Operational dispatch control. Job description of a district dispatcher of electrical (heat) networks, electrical substation Instructions of a heat network dispatcher

15.1. Objectives and organization of management

15.1.1. When operating heat supply and heat consumption systems with a capacity of 10 Gcal/h or more, 24-hour dispatch control is organized; with a power of less than 10 Gcal/h, dispatch control is established according to the decision of the person responsible for good condition and safe operation.

15.1.2. The tasks of the dispatch control are: development and maintenance of specified operating modes of thermal power plants and networks in the organization’s departments;

planning and preparation of repair work;

ensuring the sustainability of heat supply and heat consumption systems;

meeting the requirements for the quality of thermal energy;

ensuring the economical operation of heat supply systems and the rational use of energy resources while observing consumption regimes;

prevention and elimination of technological violations in the production, transformation, transmission and consumption of thermal energy.

15.1.3. In an organization carrying out production activities for the production, transmission and distribution of thermal energy, round-the-clock operational management of equipment is organized, the tasks of which are:

maintaining the required operating mode;

production of switching, starting and stopping;

localization of accidents and restoration of operating mode;

preparation for repair work.

If the equipment of the heat supply system is operated by different organizations, coordinated dispatch control actions must be organized between them, documented in administrative documents and instructions.

15.1.4. Management is organized with the distribution of operational control and management functions between separate levels, as well as taking into account the subordination of lower levels of management to higher ones.

15.1.5. For each dispatch level, two categories of equipment and facilities management are established - operational management and operational management.

15.1.6. The operational control of the dispatcher includes equipment, heat pipelines, relay protection devices, equipment for emergency and operational automation systems, dispatch and process control tools, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operational dispatch personnel and coordinated changes at several objects of different operational subordination.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices are carried out under the guidance of the dispatcher.

15.1.7. The operational control of the dispatcher includes equipment, heat pipelines, relay protection devices, equipment for emergency and operational automation systems, dispatch and process control tools, operational information systems, the state and mode of which affect the available power and reserve of thermal power plants, heat supply systems in general, the mode and reliability of heating networks, as well as setting up emergency automation.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices are carried out with the permission of the dispatcher.

15.1.8. All thermal power plants and networks are distributed across dispatch control levels.

Lists of heat pipelines, equipment and devices under operational control or operational control of dispatchers are compiled taking into account the decisions of the superior body of operational dispatch control and are approved by the management of the organization.

15.1.9. The relationships between personnel at various levels of operational dispatch control are regulated by the corresponding standard provisions. The relationships between specialists at various levels of management in the organization are regulated by local instructions.

15.1.10. Control is carried out from dispatch centers and control panels, equipped with dispatch and technological control means and monitoring systems, as well as equipped with operational circuits.

15.1.11. Each organization develops instructions for operational dispatch control, conducting operational negotiations and recordings, making switching operations and eliminating emergency modes, taking into account the specifics and structural features of power plants. In an organization carrying out production activities at thermal power plants, a list of persons who have the right to conduct operational negotiations with the energy supplying organization of the heat supply system is compiled and approved by the technical manager of the organization, which must be communicated to it.

15.1.12. All operational negotiations, operational and dispatch documentation at all levels of dispatch control are conducted using a single generally accepted terminology, standard orders, messages and records.

15.2. Operating mode control

15.2.1. Control of the operating mode of thermal power plants is organized on the basis of daily schedules.

Sources of thermal energy are required under normal conditions to fulfill a given load schedule and the included reserve.

The operating personnel of the thermal energy source immediately reports forced deviations from the schedule to the heating network dispatcher.

15.2.2. Regulation of the coolant parameters of heating networks ensures the maintenance of the specified pressure and temperature of the coolant at control points.

It is allowed to deviate the coolant temperature from set values in case of a short-term (no more than 3 hours) change in the approved schedule, unless otherwise provided by contractual relations between the heat energy source and heat consumers.

15.2.3. Regulation of coolant parameters in heating networks is carried out automatically or manually by influencing:

operation of heat sources and consumers;

hydraulic mode of heating networks, including changes in flows and operating modes of pumping stations and heat-consuming power plants;

make-up mode by maintaining constant readiness of water treatment plants of thermal energy sources to cover changing flow rates of make-up water.

15.3. Equipment management

15.3.1. Thermal power plants of an organization accepted for operation are in one of four operational states: operation, reserve, repair or conservation.

15.3.2. The withdrawal of thermal power plants from operation and reserve for repairs and testing, even according to an approved plan, is formalized by an application submitted according to the lists for their operational management and operational maintenance to the appropriate dispatch service.

The deadlines for submitting applications and reporting their resolution are established by the relevant dispatch service.

At the thermal energy source, applications are coordinated with the technical manager of the heating networks and approved by the technical manager of the source.

15.3.3. Tests that may result in a significant change in the power supply mode are carried out according to work program, approved by the technical director of the energy supply organization.

Work programs for other tests of equipment of thermal power plants are approved by the management of the organization.

The test work program is submitted for approval and approval no later than 7 days before the start.

15.3.4. Applications are divided into planned, corresponding to the approved repair and outage plan, and urgent, for unscheduled and urgent repairs. Urgent applications are allowed to be submitted at any time of the day directly to the dispatcher who controls or maintains the equipment being switched off.

The dispatcher has the right to authorize repairs for a period within his shift. A permit for a longer period is issued accordingly by the chief dispatcher (head of the dispatch service) of the organization or the technical head of the organization.

15.3.5. If immediate shutdown is necessary, the equipment is turned off by the organization’s operational personnel in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions with prior, if possible, or subsequent notification to higher operational dispatch personnel.

After equipment shutdown, an urgent application is submitted indicating the reasons and the estimated repair time.

15.3.6. Permission to withdraw or transfer for major or current repairs the organization's main equipment is issued in the prescribed manner upon application by the organization's dispatch service.

15.3.7. The time of operations associated with the removal of equipment for repair and commissioning, as well as the firing of boilers and the installation of the required load on them, is included in the period of repairs allowed on the application.

If for any reason the equipment was not turned off within the scheduled time, the repair duration is reduced, and the turn-on date remains the same. Only the organization's dispatch service can extend the repair period.

15.3.8. Despite the permitted application, the removal of equipment from service and reserve or testing can be carried out with the permission of the dispatch service immediately before the removal from service and reserve of equipment or before testing.

15.3.9. The equipment is considered put into operation after repair after notification by the operating organization of the completion of repair work, its inclusion in operation and the closure of the operational request.

