We make our changes to GTA San Andreas. Mods that changed the world of GTA San Andreas for the good

Cosmetic appearance changes from the interaction menu for $100,000. For more dramatic changes, use the method described below.

Unfortunately, changing a character’s appearance in the game using “legal” methods is only possible once - upon reaching level 6 or higher, the next time you enter the game, you will be asked to change any of the customizable appearance parameters. Even the floor. UPD: Starting from client version 1.37, it is no longer possible to change the character's gender.

But there is a way to get into the appearance change menu at any character level. The method was tested on the current version (1.35). So.

We will need to create a second character. If you already have it, you will have to sacrifice it. As a sacrifice to beauty, which, as you know, requires it. If your character is above level six, you will have to delete him. Simply put, create a new one in its place.

Gender, appearance, etc. do not matter. You just need to create, wear and go online for it.

As soon as the character has reached the sixth level, exit to GTA 5 and go to the main page menu -> net -> choose a character. We choose our second “dummy” character. The game will ask if we want to change our appearance. This is the moment of truth.

Without clicking “yes” or “no”, we turn off the Internet. Turn off the router, unplug the cord, and squeeze out the glass. And we just wait. We wait until a message appears saying that we are disconnected from the Rockstar Social Club.

We are putting the Internet back on track.

Reconnect to the Social Club and follow the route again Main menu -> net -> choose a character. But this time we choose ours main character.

And the game will again offer us to change his appearance. And now we are already changing the appearance of our character in the editor.

The glitch is quite old, and there is little chance that it will be patched.

September 15, 2016

9 comments on “How to change your appearance in GTA Online”

    Thank you very much!
    Everything worked out.

    I bought a house online and went to change clothes.
    Who knew that the things I took would simply disappear)))
    But your advice helped me return to my previous appearance, at no cost.
    Now I’ve already saved the suit 😉

    bug fixed, you can partially change your appearance, but you can’t change your gender 07/02/2018

    inderrero, try using standard means through the interaction menu.

    Doesn’t show what was knocked out of the services. I waited 10 minutes and got fed up

    nerd, if it’s not possible from this menu, then apparently there’s no way 🙁
    The glitch was probably partially covered.

    This method cannot change gender, please help me if I’m wrong, May 27, 2017.

    May 2017, the method works

    April 2017, the bug has not yet been fixed

    Nichoshi! I thought there was no more of this glitch! Thank you!!

There are projects that change the industry, or at least the genre, once and for all. If we talk about GTA... this series truly changed the world, becoming an integral part of popular culture. Even many of those who are not interested in games at all know about it.


There are projects that change the industry, or at least the genre, once and for all. Speaking of... this series truly changed the world, becoming an integral part of popular culture. Even many of those who are not interested in games at all know about it. Moreover, this is what they remember when they talk about “the harmful influence of video games on the consciousness of the younger generation.” And indeed, not a single project has provoked so many lawsuits or generated so many scandals around itself. Jack Thompson and in general managed to make a career out of cases against Rockstar. Some American teenagers, having outplayed the game, actually took up arms, but, of course, the point here was not at all in the game, but in the teenagers themselves. As for the genre itself, she didn’t change it - she created it. Here we were given a full-fledged sandbox for the first time. A city where you can do ANYTHING and do almost anything. So, 1997 - let's go!

In our country a studio DMA Design No one really knew, and the game itself was hardly noticed at first. Well, another race with the strange name “Autothief”... so what? However, those who, for one reason or another, installed it on their computer from some disc like “50 Best Races” simply could not tear themselves away once they tried the product properly. Then their friends and friends of friends found out about the game. Thus, a community was formed around the project, with almost complete absence of PR, which only grew over time.

And in the game there was something to amuse myself. As many as 3 cities, a storyline and, most importantly, the opportunity to do a bunch of completely useless, but wildly interesting things. Here you could chop up passers-by with a machine gun, and then run away from the police for a long time, changing cars and blowing up everything in your path. The amount of endorphin at these moments simply went off scale. And neither the view from above nor the mediocre controls interfered with its development. Those who caught this moment remember very well what it took to spend half an hour on the run with a five-star wanted level.

In the first part, the main vector was specified. Further, new details and capabilities were introduced into the series, its size increased, but the basic principles remained the same: they ran up to the car, hit the driver in the face, took his place and off they went. To the point.

