Photoshop layer rotation. Learning to rotate objects in Photoshop. How to rotate an image in Photoshop

Often, novice Photoshoppers do not know how to rotate a picture in Photoshop. In fact, everything is extremely simple. There are several ways to rotate a photo in Photoshop.

The first and fastest way is the free transform function. Called by pressing a keyboard shortcut CTRL+T on keyboard.

A special frame appears around the object on the active layer, which allows you to rotate the selected element.

To rotate, you need to move the cursor to one of the corners of the frame. The cursor will take the form of an arcing arrow, indicating that it is ready to rotate.

Pressed key SHIFT allows you to rotate an object in steps of 15 degrees, that is, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, etc.

The next method is the tool "Frame".

Unlike free transform "Frame" rotates the entire canvas.

The principle of operation is the same - move the cursor to the corner of the canvas and, after it (the cursor) takes the form of a double arc arrow, rotate it in the desired direction.

Key SHIFT in this case it works the same way, but first you need to start rotating, and only then clamp it.

The third way is to use the function "Image Rotation", which is in the menu "Image".

Here you can rotate the entire image 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise, or 180 degrees. You can also set an arbitrary value.

In the same menu, it is possible to reflect the entire canvas horizontally or vertically.

You can also mirror an image in Photoshop during free transformation. To do this, after pressing the hot keys CTRL+T, you need to right-click inside the frame and select one of the items.

Practice and choose for yourself one of these methods of image rotation that seems most convenient to you.

How to rotate in Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop is an excellent image processing program equipped with a wide variety of functions. Very often when working with an image there is a need to reorient it. In Photoshop, you can rotate an image, layer or other object easily and without loss of quality.

How to rotate an image in Photoshop

Often a photograph is taken with the camera turned so that the image is lying on its side. This problem can be easily dealt with using a command from the menu.

Select the “Image” tab at the top. A drop-down menu opens. There we find the item “Rotate image” and select the desired action. The editor will offer to rotate the drawing 180 degrees, 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.

Typically, to position a photo you need to rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise.

If you rotate the image 180 degrees, we get its mirror image.

If, to create a collage, the author needs to rotate the image to some intermediate angle, there is also the following item in the same menu: “Arbitrarily”. There you can choose any desired angle. When these commands are executed, the editor will rotate the drawing around its center by the specified angle without the slightest distortion.

The “Rotate Canvas” commands are selected if the drawing itself does not occupy the entire area of ​​the open file, and you need to rotate not only the drawing, but the entire file. When you select the “Rotate canvas horizontally” command, the image will be mirrored.

How to rotate an object in Photoshop

If there is a need to rotate not the entire image, but only part of it, you will first need to select this very object.

  1. In the left panel we find the “Select” tool. If you right-click on it, you can select a rectangular or oval area. Using the selected tool, select the part of the picture that needs to be rotated.
  2. If, as happens more often, you need to rotate an area of ​​a more intricate shape than a rectangle or oval, then you need to select the Lasso tool in the left panel.
  3. Having selected the object that needs to be rotated, use the tab from the menu at the top - “Editing”.
  4. By clicking “Editing”, we find the “Transformation” or “Contour Transformation” item, but not “Free Transformation”.
  5. In the drop-down menu, select the “Rotate” command.
  6. Move the mouse pointer over the selected area so that it looks like an arc with arrows at the ends. Use the mouse to rotate the selected area by the required number of degrees.

This method is good for its clarity: you can immediately see what happens. Just keep in mind that when you rotate part of the picture, most likely, in some places a background will appear from under the rotated part that does not match the picture.

How to rotate a layer in Photoshop

One of the advantages of Photoshop is the ability to work with layers. Layers form themselves when a fragment is inserted into a picture. Many such fragments can be inserted. When adding a new fragment on top of existing ones, the first ones remain unchanged. They can be transformed individually without affecting either the background or other layers.

For ease of use, you can make all currently unnecessary layers temporarily invisible. To do this, you need the “Layers” panel, which is usually located at the bottom right. It displays all the layers in the drawing and their thumbnails. To the left of each sketch is an eye.

If you click on an eye, it will “close” and the corresponding layer will become invisible in the drawing. He didn't disappear, he just moved away temporarily.

To rotate one layer, you need to select it in the panel and make it active. Then you should follow steps 4-6 from the previous chapter. The layer will rotate.

Photoshop: how to rotate text

First, we type the text that needs to be rotated. To do this, in the toolbar on the left, find the “Text” tool - the letter “T”, click it. In the picture, mark the area where the text will be placed, and type it.

In the menu at the top there is a “Text” tab, and in it there is an “Orientation” item. With its help, you can place the typed text vertically or horizontally.