15.4. Prevention and elimination of technological violations

15.4.1. The main tasks of dispatch control when eliminating technological violations are:

preventing the development of violations, preventing injury to personnel and damage to equipment not affected by the technological violation;

creation of the most reliable post-emergency scheme and operating mode of the system as a whole and its parts;

determining the status of switched off and disconnected equipment and, if possible, putting it back into operation;

putting it into operation and restoring the network diagram.

15.4.2. The main areas of preventing technological violations and maintaining the organization’s constant readiness to eliminate them are:

constant training of personnel to eliminate possible technological violations through timely emergency response training and improving the quality of professional training;

creation of necessary emergency supplies of materials for equipment;

providing personnel with communications equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, vehicles and other mechanisms, necessary protective equipment;

timely provision of workplaces with diagrams of technological pipelines, instructions for eliminating technological violations, switching programs;

training of personnel at simulator training points using simulators that best correspond to real production conditions, and also, if possible, using personal computers;

testing of personnel upon hiring, as well as during their work activities to ensure readiness for operational work.

15.4.3. At each control center and control panel of the organization there are:

local instructions for the prevention and elimination of technological violations, which are drawn up in accordance with standard instructions and instructions from a higher authority of operational dispatch control, and plans for eliminating technological violations in heating networks, fuel facilities and boiler houses;

plans for eliminating technological violations in heating networks of cities and large settlements must be agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

Emergency dispatch services of cities and organizations agree on documents defining their interaction in eliminating technological violations in organizations.

15.4.4. The elimination of technological violations at the heat source is led by the shift supervisor of the heat source.

Elimination of technological violations in heating networks is carried out by the heat network dispatcher. Its instructions are also mandatory for personnel of thermal energy sources.

If necessary, operational managers or heads of the structural divisions indicated above have the right to entrust the management of the elimination of a technological violation to another person or take over the leadership by making an entry in the operational log. Both superior and subordinate operational personnel are notified of the replacement.

15.4.5. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the elimination of technological violations is not allowed.

The replacement operational personnel are used at the discretion of the person in charge of the elimination of technological violations. In the event of a prolonged elimination of a technological violation, depending on its nature, a shift may be handed over with the permission of superior operational dispatch personnel.

In cases where, during the elimination of a technological violation, operations are carried out on equipment that is not under the operational control or supervision of higher-level operational dispatch personnel, a shift change is permitted with the permission of the senior management personnel and specialists of the organization in which the technological violation occurred.

15.4.6. When making decisions and implementing measures to restore normal operation, operational dispatch personnel are responsible for eliminating technological violations.

15.5. Operations and dispatch personnel

15.5.1. Operational dispatch personnel of organizations with dispatch control include: operational personnel, operational and repair personnel and operational managers.

15.5.2. Operations and dispatch personnel maintain safe, reliable and economical operation of the organization’s equipment in accordance with job descriptions and operating instructions, operational orders of superior operational personnel.

The staffing of operational dispatch personnel in terms of number and qualifications is carried out in accordance with industry regulations and these Rules.

Combining the jobs of operational and dispatch personnel when working in a shift with an incomplete staff may be permitted only upon written instructions from the organization’s management.

15.5.3. During the shift, operational and dispatch personnel are responsible for the operation of equipment under their operational control or supervision, in accordance with these Rules, instructions from equipment manufacturers and local instructions, safety regulations and other governing documents, as well as for the unconditional execution of orders senior operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.4. In case of violations of operating conditions, damage to equipment, as well as in the event of a fire, operational dispatch personnel immediately takes measures to restore normal operation and eliminate the emergency situation, prevent the development of a technological violation, and also report the incident to the relevant operational dispatch and management personnel, specialists in approved list. The orders of the superior operational dispatch personnel on issues within their competence are mandatory for execution by the operational dispatch personnel subordinate to them.

15.5.5. Equipment that is under the operational control or operational control of superior operational dispatch personnel cannot be put into operation or taken out of operation without the permission of superior operational dispatch personnel, except in cases of obvious danger to people and equipment.

15.5.6. The operational instructions of the superior operational dispatch personnel are issued in a clear and concise manner. After hearing the order, the subordinate operational dispatch personnel repeats the text of the order verbatim and receives confirmation that the order is understood correctly. The orders of superior operational dispatch personnel are carried out immediately and accurately.

Operational dispatch personnel, having given or received an order or permission, records it in the operational journal. If there is a tape recording, the volume of recording in the operational log is determined by the relevant management personnel and specialists.

15.5.7. Operational negotiations are conducted in accordance with accepted terminology. All thermal power plants, networks, process protection and automation devices are named in full according to the established dispatch names. Deviations from technical terminology and dispatch names are not permitted.

15.5.8. Orders to change the operating mode of an organization's equipment indicate the required value of the changed operating parameters and the time by which the specified value of individual parameters must be achieved, as well as the time the order is issued.

15.5.9. Operational dispatch personnel, having received an order from management personnel and specialists on issues within the competence of superior operational dispatch personnel, carries it out only with the consent of the latter.

15.5.10. Responsibility for failure to comply with the orders of superior operational dispatch personnel lies with the persons who did not comply with the order, as well as with the managers who authorized its non-compliance.

15.5.11. If the order of the superior operational dispatch personnel seems erroneous to the subordinate operational dispatch personnel, he immediately reports this to the person who gave the order. When the order is confirmed, the operational dispatch personnel carries it out and makes an entry in the operational journal.

15.5.12. Personnel of the operational dispatch personnel who are on reserve may be involved in performing work on servicing the power plant within the framework of the job description and only with the permission of the relevant management operational dispatch personnel who are on shift, with an entry in the operational log and the work log for work orders and orders.

15.5.13. Replacing one person from among the operational dispatch personnel with another before the start of the shift, if necessary, is permitted with the permission of the relevant management personnel and specialists who signed the schedule, and with notification of superior operational dispatch personnel.

Working two shifts in a row is not permitted.

15.5.14. Each employee from among the operational dispatch personnel, stepping into workplace, takes over a shift from the previous employee, and after finishing work, hands over the shift to the next employee on the schedule.

Leaving duty without handing over your shift is not permitted. Operational managers take measures to ensure replacement of operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.15. When accepting a shift, an employee from among the operational dispatch personnel must:

familiarize yourself with the condition, layout and operating mode of thermal power plants under its operational management and supervision, to the extent determined by the relevant instructions;

obtain information from the person who passed the shift about equipment that requires particularly careful monitoring to prevent operational disruptions, and about equipment that is in reserve and under repair;

find out what work is being carried out according to requests, orders and orders in the area assigned to him;

check and accept tools, materials, keys to premises, operational documentation and workplace documentation;

familiarize yourself with all records and orders for the time that has passed since his previous duty;

accept a report from subordinate personnel and report to the immediate shift supervisor about the entry into duty and the shortcomings identified during the acceptance of the shift;

formalize the acceptance and delivery of a shift by making an entry in a journal or statement signed by him and the signature of the person handing over the shift.