Later, 2 addons were released for the game. GTA: London 1969 and GTA: London 1961, where the concept was combined with a peculiar English humor Guy Ritchie and the style of James Bond. In addition to the unusual atmosphere and right-hand traffic, the add-on included a lot of new cars (and if you take into account the time of action, then, rather, on the contrary - old ones), weapons and locations.

The public was already watching the second part more closely. It turned out, in general, exactly what was expected from her. It was still the same, but a little more beautiful, bigger and brighter. The game's graphics have been significantly improved. Although the retro style and gloomy color scheme were not to everyone's taste, the number of satisfied people still significantly exceeded the number of disappointed ones. From now on, it was possible to install machine guns on cars, and if you got into, for example, a taxi, there was an opportunity to earn money by transporting passengers. But the main innovation, of course, was gangs. There were three of them in each part of the city, and their relationship to the player directly depended on the latter’s actions. There was also multiplayer, which has undergone significant changes since the previous part. All this made me love the second part no less than the first. Excellent sales also contributed to the fact that DMA Design got the opportunity to transfer their new game to 3D and introduce a bunch of new features there. This is where the revolution happened.

In the second half of 2002, going into almost any computer club, of which there were many at that time, one could see a bunch of cackling schoolchildren. And most of them were united by one thing, but a fiery passion - they played. They crushed pedestrians, beat cops with baseball bats, heavily introduced memorized cheats, and tried to fly from island to island using a tank. The developers themselves probably did not expect such wild popularity of the game. Almost everyone who was interested in computer games played then. And there was a reason for it.

The virtual Liberty City, reminiscent of the Big Apple, gave the player a lot of opportunities. The storyline was not particularly original, but with its help it was possible to open new areas of the city, separated by bridges, and there... there you could have fun. A bunch of additional missions for an ambulance worker, a fireman, a policeman and a taxi driver, various races - all this did not let you get bored. And if the player did start to yawn, he could start collecting packages hidden throughout the map. As they were collected, new weapons appeared near the garage. The garages themselves have also become much more functional. From now on, it is possible to save and store cars you especially like. In general, in addition to cars, players were allowed to travel on boats, and on the last island they could find a small Dodo airplane. True, unfortunately, due to the cut off wings, an attempt to take it into the air usually ended in failure.

Radio continued to evolve. Several radio stations were constantly in full swing, with funny commercials parodying real ones, presenters constantly joking, and the music fit perfectly into the overall atmosphere. What can I say, we listen to these “beautiful 90s” even now. Besides, DMA Design Some famous actors were invited to do the voice acting.

Here, for the first time, a good platform for creating custom modifications appeared. Cars, costumes, store signs and even some multiplayer - the tradition of creating mods that significantly extended the life of the project came from here.

As you know, laws are made so that they can be broken. Gaming restrictions in some popular games can also be broken, but creatively and for good purposes.

In order to change the world around you, you need to decide on a rather desperate step. It will take a lot of time and thought. After all, you can change the world in different ways, and for each person such a change can also be completely different.

For some, a serious change is a change in the team and company in which you previously had work experience, and for others it is a major restructuring in your own home. However, there is another way you can change the world without having virtually any knowledge and without spending a lot of your own time on it. We are talking, of course, about changing the virtual world. The same game world in which you sometimes spend the whole day without a break.

One of the most popular ways to kill your time by completing a couple of missions is GTA San Andreas. Cars for GTA 4, which are presented in the game file itself, provide players with a huge number of opportunities on how to complete a particular mission, as well as how to prove themselves in the game.

However, no program can be considered ideal under any circumstances. This means that it’s time to change the popular, but rather boring environment for the game GTA San Andreas. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance - it is enough to have an idea of ​​​​what you want to change and, in fact, the source through which this can be done.

There are several ways to change the course of the gameplay based on this game.

First of all, you can use the simplest and most common one - to change the vehicles available there. Cars for GTA San Andreas in its original official version have some resemblance to what actually exists in our everyday life. It’s certainly nice when you can guess this or that brand of car provided by the developers, but you still want to drive a more realistic version of it. In order to do this, you can load such objects yourself.

Another way to make changes that you think are worthwhile is to add to the list of weapon objects and characters. As a rule, this opportunity is provided by the same sources that were involved with cars.

