not neglect the importance of fonts. Before saving the result, preview the page.
  4. In chapter " Discussions» add new topics that will be useful to your readers.
  5. Add videos to your project. It will be great if the videos are filmed by you and posted on YouTube. This way you will increase traffic on the channel.
  6. When performing, remember that the sale of goods in it will be effective only if the “Photography Albums” are well maintained. Upload photos High Quality, make a detailed description of the product being sold, under each photo indicate the price of the product and a link to the seller (administrator or manager).
  7. To the section " Documentation» you can download useful instructions and manuals. Owners of online stores can keep price lists or lists of services provided in this section, for example.
  8. Don't forget about regular interactions with your subscribers. Conduct surveys several times a week and encourage people to express their opinions in the comments. It’s very good to use when expanding a group’s audience. promotions and competitions. They can be carried out once a month, for example.
  9. For those who plan to do business in their group, you need to take care of adding products to it with a clear name and detailed description. Remember that the demand for a product will depend on how attractive the photo of this product is. Each product must have reasonable price, which also needs to be specified. Don’t forget to indicate who/where to pay for the order, in what form the payment takes place, how and where delivery is carried out, as well as what guarantees you give to your customers (cash on delivery, exchange option).
  10. If you wish, you can change the group and make it a public page. If you don’t know what the difference is between a public and a group, I advise you to read a separate article dedicated to this issue.
  11. Create in a group convenient menu, make navigation easier. To do banner and wiki menu in the community I turned to specialists in this topic, if you need it, ask in the comments or write in a personal message - I’ll send you a couple of guys who are doing this. I decided not to waste time doing it myself, but there are a lot of manuals and articles on how to do these steps yourself on the Internet. You can use a search engine and check.
  12. And, of course, take care of the quality of content. Please note that in the group, commercial posts must contain photographs and make up no more than 50% of the total material you publish. To increase the number of subscribers, pay attention to posts with fascinating information, do not forget that people are attracted by fun and a good sense of humor. Information presented in the form of images is more attractive.
  13. So that clients trust you more and, as a result, advise their friends and acquaintances, provide them with the opportunity to leave feedback about your work. To do this, you can create an appropriate topic in the “Discussions” section. For regular customers offer discounts and give small gifts and bonuses.

Gather your target audience for your business with

How to manage a group?

To make adjustments to your community at any time, you just need to click on the three-dot icon located under your group’s avatar. In the window that opens you will see the categories:

  1. « Information", where you can edit the description, name and other fields at any time;
  2. « Participants", which contains full list all subscribers of the group;
  3. « Managers" Here you can add new or change the access rights of existing community administrators and editors;
  4. « Black list» - a place where you can block unnecessary subscribers or malicious violators of the rules of your group;
  5. « Links»;
  6. « Community Statistics" This category is one of the most important and contains data on:
  • Group attendance– the number of unique visitors, views, characteristics (age, geographic location, gender) of the audience that is interested in your group;
  • Audience reach, which looks at your community’s posts in the “My News” section and data about your subscribers;
  • Activities– actions of subscribers, reposts of your posts and reactions of other users of the social network to this data.


Now that you know everything about how a VKontakte group is created, you boldly You can start implementing your own selling platform or increase the conversion rate of an existing community. Remember, your every action and decision affects how your subscribers treat you and what impression your resource makes on them. Don't stop there, be open to experiments and see you soon!

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Good day, my dear friends and readers. Dmitry Kostin is with you as usual. And we continue our contact topic, since recently several people asked me: “What topic should I create a group on VK?” But then I want to make my own group?” True, I know how their desire to create their own community will end. Most likely, they will give up abruptly due to complexity, like the vast majority of people.

But how can I dissuade them? What if they really promote their community and 1,000,000 visitors join them? At one time I took trainings, courses and webinars on promotion. I created my own community, which had about 10,000 real subscribers. True, then I began to work with the group less and less, I didn’t post anything new, I somehow got bored. As a result, the group was hacked and I didn’t do it anymore.

But, regarding the topic, I will tell you.


But first of all, decide why you need this community. Maybe you want to gather like-minded people or friends with similar interests, or do you want to make money from your community? Maybe you just need to create a public page to advertise yourself or your brand (I created my own public page to promote my blog)? So think about what you need this for. You must have a motive.