15.5.16. Operations and dispatch personnel periodically, in accordance with local instructions, test the operation of automation devices, alarms, communications, and also check the correctness of the clock readings at the workplace, etc.

15.5.17. Operations and dispatch personnel, according to approved schedules, carry out the transition from working equipment to standby equipment, perform testing and preventive inspections of equipment.

15.5.18. Operational managers can replace fully or partially the operational dispatch personnel subordinate to them who are not fulfilling their duties, or redistribute responsibilities in a shift. In this case, an entry is made in the operational log or a written order is issued and the personnel at the appropriate levels of operational dispatch management are notified according to their subordination.

15.5.19. Operations and dispatch personnel, with the permission of the operational manager, can be briefly involved in repair work and testing, with exemption from duties at the workplace for this time and an entry in the operational log.

15.6. Switching in thermal circuits of boiler houses and heating networks

15.6.1. All switches in thermal circuits are carried out in accordance with local operating instructions and are reflected in operational documentation.

15.6.2. In cases not provided for in the instructions, as well as with the participation of two or more adjacent departments or organizations, switching is carried out according to the program.

Complex switches described in the instructions are also carried out according to the program.

15.6.3. Complex switchings include: in thermal circuits with complex connections; long-term;

on long-distance objects; rarely performed.

Rarely performed switchings may include: commissioning of main equipment after installation and reconstruction; testing the strength and density of equipment and heating networks;

special equipment testing;

checking and testing new non-traditional methods of operating equipment, etc.

The degree of complexity of switching and the need to draw up a program for their implementation are determined by the technical manager, depending on the characteristics of the working conditions.

15.6.4. Each organization develops a list of complex switchings, approved by the technical manager. The list is adjusted taking into account the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes, etc. The list is revised once every 3 years. Copies of the list are located at the workplace of the organization’s operational dispatch personnel.

15.6.5. The technical manager of the organization approves a list of persons from management personnel and specialists who have the right to control the implementation of switchings carried out under the programs. The list is adjusted as personnel changes. Copies of the list are located at the workplace of the operational dispatch personnel of the workshop and with those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and (or) networks.

15.6.6. The switching program indicates: the purpose of switching;

switch object;

list of measures to prepare for switching; switching conditions;

planned start and end times of switching, which can be updated promptly;

if necessary, a diagram of the switching object (the names and numbering of elements of thermal power plants on the diagram must fully correspond to the names and numbering adopted in the organization);

the order and sequence of operations, indicating the position of shut-off and control elements and elements of technological protection and automation circuits;

operational dispatch personnel performing switchovers;

personnel involved in switching;

operational dispatch personnel supervising the implementation of switching operations;

in case of participation in the switching of two or more divisions of the organization - a person from the management staff and specialists performing general management;

in case of participation in the switching of two or more organizations - persons from the management personnel and specialists responsible for carrying out the switching in each organization, and a person from among the management personnel and specialists exercising general management of the switching;

duties and responsibilities of persons specified in the program;

list of measures to ensure the safety of work;

actions of personnel in case of occurrence emergency situation or a situation that threatens the lives of people and the integrity of equipment.

15.6.7. The program is approved by the technical manager of the organization, and if the program extends beyond the boundaries of one organization, by the technical managers of the organizations participating in the switching program.

15.6.8. For repeated switchings, pre-compiled standard programs.

Standard programs are reviewed once every 3 years and adjusted with the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes.

15.6.9. The switching program and standard switching programs are used by operational dispatch personnel and are operational documents when performing switching.

15.6.10. If the organization has a mnemonic diagram of thermal power plants and (or) networks, all changes are reflected on it after the end of the switching.

ECSD 2018. Revision dated April 9, 2018 (including those with changes that entered into force on July 1, 2018)
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use directory of professional standards

District manager of electrical (heat) networks, electrical substation

Job responsibilities. Carries out operational management of the operation of electrical (heat) networks of the district or a central electrical substation with a voltage of 330 kV and higher, served by an operational dispatch shift with a staff of at least 2 people. Ensures uninterrupted and high-quality energy supply to consumers, maintaining reliable and economical operating modes of networks in the serviced network area (equipment of a central electrical substation). Conducts acceptance and handover of shifts in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Ensures coordinated work of operational and operational-repair personnel of the district's energy facilities (electrical substations) to maintain normal operation of equipment and energy supply to consumers, promptly identify and eliminate the causes of malfunctions in the operation of networks (electrical substations), carry out scheduled and emergency switchings, turn on and off equipment and lines power transmission, pipelines, heating points, pumping stations, etc. Performs constant monitoring of equipment operating modes, load of power lines, pipelines, transformers, pumping equipment, positions of switching devices, voltage levels electric current, parameters of coolants at control points of networks and at energy consumers, serviceability of dispatch and process control equipment (SDTU), etc. Conducts, personally or through subordinate personnel, operational switching in electrical (thermal) circuits of networks (electrical substations), turning on, turning off, changing operating modes of equipment. Receives and systematizes requests for decommissioning of equipment, protection and automation devices, SDTU, disconnection of individual energy consumers or transfer of their energy supply from other sources, transfers them to a superior dispatcher or management of the network area (electrical substation, group of electrical substations), coordinates them with energy consumers, informs about decisions made. Monitors compliance with deadlines for work on equipment in accordance with work orders and orders. Reflects changes in the operational diagram of networks (electrical substations) on a mnemonic diagram, tablet, and records changes in the operational log. Receives from a superior dispatcher and transmits to the management of the district (electrical substation), energy consumers, subordinate operational personnel emergency messages about system and network emergencies, natural disasters, accidents, unfavorable meteorological forecasts, upcoming disconnections of consumers or limitations in energy supply. Ensures that necessary measures are taken to prevent the possible consequences of adverse situations. Implements operational check the reliability of received information about interruptions or poor-quality energy supply to consumers, ensures the identification and elimination of the causes of energy supply disruptions. Takes part in training, exercises (exercises) on civil defense, practicing personnel actions during emergency situations, analysis of personnel actions after their completion. Instructs persons undergoing training and duplication at the workplace of a network area (electrical substation) dispatcher and controls their actions. Carries out operational management of the operation of the electrical substation. Conducts classes with operational personnel, visits the workplaces of on-duty personnel of electrical substations, boiler houses, operational field and operational repair teams. Carries out checks of compliance by operational personnel of the district with the requirements of regulatory documents when performing operational switchovers, preparing workplaces for work on equipment, and maintaining operational documentation. Participates in the work of commissions to test knowledge and investigate the causes of accidents. Familiarizes operating personnel with new regulatory documents and information messages about accidents. Carries out the study of new equipment in the network area (electrical substations), electrical and heat-using installations of energy consumers. Undergoes training at a training center followed by a knowledge test. Participates in the implementation of new software and technical means and implementation of new tasks automated system dispatch control (ASDU).