In addition, significant changes can be made without additional loading of any specific set of objects. For example, you can simply install a certain mod and the game will radically change your idea of ​​the world of GTA San Andreas.

In GTA San Andreas, mods are the content that significantly increases interest in the game. When the entire standard world has been explored, the locations have been studied by heart, and the plot has been completed several times, only additional author's developments can save you from boredom.

The official developers from Rockstar Games have always made their project free for further improvements. This does not mean that the games were not fully completed. The thing is that the huge world of GTA San Andreas is ideal for various types of upgrades and the most interesting of them will be discussed in the article.

Setting and character faces

If the user wants to download animations for GTA San Andreas that concern the face of the main character and other characters, then another fix will be suitable for this.

All mods that are presented in this article have automatic installation, this also applies to the animation file. The player launches the installer, selects the game folder and waits for the job to complete. Facial animations make interacting with characters more pleasant.

In the 2004 game they look too crooked. The modification will make them smoother; the main thing is to download the content from a reliable site so as not to receive malicious software as an unpleasant addition.

Real Survival

The zombie mod for GTA San Andreas is very popular because it completely changes the gameplay. It has four modes, one of which is a full-fledged storyline. The main character, policeman Mike, is trying to understand the cause of the total infection in the state, to group the surviving people around him in order to find a safe place.

Mod Zombie Andreas

The second mode, “Survival,” is a full-fledged sandbox, where the user will have to go through randomly generated missions in a group of four people. Hacking cars, searching for food and fuel, constant struggle - all this is provided. The user can also experience the role of a full-fledged zombie, which is notable for global modifications for GTA San Andreas.

In them, the game is greatly transformed, and here the user, in the role of one of the walking dead, will hunt people. His task is to kill the maximum number of surviving people within a specified time. The latest mode, “Madness,” involves survival in difficult conditions in a small arena in the company of the most dangerous zombies. Fast hunters and witches will try in every possible way to take away each of the player's ten lives. The modification quickly returns interest to the project with the help of the popular zombie theme.

Transport operations

Every GTA fan will agree that there are only a few fun cars to drive in San Andreas. They are difficult to find, and even if you manage to do so, you soon get tired of having fun with them. Mods for GTA San Andreas with automatic installation are called upon to save fans of the car simulator.

Many authors have worked on individual models for replacing machines, and some have approached this problem from a more global point of view. This is how a mod called Real Cars was created. After its installation, all vehicles in the game are replaced with better, and most importantly real, models.

Mod Real Cars

The player will be able to try out cars from world manufacturers with realistic controls. The oldest car in this assembly dates back to 1992. Most of them are sports cars and supercars that can accelerate to high speedometer readings. Equally important is that they are all distinguished by high quality workmanship. Not only the body is detailed, but also the interior inside.

Car textures after installing the Real Cars mod

Textures are not visible anywhere, there are no black spots, and damage is displayed correctly. It’s a pleasure to drive such cars on the roads of a large state. Just to try them all out will take ten hours, which is already a lot, but you will also want to create your own collection.

Global changes towards native surroundings

“Criminal Russia” mod for GTA San Andreas is perhaps the most popular in the entire CIS. A huge team of authors worked on this project and decided to change the staff beyond recognition. They decided that it is not always pleasant to have fun in the American area, because many users would like to plunge into their native expanses of digital format.

This is exactly what the emphasis was placed on in this modification. The authors completely changed the environment in GTA San Andreas. The city in it resembles a Russian settlement, where parks, squares, and attractions border on destroyed buildings and dark streets. The authors even added their own plot, which is closer in spirit to the 90s. The heyday of crime is shown quite believably, but this modification is attractive not only for this. The developers approached their work with great responsibility.

Changed city of San Andreas after installing the “Criminal Russia” mod

They replaced the countryside, worked on the details, and also added domestically produced vehicles. On the roads you can see Lada, VAZ, UAZ, IZH and others. All models with high-quality textures, realistic controls and correct display of damage. The modification can restore interest in the game for a long time.

Major change

Whatever the build of San Andreas, the content soon begins to get boring, even after a hundred hours have passed. At such moments, you want to find something new, material that brings back interest in your favorite game. Similar options are already described in the article, but there is another one worthy of attention. This concerns the GTA V mod for San Andreas, which greatly changes the game world.