Community type

First, you need to decide what exactly you want to create: a public page (public) or a group? It’s just that most people call all types of communities groups. But this is not so. Let's consider:

Public page (Public) - Usually done to post some news for its subscribers and, as a rule, such pages are created in honor of some person, in honor of some organization.

Group - this type of community is more designed for communication between users. Here you can already share your messages on a specific topic.

Of course, these are all conventions, because now all these types are created for any theme. So just decide if you want to make discussions or just post something and make your subscribers happy.

Popular Topics

Today there are many different communities with the same theme and you can create one of these. True, you will be one of many, but you will approximately know what potential such a group has. I’ll say right away that there is no best topic, but here are a few popular ones that can be interesting and attract a lot of users:

This is just a small part of the themes that you can create. Moreover, you can create both broad groups (Cooking recipes, TV series fans club, sports fans club) and on a narrow topic (Baking recipes, Game of Thrones series group, Lovers of exercising with dumbbells). A narrow topic will bring fewer participants, but they will be of higher quality.

But I would not recommend creating a topic about making money on the Internet, especially if you yourself are not good at it. Pay attention to similar communities. It's just a dump of links. where group members spam the same community with all sorts of links about unrealistic earnings.

It’s just that usually groups for making money are not taken seriously and in most cases they enter it using the same links.

And I would also not advise creating groups such as “those who were born on such and such a date”, “Those who love chips”, “Those whose name is Sasha”, etc. They will not bring you any pleasure or money.

In general, look at what topics attract so many people. Go to the site and there you will see a list of groups by popularity and number of participants. As I said, look how many entertainment groups are in the top, and there are plenty of others.

In general, look and think about what you want, what topic is closest to your heart and whether you can pay due attention to it. There are, of course, clubs that you won’t reach many participants, but they are created specifically for yourself and those who are in the know. So 6 years ago I created my own group of students from the school where I studied. Now it is the only one and even official). There are only a little over 500 people there, but they all studied there.

And if you are serious about making money on VKontakte, you can try yourself as an administrator of various groups. This is of course not a simple process, but it is special training, where you will be taught all work skills. After completing the training, people earn good money.

Well, I say goodbye to you for today. I hope you have decided for yourself what you want. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates. The doors of my blog are always open for you, so I look forward to seeing you again. Good luck and bye-bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin!

Today not everyone still knows , since more than 5 thousand people are looking for the answer to this question every month. Creating your own group takes no more than five minutes. It is absolutely free and available to every registered user of this social network. So you are far from the first and certainly not the last who is interested in the question of how to create a group. At first glance, everything is simple and does not take much time. But contact has its own characteristics and pitfalls, and that’s what we’ll talk about...

I'll reveal some interesting points, which not everyone knows about, and some don’t even pay attention to them. In general, a very detailed and informative article awaits you.

Before creating your community, make sure that your page is linked to the number mobile phone. Today everyone New user enters your mobile phone number during registration. But when I created my page, this didn’t exist yet. So, just in case, check this, because you will not be able to register your own group without this link.

How to create a VKontakte group yourself - step-by-step instructions with tips!

Log into your account and click on the “My Groups” button. After this it will open new page, which will show all the groups you are a member of. Next, in the upper right corner, click on the “Create Community” button.

A new window will appear in front of you in which you will need to select a name for your group and indicate its type. By default, the checkbox is in the first window, and since we want to create a group in contact, we simply enter the name and click on the button just below “Create a community.”

If you think that the mining hype has long passed, do not rush to conclusions. Earning money from cryptocurrency mining has just transformed into a fascinating economic game. provides an opportunity even for users who do not know the nuances of mining earn from 50 to 100% monthly profit for the purchase of a virtual farm for crypto mining. There are also several options for benefiting from the project without investment.

A public page is suitable for those who wants to do some kind of business card in the Internet. As a rule, such pages are created by those who promote on social media. networks your company or brand. This could be the page of a nightclub or restaurant. If you just want to gather friends for the weekend then do the event.

Now we have come to the final stage, which is not so simple. A page for our community settings will open in front of us. It is very important to specify all the settings correctly initially, this will help you avoid problems in the future.

Read carefully how to fill out all the fields correctly.