Must know: organizational and administrative, regulatory, methodological documents on the operation of equipment of electrical (thermal) networks, electrical substations, energy supply to consumers, dispatch control of electrical (thermal) networks, Rules for the technical operation of electrical stations and networks Russian Federation, Rules for the design of electrical installations, Rules for working with personnel in electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation, Rules for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them, methods and instructions for conducting training, briefings, testing knowledge, regulations, instructions for investigating the causes and accounting of accidents and other technological violations in the operation of electrical (thermal) networks, industrial accidents, a list and procedure for maintaining operational documentation at the workplaces of operational personnel of the electrical (thermal) networks district (electric substation), job descriptions and production instructions for the operational personnel of the electrical (thermal) district ) networks (electrical substations), the basic diagram of electrical (thermal) networks of the area (electrical substations), diagrams of primary connections and auxiliary power supply of serviced electrical substations (electrical substations), boiler houses, pumping stations, possible options their changes in normal, emergency and repair modes, schemes for connecting industrial and wholesale energy consumers to the district's electrical (thermal) networks (electrical substations), methods for regulating voltage, coolant parameters, make-up water in district heating networks, communication network diagrams and rules for operating communications equipment and alarm systems at serviced facilities in the district (electrical substations), installation sites for automation devices, interlocks, and switching equipment in the district electrical networks(at an electrical substation), a block diagram of the construction of automated control systems in electrical (thermal) networks, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of operational management in areas of electrical (thermal) networks, at electrical substations with a voltage of 330 kV and above, the basics of economics and the organization of production, labor and management in the energy sector, basic labor legislation, labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education, work experience in operating equipment of electrical (heat) networks for at least 1 year and additional training in installed program or secondary vocational (technical) education, work experience in operating equipment of electrical (heat) networks for at least 3 years and additional training according to the established program.

Vacancies for the position of Dispatcher of the district of electrical (heat) networks, electrical substation according to the all-Russian vacancy database

The operational control of the dispatcher must include equipment, heat pipelines, equipment for emergency and operational automation systems, dispatch and technological control tools, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operational dispatch personnel.

The operational control of the dispatcher must include equipment, heat pipelines, equipment for emergency and operational automation systems, dispatch and process control means, the state and mode of which affect the available power and reserve of heat sources and heating networks in general, the mode and reliability of networks, as well as the configuration of emergency automation.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices during operational control must be carried out under the guidance of the OETS dispatcher, and during operational control - with his permission.

6.139. The head of the ADS (senior dispatcher) must be at the control center during the day; in emergency situations it can be called at any time.

6.140. Operations and dispatch personnel, which include operational, operational and repair personnel and operational managers, must maintain a safe, reliable and economical mode of operation of the equipment in accordance with production and job descriptions and operational orders of superior operational personnel.

6.141. Planning of regimes should be carried out for long-term and current periods and be carried out on the basis of:

Data on the commissioning of new heat sources and network facilities;

Data on load changes taking into account consumer requests;

Data on maximum permissible loads of heating network equipment;

Data from hydraulic calculations of heating networks.

6.142. Long-term planning for the heating season and summer minimum loads should include:

Drawing up seasonal balances of the available power of heat sources and connected heat load;

Drawing up annual and monthly repair plans for equipment of heating networks, pumping stations and heating points;

Development of heating network diagrams for normal and repair modes;

Calculations of normal, repair and post-emergency modes taking into account the commissioning of new thermal capacities and network facilities.

6.143. Current planning of heating network modes should be carried out in advance from 1 day to 1 week.

Current planning should include a forecast of the daily heat load of heat sources and consumers and coolant flow in heating networks.

6.144. Control of the operating mode of power plants must be organized on the basis of daily schedules.

Under normal conditions, heat sources must provide the specified heat load schedules and coolant parameters. The operational dispatch personnel of the heat source must immediately inform the heating network dispatcher about forced deviations from the schedule.

6.145. Repair schedules for heating networks, the shutdown of which leads to a limitation of hot water supply during the inter-heating period, must be agreed upon with the administration of the city, urban district, or locality.

6.146. The dispatcher has the right to briefly (no more than 3 hours) change the heating network schedule. A decrease in the temperature of the network water is allowed up to 10 degrees. C compared to the approved schedule. If there are industrial enterprises with technological loads or greenhouses among consumers, the amount of temperature reduction must be agreed upon with them.

6.147. Regulation in heating networks to maintain the specified pressure and temperature of the coolant at control points must be carried out automatically or manually by influencing:

Operation of heat sources and consumers;

Hydraulic mode of heating networks, including changing operating modes of pumping stations and heat receivers;

Make-up mode by maintaining constant readiness of water treatment plants of heat sources to cover changing flow rates of make-up water.

6.148. The removal of equipment and pipelines of heating networks and heating points for repair must be formalized by an application submitted to the dispatch service by districts, sections and services of heating networks.

Applications are divided into planned, corresponding to the repair and outage plan, and urgent, for unscheduled and urgent repairs. The planned application, approved by the technical manager of the organization, must be submitted to the dispatcher before 12 noon 2 days before the start of work. Urgent requests can be submitted at any time of the day directly to the dispatcher on duty, who has the right to authorize repairs only for a period within his shift. Permission for a longer period must be given by the head of the dispatch service (senior dispatcher) of the heating network organization.

Not a single element of equipment of heating networks, pumping stations and heating points should be removed without the permission of the ADS dispatcher, except in cases that clearly threaten the safety of people and the safety of equipment.

6.149. If immediate shutdown is necessary, the equipment must be turned off by the operating personnel of the power facility where the equipment to be turned off is installed, in accordance with the requirements of production instructions with prior, if possible, or subsequent notification to the emergency dispatch service.

After equipment shutdown, an urgent application is submitted indicating the reasons and the estimated repair time.

6.150. The application to remove equipment from operation or reserve must indicate: what equipment needs to be removed from operation or reserve, for what purpose and for what period (date and hours of the start and end of work).

The application must be signed by the head of the operational area, section, or service.

The dispatcher must inform the performers of permission to turn off or turn on the equipment before 15:00 on the eve of the day of work.

Requests for equipment withdrawal from operation and standby and switching must be entered by the dispatcher in the request log.