The authors aimed at the largest update of the entire state. They decided to transfer the fifth part to the 2004 game engine with some changes. Of course, the GTA 5 ENB modification did not claim the same scope as the original full-fledged project. The authors decided to move the core with the three main characters and changes in the world around them. It turned out to be a worthy replacement for those whose computer is not up to a fifth.

The modders managed to convey the atmosphere of crime and sarcasm properly. After installation, all transport in the project is replaced, new buildings are opened, but the requirements for hardware also increase. GTA San Andreas ran even on the weakest computers. Much more power is already required here, which should be taken into account. The authors tried to take care of optimization, but in some places the frame rate sags. This is just a small minus compared to all the possibilities of the mod.

Sound changes

If you look at the 2004 game with a critical eye, you will see that even the sounds in it do not sound natural, and this often causes irritation. To change this disadvantage, you should download mods for GTA San Andreas SAMP, which are also suitable for single-player mode.

Special packs add natural sound for different types of weapons and reflections are visible between them. The authors also worked on different transport models so that the difference between them could be heard. They can only be called big mods for GTA San Andreas with a stretch, but the addition of full-fledged Russian voice acting deserves such a title. All fans know that Rockstar Games does not allow official studios to add their translations to games in this series.

Localization of the game in Russia

The main reason is the lack of trust in localizers, which can harm the atmosphere in the project. This did not stop the modders from making amateur translations of all missions, dialogues and cutscenes. It may not be a professional job, but it is recommended for all people to add it. At times, it helps you not to be distracted by subtitles, but to concentrate on the gameplay, without losing the meaning of the characters’ conversations. This is its main advantage, plus the modification is completely free. The authors have made their work publicly available.

The speed in the game is not limited to 300 km/h - this is complete nonsense. If you don’t understand the parameters well, use the programs - they generally describe everything, where and how. I have always (since GTA 3) broken all the game configuration files with my hands. A little explanation on the main parameters used (I’ll use my own language):
A - car name
B - real mass
C - mass used when an object interacts with others (set it to 100,000 and all cars will fly apart like matches in a collision)
D - friction coefficient. The main parameter responsible for the speed characteristics of the car (speed and acceleration). The lower the parameter, the higher the acceleration and speed of the car. The ideal value is 0.
H - center of gravity. It can fluctuate from -1 to 1; with a reasonable approach, I don’t recommend it at all above 0 and below -0.5. The lower the parameter, the more stable the car is when turning, leaning and jumping. At -0.5 it is very difficult to roll over - the car can stand on its wheels even from the roof.
J is the friction coefficient responsible for the sharpness of turns. It can range from 0 to 1, although in principle it can be higher. Most cars cost an average of 0.7-0.9. For example, if you set it to 0.5, the car barely turns; if you set it to 1.5, it turns on the spot at the slightest turn.
K - I don’t remember exactly, but something like loss of traction. From 0 to 1. A smaller value leads to a greater loss of traction, a larger value, on the contrary, increases traction. Set it to 0.2 and your car drives like it’s on ice.
N - speed (from 0 to... as much as you want). A reasonable maximum is 350-400.
O - acceleration (from 0 to... as much as you want). A reasonable maximum of 100.
Q - drive (4, R, F - full, rear, front, respectively)
S - braking force. Many cars lock their wheels by default when braking. Most likely they have overestimated this parameter. I usually start from 8, if they are still blocked, I try to reduce it by 0.2, if it slows down without blocking, then I can try increasing the value. This way you can find the optimal braking force for each car without locking the wheels.
V is the angle of rotation of the wheel. 30 degrees can be considered the optimal value. It can be a little higher - 35 or 40.
a - suspension stiffness (2 or 1). Long to describe.
b - suspension damping (0.1 or 0.2). Long to describe.
d - suspension travel (maximum stretch). From 0 to 1. The more, the more the car will be raised. You try to set 0.1 and 0.5. You compare.
e - suspension travel (maximum compression). From 0 to -1. The less, the more the car will sag during bumps. You try to set -0.1 and -0.5. You compare.
ab - parameter responsible for receiving damage from impacts or collisions. If you put it at 0, the car is immortal, if you put it at 10, it will be killed by the slightest hit on the curb.

All other parameters are not particularly important, but if you are interested, write or knock, I’ll tell you.
P.S. Regarding the 300 km/h limit that you spoke about. You put D - 0, N - 1000, O - 200 and look at the speed.