  1. So let's start with the name, if you change your mind, you can still rewrite it. Change for your health, and remember choosing the right name for your group is extremely important. I wrote about this in more detail in the article How to name a group in contact.
  2. Standard page address, which is generated automatically no good. With such an address they will definitely not find you or remember you. We change it, just write in this column what you like. But remember, the address you choose may already be taken.
  3. Be sure to include at least something in the description column. Your future visitors should know in more detail what the group is about.
  4. Everything is clear with the theme, you need to select from the list.
  5. It is possible to specify a website. This will help attract additional visitors to it. There are usually a lot of clicks from social networks. For those who don’t know how to create their own website or you don’t have one, it doesn’t matter, just skip this window.
  6. Location is determined automatically, and additionally indicate a more detailed address.
  7. It is very important to set up the wall correctly. If you open it, anyone can write and comment there. On a limited wall, only you can add information, but everyone can comment. Well, if you decide to close the wall, then only you will be able to write on it, but no one will be able to comment on these entries. But for example, anyone can repost any of your posts on VK, regardless of the settings.
  8. Photos, videos, audio recordings, documents, discussions, materials - if you open them, then add this information All group members will be able to. In case of closure - only you.
  9. Well, the last type of group. Anyone can join the open one, but the closed one only after your confirmation and approval.

When all the settings are set, click on the “Save” button at the very bottom and enjoy your new group. Next, I would recommend uploading a photo so that the community is recognizable and beautiful. Well, then start adding new materials, messages and useful information.

You may be interested in the question of how to make money in contact, know this is possible and a new group just to help. With its help you can earn good money, but for this it must be popular, active and naturally have many subscribers.

Hello, dear readers of the site! Social networks are becoming more popular every day and occupy a certain place in the life of every person. And now they are used not only for texting with friends or listening to music.

If you have your own business, then it is better to think about promoting it on social networks. Create a group, add your products there or write about the services you provide. This will help attract new subscribers to the group, and, accordingly, potential clients.

If Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Instagram are aimed at a specific audience, then VKontakte is more extensive - there are children aged 5 and adults aged 50, schoolchildren and businessmen. Accordingly, it’s worth creating your own community on VK, since people who might be interested in it are probably registered here.

Therefore, now we will figure out how to create your own VKontakte community

Creating a group from a computer

Open your profile and select “Groups” in the left menu. Next, click on the “Create Community” button.

In the next window, write the name and mark the type of community with a marker. After that, click on the “Create Community” button.

If you need subscribers to be able to add materials, you can add documents and invite your friends, then create a group. So that subscribers can add news, after approval from the administration, then select “Public page”. If any event is planned, then the corresponding item is ideal. In this case, you can immediately invite 5,000 people per day, and you will also receive a notification the day before the event itself.

Next, a window with settings will open. In the “Description” field, you can write more about what exactly you do and what material will be published. Also decide on the type of group; there should be no questions there, since when you select a cloud will appear with a similar explanation.

Scroll through the settings page below and provide additional information.

After making changes, do not forget to click the “Save” button.

After the group is created, you need to make it beautiful and interesting for subscribers.

To do this, upload a photo to your avatar. It must match the name of the community. If you have your own company or website, then you can choose an existing logo for it.

The next step is to change the link. Instead of the banal “club1111111”, you can make an interesting link that users could remember or associate with the name of the group itself. You can read more about how in a separate article.

Now let's look for subscribers, because we don't have anyone there yet. The best place to start is with your friends list. To do this, you need to send out invitations. You can read more about how in this article.

If you have created a group, and not a public page, then you can invite your friends to it, but no more than 40 people per day. Well, if you have a public page, then there is no such option. Therefore, first make a group, and when you get the required number of subscribers, transfer it to a public page - there is such a function.

Creating discussions will help increase activity. You choose a topic, and subscribers discuss it, adding their comments. You can make sure that not only administrators, but also those who are subscribed to the group can create new discussions. You can read about how in the corresponding article.

If you have your own blog or portal on the Internet, or your company has its own website, then the ideal option would be. Each menu item is an active link that can lead to the site page you need.

In this case, it will be easier for subscribers to navigate goods and services, and accordingly, they will quickly find what interests them.

And of course, after the update appearance On VKontakte, it became possible to make a . This is a cover for a group, and I will tell you how to make it in a separate article.

How to make a group from your phone

If you often access VKontakte from your phone or tablet through the installed mobile app, then let's look at how you can create a community there.