6.151. Regardless of the permitted application, the removal of equipment from operation and reserve, as well as all types of tests, must be carried out after the order of the duty dispatcher.

6.152. Disabling heating points for repairs, testing and eliminating defects in heat consumption systems, as well as turning on heating points must be done with the permission of the dispatcher with an entry in the operational log of the ADS.

6.153. In case of violation of operating conditions, damage to equipment, as well as in the event of a fire, operational dispatch personnel must immediately take measures to restore normal operation or eliminate the emergency situation and prevent the development of an accident, as well as report the incident to the relevant operational dispatch and management administrative and technical personnel according to the approved list.

6.154. The orders of the superior operational dispatch personnel on issues within their competence are mandatory for execution by the operational dispatch personnel subordinate to them.

The operational instructions of the superior operational dispatch personnel must be clear and concise. After hearing the order, subordinate operational dispatch personnel must repeat the text of the order verbatim and receive confirmation that the order is understood correctly.

The orders of superior operational dispatch personnel must be carried out immediately and accurately.

Operational dispatch personnel, having given or received an order and permission, must record it in the operational log. If there is a tape recording, the volume of recording in the operational log is determined by the administrative and technical management of the organization.

If the order of the superior operational dispatch personnel appears to be erroneous to the subordinate operational dispatch personnel, he must immediately report this to the person who gave the order. When an order is confirmed, operational dispatch personnel are obliged to carry it out.

6.155. Equipment that is under the operational control or operational control of superior operational dispatch personnel cannot be put into operation or taken out of operation without the permission of superior operational dispatch personnel, except in cases of obvious danger to people and equipment.

6.156. During operational negotiations, power equipment, protection and automation devices must be named in full according to the established names. Deviations from technical terminology and dispatch names are not allowed.

6.157. Operational dispatch personnel, having received an order from senior administrative and technical personnel on issues within the competence of superior operational dispatch personnel, must carry it out only with the consent of the latter.

6.158. Replacing one person from among the operational dispatch personnel with another before the start of the shift, if necessary, is permitted with the permission of the relevant administrative and technical personnel who approved the schedule, and with notification of superior operational dispatch personnel.

ADF personnel are not allowed to work two shifts in a row.

6.159. Each employee from among the operational dispatch personnel must accept it from the previous employee before the start of the work shift, and after finishing work, hand over the shift to the next employee on the schedule.

Leaving duty without handing over your shift is not permitted.

When accepting a shift, an employee from among the operational dispatch personnel must:

Familiarize yourself with the condition, layout and operating mode of power plants under its operational control and supervision, to the extent determined by the relevant instructions;

Obtain information from the person who passed the shift about the equipment that needs to be especially carefully monitored to prevent disruptions in operation, and about the equipment that is in reserve and under repair;

Find out what work is being carried out according to requests, orders and orders in the area assigned to him;

Check and accept tools, materials, keys to premises, operational documentation and workplace documentation;

Familiarize yourself with all records and orders for the time that has passed since his previous duty;

Accept a report from subordinate personnel and report to the immediate shift supervisor about the entry into duty and the shortcomings identified during the acceptance of the shift;

Document the acceptance and delivery of a shift by making an entry in a journal or statement signed by him and the signature of the person handing over the shift.

6.160. Operations and dispatch personnel must periodically, in accordance with local instructions, test the operation of automation, alarms, communications and telemechanics, as well as check the correctness of the clock readings at the workplace, etc.

6.161. Operations and dispatch personnel must, according to the approved schedule, carry out the transition from working equipment to standby equipment, carry out testing and preventive inspections of equipment.

6.162. Operational and administrative-technical managers have the right to remove from the workplace operational and dispatch personnel subordinate to them who are not fulfilling their duties, and to make an appropriate replacement or redistribution of duties in the shift. In this case, an entry is made in the operational log or a written order is issued and all operational dispatch personnel are notified.

6.163. Operational dispatch personnel, with the permission of superior operational dispatch personnel, may be briefly involved in repair work and testing with exemption from duties at the workplace for this time with an entry in the operational log. In this case, the requirements of the safety regulations must be met.

6.164. All negotiations related to the operation, switching on and off of equipment, changes in modes, and instructions from the dispatcher to the duty personnel of heat sources, pumping stations and heating points must be recorded in the operational log.

The records must indicate the time, position and name of the persons with whom negotiations were conducted.

6.165. The order log should contain orders from the technical management of the organization and the head of the dispatch service (senior dispatcher) and the information necessary for dispatchers. For each entry in the order log, the position and surname of the person who gave the order or message, as well as the date and time of the entry must be noted. The persons who gave the order must sign it.

6.166. All switches in thermal circuits must be carried out in accordance with local operating instructions and reflected in the operational documentation.

6.167. In cases not provided for in the instructions, as well as with the participation of two or more adjacent departments or power facilities, switching must be carried out according to the program. Complex switches described in the instructions must also be carried out according to the program.

The degree of difficulty of switching and the need to draw up a program for their implementation is determined by the technical manager of the organization, depending on the specific working conditions.

6.168. Each organization of heating networks must develop a list of complex switchings, approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. The list should be adjusted taking into account the commissioning, reconstruction and dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes, protection and automation schemes. The list must be reviewed once every 3 years. Copies of the list must be located in the emergency dispatch service and at the workplaces of operational personnel of districts, sections and services.

Operations and dispatch personnel supervising the implementation of switching operations;

In case of participation in the switching of two or more divisions of the enterprise - a person from the administrative and technical staff exercising general management;

Duties and responsibilities of persons specified in the program;

List of measures to ensure the safety of work;

Actions of personnel in the event of an emergency or situation that threatens the lives of people and the integrity of equipment.

The program must be approved by the technical manager of the enterprise.

6.170. For repeated switching, pre-compiled standard programs should be used.

Standard programs must be reviewed once every 3 years and adjusted with the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes, protection and automation schemes.

6.171. If there is a mnemonic diagram at the object, all changes are reflected on it after the switching is completed.

6.172. Switching programs must be stored along with other operational documentation.

Heating networks are the basis utilities modern cities. The quality and efficiency of the coolant, and therefore the heat in apartment buildings, depends on them. However, heating networks are the weakest link in the heat supply system. They require vigilant monitoring of parameters, as well as scheduled repairs and maintenance. Otherwise, utility failures and leaks with heat loss become inevitable.

The essence of the work of a heating network operator

In any large city, heating networks are divided into main and distribution networks. They are monitored from a special dispatch console, which is located in the heat supply organization.