If you need to rotate the text at an arbitrary angle, you should act in exactly the same way as with the layer. Actually, the typed text forms a new layer. Therefore, you can work with text in exactly the same way as described in the previous chapter: rotate it using the “Transform” command.

How to rotate a brush in Photoshop

Photoshop has a large set of different brushes. To see it, you need to click on the tool in the “Brush” panel on the left. If there is no such tool, right-click on the “Pencil” square in the same panel and select “Brush”.

At the top, under the main menu, click on the “Turn on/off brushes panel” icon. A panel with a new menu will appear. Select “Brush tip shape”, a window will open with a set of various brush designs. Among them there will surely be a suitable one. One problem: many brushes are asymmetrical, and it is possible that you need a brush exactly like this one, only oriented differently.

No problem. There are several useful options under the brushes window. By selecting the desired brush in the window, you can flip it along the X-axis, along the Y-axis, or rotate it to the desired angle. The shape of the brush will remain the same, only the orientation in space will change.

After the brush is selected and rotated in the desired direction, you need to click on the icon under the “Turn on/off brushes panel” menu. The panel will disappear, and the selected brush will remain “in your hands”, and you can paint with it.

We look for the word “Image” in the top panel, it is on the third line from the left. Click on it with the left mouse button. And what do we see? A menu appears in which there are buttons such as “Crop” “Trimming” “Canvas Size” and so on. Here we need to find a button like “Rotate canvas”, it is the ninth one both from the bottom and from the top. Remember, if a small triangle is drawn next to such a button on the right, it means that a menu drops out of it. And so we click on the “Rotate canvas” button and see in it the following actions: “180 degrees”, “90 degrees clockwise”, “90 degrees counterclockwise”, “Arbitrary”. There are two more points, but we will look at them later.

If we press "180 degrees", the image that we opened at the beginning of the task is turned upside down.

If we click “90 degrees clockwise”, then our image turns out to be rotated with the right edge towards the bottom.

If we click “90 degrees counterclockwise,” then the image is rotated with the left edge down and the right edge up.

There is another interesting item here: “At will”. Having selected it, a window appears in which we can independently set the degree of rotation. Also in this window you can select in which direction the rotation will be made.

We figured this out. Let's get down to those mysterious two buttons that I talked about earlier: “Flip Canvas Horizontally” and “Flip Canvas Vertically”. If you want to make a mirror image of this picture, then these two magic keys will help us. Let’s select the “Flip canvas horizontally” option and what do we get? The effect is as if a mirror was placed next to our picture on the right.

We will see the same effect, only the mirror will no longer be on the right, but on top, if we select the “Flip canvas vertically” option.

But remember that with these methods we rotated the entire canvas. And in order to rotate only the image you have selected in the “Layers” window, you need to go to the “Edit” - “Transform” menu. In this menu you will find everything the same as in the canvas rotation menu. It is worth remembering that a pinned image cannot be rotated this way. The pinned image has a padlock next to the mini icon in the Layers window. In order to unlock it, you need to click on the mini image in the “Layers” window and, in the window that appears, click “OK”.

Hurray, we figured out the first method of turning. We will continue to learn the boundaries of image rotation in the following lessons. You can watch them right now. In the article “you can find another way to rotate an image. See you soon!

Rotating images, objects, layers in Photoshop is something we do every time we create photo manipulations, text, and other digital works. Many people do this intuitively, and for beginners, using the Rotate Tool can be a real challenge.

In this tutorial I'll go over some things you should know about the Rotate Tool. You'll see how you can achieve a variety of rotation effects using the different parameters of this tool. Knowing some tricks will help you save time and effort.

Step 1

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to rotate an object, image, and canvas in Photoshop. I'll be using Photoshop CS5, so there may be slight differences in the menu names, but the functionality will remain the same.

By objects I mean text, shape and any details that are separated from the background. For example, like the butterfly image that I will use.

To rotate an object, go to the Edit > Transform menu and select Rotate, or use the CTRL + T hotkey.

To call the Free Transform tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Free Transform) Press Ctrl + T (Win) or Command + T (Mac). After this, a bounding box will appear around the object. Move the mouse cursor to one of the outer markers - it will look like a double-sided arrow. Now rotate the object.

If you want to use the additional functions of the Rotate Tool, you can use the Free Transform tool menu (

",this,event,"320px");">Free Transform): for example, you can enter the exact rotation angle, as shown in the screenshot:

When rotating objects, images, text, there are some standard rotations, such as Flip Vertical, Rotate 180, Rotate 90 CW, Rotate 90 Counterclockwise 90 CCW) - these items are located in the Editing> Transform menu (Edit> Transform).