It is the heating network operator (dispatcher) who monitors the uninterrupted operation of the entire system and also receives messages about malfunctions. His responsibilities include:

    monitoring the pressure inside the pipes;

    maintaining the required thermal conditions;

    monitoring the temperature of water coming back from consumers;

    monitoring the operation of pumping stations;

    monitoring the condition of backup boiler houses and switching to them in the event of a major accident;

    receiving messages from the public about accidents;

    working with emergency crews and mechanics to maintain networks, issuing tasks to eliminate accidents;

    maintaining a logbook and other operational documentation.

The dispatcher at the heating network control panel, as we see, performs a fairly wide range of responsibilities. He needs to carefully monitor all system parameters and promptly respond to any messages about problems.

This work is organized in shifts (2/2 or 1/3). Dispatchers have the most work in the autumn-winter period, when most accidents and leaks occur. At this time, messages about repairs are received almost around the clock. However, even in the summer, the heating network operator has enough work - it is he who monitors the progress of hydraulic tests (pressure testing) of the heating networks.

Requirements for qualifications and skills of heating network operators

The main task of the operator (dispatcher) of heating networks is to monitor system parameters. Therefore, he is required to be highly attentive, responsible and pedantic.

As practice shows, women most often work in the positions of heating network operators. The employer prefers to hire them because of their better resistance to stress and greater attentiveness when working.

Random people, as a rule, do not stay in such work for long, because they have to do many things at the same time, while regularly coming into contact with an angry population.

One way or another, the heating network operator must know:

    heating network diagrams for the service area;

    work schedule of heat consumers;

    control and measuring equipment;

    installation of steam-water heaters, installations for preparation of make-up water, etc.

The work of a dispatcher also includes maintaining documentation, so knowledge of the rules for filling out forms and other documents, accuracy in record keeping are prerequisites for successful work.

Where to learn to become a heating network operator (dispatcher)

Specialists in this area are trained from scratch in secondary vocational education institutions. As a rule, these are colleges and technical schools of urban services.

In this case, admission is possible both after finishing the 9th grade and after the 11th grade of high school. The duration of study is 3 years with practical training.

Another option is professional retraining if you have a basic specialty. Such services are also provided by colleges and technical schools, as well as private training centers. However, experience in the public utilities sector is highly desirable.

Qualification categories of heating network operators according to ETKS and their responsibilities

In the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Profession of Workers (UTKS), only one category is designated for heating network operators - third.

How much do heating network operators (dispatchers) earn?

There are not as many dispatcher vacancies on the labor market as one would expect. Employers prefer to hire proven workers with experience on a long-term basis.

The average salary in the province is 30 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of being a heating network operator

Among advantages you can note:

    possibility of quick retraining;

    official employment.

Cons much more:

    low salary;

    weak demand in the labor market;

    high responsibility;

    little prospects for career growth.

15.1.1. When operating heat supply and heat consumption systems with a capacity of 10 Gcal/hour or more, 24-hour dispatch control is organized; with a capacity of less than 10 Gcal/hour, dispatch control is established by the decision of the person responsible for good condition and safe operation.

15.1.2. The tasks of dispatch control are:

  • development and maintenance of specified operating modes of thermal power plants and networks in the organization’s departments;
  • planning and preparation of repair work;
  • ensuring the sustainability of heat supply and heat consumption systems;
  • meeting the requirements for the quality of thermal energy;
  • ensuring the economical operation of heat supply systems and the rational use of energy resources while observing consumption regimes;
  • prevention and elimination of technological violations in the production, transformation, transmission and consumption of thermal energy.

15.1.3. In an organization carrying out production activities for the production, transmission and distribution of thermal energy, round-the-clock operational management of equipment is organized, the tasks of which are:

  • maintaining the required operating mode;
  • production of switching, starting and stopping;
  • localization of accidents and restoration of operating mode;
  • preparation for repair work.

If the equipment of the heat supply system is operated by different organizations, coordinated dispatch control actions must be organized between them, documented in administrative documents and instructions.

15.1.4. Management is organized with the distribution of operational control and management functions between individual levels, as well as taking into account the subordination of lower management levels to higher ones.

15.1.5. For each dispatch level, two categories of equipment and facilities management are established - operational management and operational management.

15.1.6. The operational control of the dispatcher includes equipment, heat pipelines, relay protection devices, equipment for emergency and operational automation systems, dispatch and process control tools, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operational dispatch personnel and coordinated changes at several objects of different operational subordination.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices are carried out under the guidance of the dispatcher.

15.1.7. The operational control of the dispatcher includes equipment, heat pipelines, relay protection devices, equipment for emergency and operational automation systems, dispatch and process control tools, operational information systems, the state and mode of which affect the available power and reserve of thermal power plants and heat supply systems as a whole, the mode and reliability of heating networks, as well as setting up emergency automation.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices are carried out with the permission of the dispatcher.

15.1.8. All thermal power plants and networks are distributed across dispatch control levels.

Lists of heat pipelines, equipment and devices under operational control or operational control of dispatchers are compiled taking into account the decisions of the superior body of operational dispatch control and are approved by the management of the organization.

15.1.9. The relationships between personnel at various levels of operational dispatch control are regulated by the corresponding standard provisions. The relationships between specialists at various levels of management in the organization are regulated by local instructions.

15.1.10. Control is carried out from dispatch centers and control panels, equipped with dispatch and technological control means and monitoring systems, as well as equipped with operational circuits.

15.1.11. Each organization develops instructions for operational dispatch control, conducting operational negotiations and recordings, making switching operations and eliminating emergency modes, taking into account the specifics and structural features of power plants. In an organization carrying out production activities at thermal power plants, a list of persons who have the right to conduct operational negotiations with the energy supplying organization of the heat supply system is compiled and approved by the technical manager of the organization, which must be communicated to it.

15.1.12. All operational negotiations, operational and dispatch documentation at all levels of dispatch control are conducted using a single generally accepted terminology, standard orders, messages and records.

15.2. Operating mode control

15.2.1. Control of the operating mode of thermal power plants is organized on the basis of daily schedules.

Sources of thermal energy are required under normal conditions to fulfill a given load schedule and the included reserve.

The operating personnel of the thermal energy source immediately reports forced deviations from the schedule to the heating network dispatcher.

15.2.2. Regulation of the coolant parameters of heating networks ensures the maintenance of the specified pressure and temperature of the coolant at control points.

A deviation of the coolant temperature from the specified values ​​is allowed for a short-term (no more than 3 hours) change in the approved schedule, unless otherwise provided for by the contractual relationship between the heat energy source and heat consumers.

15.2.3. Regulation of coolant parameters in heating networks is carried out automatically or manually by influencing:

  • operation of heat sources and consumers;
  • hydraulic mode of heating networks, including changes in flows and operating modes of pumping stations and heat-consuming power plants;
  • make-up mode by maintaining constant readiness of water treatment plants of thermal energy sources to cover changing flow rates of make-up water.

15.3. Equipment management

15.3.1. Thermal power plants of an organization accepted for operation are in one of four operational states: operation, reserve, repair or conservation.

15.3.2. The withdrawal of thermal power plants from operation and reserve for repairs and testing, even according to an approved plan, is formalized by an application submitted according to the lists for their operational management and operational maintenance to the appropriate dispatch service.

The deadlines for submitting applications and reporting their resolution are established by the relevant dispatch service.

At the thermal energy source, applications are coordinated with the technical manager of the heating networks and approved by the technical manager of the source.

15.3.3. Tests, which may result in a significant change in the power supply mode, are carried out according to a work program approved by the technical manager of the energy supply organization.

Work programs for other tests of equipment of thermal power plants are approved by the management of the organization.

The test work program is submitted for approval and approval no later than 7 days before the start.

15.3.4. Applications are divided into planned ones, corresponding to the approved repair and outage plan, and urgent ones - for unscheduled and urgent repairs. Urgent applications are allowed to be submitted at any time of the day directly to the dispatcher who controls or maintains the equipment being switched off.

The dispatcher has the right to authorize repairs only for a period within his shift. A permit for a longer period is issued accordingly by the chief dispatcher (head of the dispatch service) of the organization or the technical head of the organization.

15.3.5. If immediate shutdown is necessary, the equipment is turned off by the organization’s operational personnel in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions with prior, if possible, or subsequent notification to higher operational dispatch personnel.

After equipment shutdown, an urgent application is submitted indicating the reasons and the estimated repair time.

15.3.6. Permission to withdraw or transfer for major or current repairs of the organization's main equipment is issued in the prescribed manner upon application by the organization's dispatch service.

15.3.7. The time of operations associated with the removal of equipment for repair and commissioning, as well as the firing of boilers and the installation of the required load on them, is included in the period of repairs allowed on the application.

If for any reason the equipment was not turned off within the scheduled time, the repair duration is reduced, and the turn-on date remains the same. Only the organization's dispatch service can extend the repair period.

15.3.8. Despite the permitted application, the removal of equipment from operation and reserve or testing can be carried out only with the permission of the dispatch service immediately before the removal from operation and reserve of equipment or before testing.

15.3.9. The equipment is considered put into operation after repair after notification by the operating organization of the completion of repair work, its inclusion in operation and the closure of the operational request.

15.4. Prevention and elimination of technological violations

15.4.1. The main tasks of dispatch control when eliminating technological violations are:

  • preventing the development of violations, preventing injury to personnel and damage to equipment not affected by the technological violation;
  • creation of the most reliable post-emergency scheme and operating mode of the system as a whole and its parts;
  • determining the status of switched off and disconnected equipment and, if possible, putting it back into operation;
  • putting it into operation and restoring the network diagram.

15.4.2. The main areas of preventing technological violations and maintaining the organization’s constant readiness to eliminate them are:

  • constant training of personnel to eliminate possible technological violations through timely emergency response training and improving the quality of professional training;
  • creation of necessary emergency supplies of materials for equipment;
  • providing personnel with communications, fire extinguishing equipment, vehicles and other mechanisms, necessary protective equipment;
  • timely provision of workplaces with diagrams of technological pipelines, instructions for eliminating technological violations, switching programs;
  • training of personnel at simulator training points using simulators that best correspond to real production conditions, and also, if possible, using personal computers;
  • testing of personnel upon hiring, as well as during their work activities to ensure readiness for operational work.

15.4.3. At each control center and control panel of the organization there are:

  • local instructions for the prevention and elimination of technological violations, which are drawn up in accordance with the standard instructions and instructions of the higher operational dispatch control body, and plans for the elimination of technological violations in heating networks, fuel facilities and boiler houses;
  • plans for eliminating technological violations in heating networks of cities and large settlements must be agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure.

Emergency dispatch services of cities and organizations agree on documents defining their interaction in eliminating technological violations in organizations.

15.4.4. The elimination of technological violations at the heat source is led by the shift supervisor of the heat source.

Elimination of technological violations in heating networks is carried out by the heat network dispatcher. Its instructions are also mandatory for personnel of thermal energy sources.

If necessary, operational managers or heads of the structural divisions indicated above have the right to entrust the management of the elimination of a technological violation to another person or take over the leadership by making an entry in the operational log. Both superior and subordinate operational personnel are notified of the replacement.

15.4.5. Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the elimination of technological violations is not allowed.

The replacement operational personnel are used at the discretion of the person in charge of the elimination of technological violations. In the event of a prolonged elimination of a technological violation, depending on its nature, a shift may be handed over with the permission of superior operational dispatch personnel.

In cases where, during the elimination of a technological violation, operations are carried out on equipment that is not under the operational control or supervision of higher-level operational dispatch personnel, the changeover of a shift is permitted with the permission of the senior management personnel and specialists of the organization where the technological violation occurred.

15.4.6. When making decisions and implementing measures to restore normal operation, operational dispatch personnel are responsible for eliminating technological violations.

15.5. Operations and dispatch personnel

15.5.1. Operational dispatch personnel of organizations with dispatch control include: operational personnel, operational and repair personnel and operational managers.

15.5.2. Operations and dispatch personnel maintain safe, reliable and economical operation of the organization’s equipment in accordance with job descriptions and operating instructions, operational orders of superior operational personnel.

The staffing of operational dispatch personnel in terms of number and qualifications is carried out in accordance with industry regulations and these Rules.

Combining the jobs of operational and dispatch personnel when working in a shift with an incomplete staff may be permitted only upon written instructions from the organization’s management.

15.5.3. During the shift, operational dispatch personnel are responsible for the operation of equipment under their operational control or supervision, in accordance with these Rules, instructions from equipment manufacturers and local instructions, safety regulations and other governing documents, as well as for the unconditional execution of orders senior operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.4. In case of violations of operating conditions, damage to equipment, as well as in the event of a fire, operational dispatch personnel immediately takes measures to restore normal operation and eliminate the emergency situation, prevent the development of a technological violation, and also report the incident to the relevant operational dispatch and management personnel, specialists in approved list. The orders of the superior operational dispatch personnel on issues within their competence are mandatory for execution by the operational dispatch personnel subordinate to them.

15.5.5. Equipment that is under the operational control or operational control of superior operational dispatch personnel cannot be put into operation or taken out of operation without the permission of superior operational dispatch personnel, except in cases of obvious danger to people and equipment.