In the screenshot below, the first butterfly is rotated 180 degrees and reflected vertically, the second is rotated 90 clockwise, and the third is rotated 90 counterclockwise:

In addition to the Rotation Angle, there is a parameter called Reference Point, which is available when the Free Transform tool is active (

",this,event,"320px");">Free Transform) and is located in the properties panel at the top of the screen. If you click on one of the eight numeric values, you can get different results when rotating or scaling, even if the rotation angle remains the same.

Step 2

Using an image of nature as an example, we will look at another way to use the Rotate Tool - rotating the image.

As you can see, when you rotate an image with the Rotate Transform tool, the image may extend beyond the canvas area. To solve this problem, use the menu Image\u003e Rotate canvas (Image\u003e Image Rotation) and select one of the suggested options. But in this case, along with the image, all the layers it contains will be rotated. So it is better to use this command to rotate those images that do not contain layers.

Step 3

The next method of rotation is the rotation of individual letters in the text. Photoshop makes it easy to rotate, flip, and scale entire words or lines of text in a document. But what if you need to transform only one letter in a word or transform several letters in different ways: rotate one, flip others horizontally or vertically?

To do this, make the text layer active and go to the menu Layer> Text> Convert to Curves (Layer> Type> Convert to Shape). The text layer will now be converted to a shape layer with a mask. Select the Path Selection tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Path Selection Tool) and click on any letter.

Once the letter is selected, you can transform it by calling the Free Transform tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Free Transform). The letter can be rotated, enlarged or reduced.

If you want to flip a letter vertically or horizontally, with the Free Transform tool (

",this,event,"320px");">Free Transform) right-click inside the bounding box and select Flip Vertical/Horizontal. Afterwards, press the Enter key to apply the transformation.

Hello! In today's lesson on learning Photoshop, we will learn several ways to rotate a picture in Photoshop. Imagine this situation. You photograph your campaign, but if you hold the camera level, the entire campaign won’t fit. So you are forced to turn the camera sideways so that the whole company can fit in. Another case. A very drunk or very creative person took a photo of you holding the camera upside down. All these situations are displayed on the computer monitor, when viewing them you have to turn your head, now to the left, now to the right. Today Photoshop will help us deal with this problem. Since you still have no idea how difficult and dangerous this activity is, we’ll probably start with simple things.

There are several ways to rotate an image in Adobe PhotoShop. I will now show you the simplest and most accessible of them. We stretch our arms in front of us towards the screen and with a light and graceful movement we take our monitor by the upper left and lower right corners. Slightly lift the monitor above the table and turn it the required number of degrees in the direction you are interested in. Now we can proudly say that we have completed this difficult task.

But don’t be upset if this method doesn’t suit you, there is another way. Let's start with the simplest thing. We look for the word “Image” in the top panel, it is on the third line from the left. Click on it with the left mouse button. And what do we see? A menu appears in which there are buttons such as “Crop” “Trimming” “Canvas Size” and so on. Here we need to find a button like “Rotate canvas”, it is the ninth one both from the bottom and from the top. Remember, if a small triangle is drawn next to such a button on the right, it means that a menu drops out of it. And so we click on the “Rotate canvas” button and see in it the following actions: “180 degrees”, “90 degrees clockwise”, “90 degrees counterclockwise”, “Arbitrary”. There are two more points, but we will look at them later.

If we press "180 degrees", the image that we opened at the beginning of the task is turned upside down.

If we click “90 degrees clockwise”, then our image turns out to be rotated with the right edge towards the bottom.

If we click “90 degrees counterclockwise,” then the image is rotated with the left edge down and the right edge up.

There is another interesting item here: “At will”. Having selected it, a window appears in which we can independently set the degree of rotation. Also in this window you can select in which direction the rotation will be made.

We figured this out. Let's get down to those mysterious two buttons that I talked about earlier: “Flip Canvas Horizontally” and “Flip Canvas Vertically”. If you want to make a mirror image of this picture, then these two magic keys will help us. Let’s select the “Flip canvas horizontally” option and what do we get? The effect is as if a mirror was placed next to our picture on the right.

We will see the same effect, only the mirror will no longer be on the right, but on top, if we select the “Flip canvas vertically” option.

But remember that with these methods we rotated the entire canvas. And in order to rotate only the image you have selected in the “Layers” window, you need to go to the “Edit” - “Transform” menu. In this menu you will find everything the same as in the canvas rotation menu. It is worth remembering that a pinned image cannot be rotated this way. The pinned image has a padlock next to the mini icon in the Layers window. In order to unlock it, you need to click on the mini image in the “Layers” window and, in the window that appears, click “OK”.

Hurray, we figured out the first method of turning. We will continue to learn the boundaries of image rotation in the following lessons. You can watch them right now. In the article “How to enlarge an image in Photoshop? ” you can find another way to rotate the image. See you soon!