15.5.6. The operational instructions of the superior operational dispatch personnel are issued in a clear and concise manner. After hearing the order, the subordinate operational dispatch personnel repeats the text of the order verbatim and receives confirmation that the order is understood correctly. The orders of superior operational dispatch personnel are carried out immediately and accurately.

Operational dispatch personnel, having given or received an order or permission, records it in the operational journal. If there is a tape recording, the volume of recording in the operational log is determined by the relevant management personnel and specialists.

15.5.7. Operational negotiations are conducted in accordance with accepted terminology. All thermal power plants, networks, process protection and automation devices are named in full according to the established dispatch names. Deviations from technical terminology and dispatch names are not permitted.

15.5.8. Orders to change the operating mode of an organization's equipment indicate the required value of the changed operating parameters and the time by which the specified value of individual parameters must be achieved, as well as the time the order is issued.

15.5.9. Operational dispatch personnel, having received an order from management personnel and specialists on issues within the competence of superior operational dispatch personnel, carries it out only with the consent of the latter.

15.5.10. Responsibility for failure to comply with the orders of superior operational dispatch personnel lies with the persons who did not comply with the order, as well as with the managers who authorized its non-compliance.

15.5.11. If the order of the superior operational dispatch personnel seems erroneous to the subordinate operational dispatch personnel, he immediately reports this to the person who gave the order. When the order is confirmed, the operational dispatch personnel carries it out and makes an entry in the operational journal.

15.5.12. Personnel of the operational dispatch personnel who are on reserve may be involved in performing work on servicing the power plant within the framework of the job description and only with the permission of the relevant management operational dispatch personnel who are on shift, with an entry in the operational log and the work log for work orders and orders.

15.5.13. Replacing one person from among the operational dispatch personnel with another before the start of the shift, if necessary, is permitted with the permission of the relevant management personnel and specialists who signed the schedule, and with notification of superior operational dispatch personnel.

Working two shifts in a row is not permitted.

15.5.14. Each employee from among the operational dispatch personnel, entering the workplace, takes over a shift from the previous employee, and after finishing work, hands over the shift to the next employee on the schedule.

Leaving duty without handing over your shift is not permitted. Operational managers take measures to ensure replacement of operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.15. When accepting a shift, an employee from among the operational dispatch personnel must:

  • familiarize yourself with the condition, layout and operating mode of thermal power plants under its operational management and supervision, to the extent determined by the relevant instructions;
  • obtain information from the person who passed the shift about equipment that requires particularly careful monitoring to prevent operational disruptions, and about equipment that is in reserve and under repair;
  • find out what work is being carried out according to requests, orders and orders in the area assigned to him;
  • check and accept tools, materials, keys to premises, operational documentation and workplace documentation;
  • familiarize yourself with all records and orders for the time that has passed since his previous duty;
  • accept a report from subordinate personnel and report to the immediate shift supervisor about the entry into duty and the shortcomings identified during the acceptance of the shift;
  • formalize the acceptance and delivery of a shift by making an entry in a journal or statement signed by him and the signature of the person handing over the shift.

15.5.16. Operations and dispatch personnel periodically, in accordance with local instructions, test the operation of automation devices, alarms, communications, and also check the correctness of the clock readings at the workplace, etc.

15.5.17. Operations and dispatch personnel, according to approved schedules, carry out the transition from working equipment to standby equipment, perform testing and preventive inspections of equipment.

15.5.18. Operational managers can replace fully or partially the operational dispatch personnel subordinate to them who are not fulfilling their duties, or redistribute responsibilities in a shift. In this case, an entry is made in the operational log or a written order is issued and the personnel at the appropriate levels of operational dispatch management are notified according to their subordination.

15.5.19. Operations and dispatch personnel, with the permission of the operational manager, can be briefly involved in repair work and testing, with exemption from duties at the workplace for this time and an entry in the operational log.

15.6. Switching in thermal circuits of boiler houses and heating networks

15.6.1. All switches in thermal circuits are carried out in accordance with local operating instructions and are reflected in operational documentation.

15.6.2. In cases not provided for in the instructions, as well as with the participation of two or more adjacent departments or organizations, switching is carried out according to the program.

Complex switches described in the instructions are also carried out according to the program.

15.6.3. Difficult switches include:

  • in thermal circuits with complex connections;
  • long-term;
  • on long-distance objects;
  • rarely performed.

Rarely performed switchings may include:

  • commissioning of main equipment after installation and reconstruction;
  • testing the strength and density of equipment and heating networks;
  • special equipment testing;
  • checking and testing new non-traditional methods of operating equipment, etc.

The degree of complexity of switching and the need to draw up a program for their implementation is determined by the technical manager, depending on the characteristics of the working conditions.

15.6.4. Each organization develops a list of complex switchings, approved by the technical manager. The list is adjusted taking into account the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes and schemes of technological protection and automation, etc. The list is revised once every 3 years. Copies of the list are located at the workplace of the organization’s operational dispatch personnel.

15.6.5. The technical manager of the organization approves a list of persons from management personnel and specialists who have the right to control the implementation of switchings carried out under the programs. The list is adjusted as personnel changes. Copies of the list are located at the workplace of the operational dispatch personnel of the workshop and with those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants and (or) networks.

15.6.6. The switching program specifies:

  • purpose of switching;
  • switch object;
  • list of measures to prepare for switching;
  • switching conditions;
  • planned start and end times of switching, which can be updated promptly;
  • if necessary, a diagram of the switching object (the names and numbering of elements of thermal power plants on the diagram must fully correspond to the names and numbering adopted in the organization);
  • the order and sequence of operations, indicating the position of shut-off and control elements and elements of technological protection and automation circuits;
  • operational dispatch personnel performing switchovers;
  • personnel involved in switching;
  • operational dispatch personnel supervising the implementation of switching operations;
  • in case of participation in the switching of two or more divisions of the organization - a person from the management staff and specialists performing general management:
  • in case of participation in the switching of two or more organizations - persons from the management personnel and specialists responsible for carrying out the switching in each organization, and a person from among the management staff and specialists exercising general management of the switching;
  • duties and responsibilities of persons specified in the program;
  • list of measures to ensure the safety of work;
  • actions of personnel in the event of an emergency or situation that threatens the lives of people and the integrity of equipment.

15.6.7. The program is approved by the technical manager of the organization, and if the program extends beyond the boundaries of one organization, by the technical managers of the organizations participating in the switching program.

15.6.8. For repeated switching, pre-compiled standard programs are used.

Standard programs are reviewed once every 3 years and adjusted with the commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes.

15.6.9. The switching program and standard switching programs are used by operational dispatch personnel and are operational documents when performing switching.

15.6.10. If the organization has a mnemonic diagram of thermal power plants and (or) networks, all changes are reflected on it after the end of the switching.